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Meeting with Chinese scientists

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KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov met with the Chairman of the Council of the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr. Huang Xiguan, and representatives of the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry and discussed issues of expanding cooperation.

“As you know, our university is developing cooperation with leading universities in China through the exchange of students and teaching staff, improving professional competence, internships and training of specialists in order to implement joint scientific projects,” Kanat Maratovich said during the meeting.

The Chairman of the Council of the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr. Huang Xiguan, expressed gratitude to the management and staff of the university for their attention and for the bilateral meeting at KATRU. In his speech, Mr. Huang Xiguan focused on the main tasks of universities and presented a number of proposals.

Chairman of the Board - Rector Tireuov noted that forestry is one of the most important areas and stated that he is ready to consider proposals from Chinese scientists.

“We are preparing to open the “Demonstration Park of Chinese-Kazakh Food Safety Processing and Control Technologies” at our university together with our colleagues from the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry. KATRU is conducting a number of events in the course of developing mutual cooperation and increasing areas of cooperation in order to increase the speed of their development, bringing joint activities to the desired result,” noted Kanat Maratovich.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center, as well as KATRU heads of departments.

During the meeting, Kanat Maratovich presented the Saken Seifullin medal to the Chairman of the Council of the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr. Huang Xiguan.

At the end of the meeting, both parties agreed on the systematic implementation of the proposals and exchanged memorable gifts.