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Water security discussed with Chinese businessmen

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Relations between Kazakhstan and China are developing rapidly every year.

Today, KATRU Chairman of the Board – Rector, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov met with the Vice President of DAYU Irrigation Group, Ms. Cui Jing, and company representatives.

Opening the meeting, Chairman of the Board-Rector Tireuov thanked the company representatives who came to Astana for their contribution to the development of our bilateral cooperation and noted how important it is for our university.

At the same time, Kanat Maratovich emphasized that today’s meeting is dedicated to the problems of water resources, to which Kazakhstan attaches great importance.

Over the past two decades, there has been growing concern about the state of the planet's water resources, the increase in their consumption and the volume of pollution.

Stating that the widespread use of irrigation in the countries of Central Asia, as well as the acceleration of the pace of industrialization led to a shortage of already limited water resources in the region, the head of KATRU said that 2 new programs have been opened at our university: “Water Resources and Hydrology” for bachelors and “Water resources management and water diplomacy” for masters. He said that an educational program had been developed, and that this year the university would accept undergraduate and graduate students for the first time to study in these educational programs.

“Yesterday the work of the first international summer school dedicated to water resources of KATRU started: students, scientists and specialists in the field of water resources from the states of Central Asia and the People's Republic of China will study and establish contacts.

University scientists conduct a thorough analysis of technologies for solving the problem of water scarcity in Kazakhstan and the world and its effective use. Therefore, in order for today’s meeting to be effective, we have prepared a number of proposals:

- Opening at KATRU a branch of a modern and leading higher education institution in this field, engaged in the research and implementation of advanced technologies for the efficient use of water resources of the People's Republic of China;

- Implementation of joint educational programs and double degree programs with the Chinese University in order to train specialists involved in solving water problems in the future.”

Chairman of the Board-Rector Kanat Tireuov drew attention to the creation of a Kazakh-Chinese hub for water resources management, dealing with irrigation, land reclamation and other water issues on the basis KATRU in cooperation with the Chinese University and DAYU Irrigation Group.

In turn, the vice president of DAYU Irrigation Group, Ms. Cui Jing, introduced the representatives of DAYU Irrigation Group who came with her and spoke about the company’s activities.

For 20 years since its inception, the company has been providing solutions and services for agriculture, rural areas and water resources. The company is involved in agricultural water conservation, urban and rural water supply, water supply connections, environmental treatment and water restoration, and project planning. The company is ranked first in agricultural water conservation in China and is also recognized as a global leader.

Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Ph.D., Associate Professor Roza Abisheva has shown the presentation about KATRU.

It is worth noting that the vice-president of the Chinese company DAYU Irrigation Group, Ms. Cui Jing, and representatives of the company highly appreciated the IT infrastructure and level of training of the staff of the S. Seifulin University, as well as the research potential of the university.