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Partnership with AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow

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Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University is actively working in the field of expanding international cooperation. Today, the university has established permanent connections with leading higher education institutions in the world to exchange knowledge on scientific and academic issues. In particular, KATRU works with 35 countries of the world within the framework of more than 180 existing agreements and memorandums. One of them is the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland.

In order to intensify bilateral cooperation, on June 17, 2024, KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov met with professors of the AGH University of Science and Technology, Mr. Jacek Cieslik and Ms. Eva Slobodzyan.

The official meeting was attended by vice-rectors of the university, heads of departments and deans of faculties.

During the meeting, Rector Kanat Maratovich gave full information about KATRU and elaborated on the work being carried out today as part of the transformation.

“Our university, founded in 1957, is the first higher education institution in the capital. Our university offers higher education in all major bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs. KATRU, using the international standard of project management, began the process of transforming the university into a world-class university in November 2022. The main goal is to be among the top 500 universities in the world. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the team, the university takes its rightful place in the world's largest rankings of higher education institutions.

In 2023, the university officially received the status of a research university. The university intends to further strengthen international ties with the AGH University of Science and Technology by expanding the network of partners and participating in international projects,” said Kanat Maratovich.

In turn, AGH University professors Mr. Jacek Cieslik and Ms. Ewa Slobodzyan expressed gratitude to Kanat Maratovich for today’s meeting and expressed a desire to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation between KazATIU and AGH University at a new level.

“AGH University of Science and Technology is a modern university that is actively involved in creating a knowledge-based society and developing innovative technologies. Our university occupies a prestigious position in the country and is well known abroad. AGH University is one of 10 higher education institutions in Poland with research university status. More than 19 thousand students study at the educational institution. Experienced staff, modern laboratories, a unique campus and, above all, international connections are our most important assets. Cooperation between AGH University and KATRU has been established since 2015. As a result of the partnership, the teaching staff of the two universities closely and fruitfully cooperate with each other,” said Mr. Jacek Cieslik, showing a video about Poland and Krakow and introducing in detail the life of the university, which was founded in 1912.

“We sincerely thank you and express our deep gratitude for the fruitful cooperation with the university. I am confident that your visits today will give new impetus to relations and cooperation between our countries. In the future, our relations will be built on a mutually beneficial basis, and we hope that your rich experience will serve as a guide and example for us in strategic partnership,” said Rector Tireuov.

At the end of the constructive discussion, Kanat Maratovich presented the honored guests with a university souvenir. In turn, foreign professors Jacek Cieslik and Ewa Slobodzyan expressed gratitude to the Chairman of the Board - Rector and the university members for the important meeting.