Main / News / Representatives of Kazakhstan and Romania discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation
Representatives of Kazakhstan and Romania discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation

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Today, at KATRU Gendelman Hall, there was a meeting with the Romanian delegation and the management of the SOYTEK company. The delegation included Sebastian Salaru, head of the Bureau of Trade and Economic Assistance of the Romanian Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of the SOYTEK company and former Minister of Agriculture of Romania Stelian Fuia, embassy partner Irinel Ploska, and Suzanna Grigorenko, manager for Eastern Europe of the Romanian Embassy in the Republic Kazakhstan.

The meeting was opened by the KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov, who spoke about the relations between the two countries in the cultural, economic, scientific and agricultural spheres, which began back in 1992, and noted that today the partnership is rapidly developing in the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding and cooperation.

“One of the leading branches of agriculture in Kazakhstan, like Romania, is plant breeding and seed production of agricultural crops. The total area of ​​oilseeds in the republic increased from 2,800 thousand hectares in 2018 to 3,000 thousand hectares in 2023. Along with the growth of arable land, the production of oilseeds has been also increasing: in 2023 it will reach 3,050 thousand tons and increased by 29% compared to 2018,” Kanat Maratovich said in his speech.

During the meeting, the head of the company, former Minister of Agriculture of Romania Stelian Fuia, gave detailed information about the company.

SOYTEK is a Romanian technology and innovation company, today engaged in genetics in 15 European countries, including France, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Ukraine. STINE SEED is the largest soybean seed company developing innovative H2 Optimum technology that optimizes water use for field crops. With two-thirds of the 45-million-hectare U.S. soybean market, STINE is a global leader in introducing new types of corn genetics through licensed seed under the STINE brand.

After meeting, the parties discussed mutually beneficial relations and confirmed their mutual interest in further expanding long-term cooperation.