Main / News / Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev met with scientists of Kazakhstan
Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev met with scientists of Kazakhstan

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On May 31, 2024, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, who was on a working trip to Almaty, inspected the renovated building of the National Academy of Sciences “Gylym Ordasy” and held a meeting with the scientific community. Saken Seifullin KATRU Chairman of the Board – Rector, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov took part in this meeting.


Head of State:

“I am glad about our meeting today. “Gylym Ordasy” is the cradle of Kazakh science.

As you know, this building has become quite dilapidated recently. Therefore, two years ago I gave instructions to carry out major renovations here. In accordance with modern requirements, restoration work was carried out both inside and outside the building. The most important thing is that its historical appearance was preserved. By the end of the year, the work will be fully completed, and landscaping will be carried out. “Gylym Ordasy” will continue to serve todays and future scientists.

Many outstanding scientists worked here, whose names are inscribed in the history of the country. One of these greatest representatives of our people is Academician Kanysh Satpayev. This year marks the 125th anniversary of his birth. Kanysh Satpayev made a huge contribution to the development of our country. His scientific discoveries continue to benefit people today. No wonder they say: “Galymnyn khaty olmeidi” (“The words of a scientist do not die”).

We live in an era of science and education. For the sake of the prosperity of our Motherland, we must pay special attention to the development of these areas. There is no other way."


“Kazakhstan has enormous potential for the development of the agro-industrial complex and is capable of making a significant contribution to ensuring food security in the region. But unfortunately, this is still a stated goal; there is a lot of practical work ahead. To realize all the potential of agriculture we need to significantly increase labor productivity in the industry. Therefore, the development of agricultural science and the introduction of modern technologies into the agro-industrial complex are of great importance.


Our scientists are working to improve domestic livestock breeds and create high-yielding, drought-resistant varieties of crops adapted to our climatic conditions. This work needs to be intensified.

The colossal transit and logistics potential of the country should be effectively used. The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route opens up enormous opportunities for global trade. By 2027, we plan to increase the volume of cargo transportation along this corridor to 10 million tons per year. In order to strengthen our country’s position as a key transit hub in Eurasia, it is necessary to develop road, air, and rail transportation.”

“As you know, funds allocated for science are constantly growing. The number of grants for training qualified personnel has increased one and a half times in recent years.


There are 12 branches of prestigious universities in the world in Kazakhstan. Several more will be opening soon. The number of universities carrying out scientific research is growing. Technology parks and engineering centers are opening. Every year, 500 scientists undergo internships abroad. The ministry provides thousands of grants to young scientists. I am sure that all this will have a positive impact on the development of science.


During foreign visits, I often meet with scientists and encourage them to establish close ties with Kazakh scientists. Last week, I had a special meeting with academics and chancellors of higher education institutions in Singapore. Now we will train our scientists there. Overall, we have a lot to learn from advanced economies like Singapore.


In the post-industrial era, the most important factor for the success of any country is openness to the world and the desire for innovation. Therefore, we carefully study and adopt the best international experience, introduce advanced technologies and ideas."