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Meeting on corruption prevention

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From the 7th  to15thof November , 2019 there were  corruption prevention meetings   with the faculty and heads of departments of faculties ofS.SeifullininKazATU.   In the meetings The first Vice-Recto

From the 7th  to15thof November , 2019 there were  corruption prevention meetings   with the faculty and heads of departments of faculties ofS.SeifullininKazATU.   In the meetings The first Vice-Rector A. M. Abdyrov, Vice-rector for educational work Zh.Kusaiynova, Director of the Department for academic Affairs N. A. Serekpaev took part.

       At the meetings, the deans of the faculties made a report on the work carried out at the faculty and acquainted the lectures  with the regulations on the prevention of corruption and internal regulations at the University.