Main / News / The UN Food and Agriculture Organization collects materials on the results of cooperation with KATRU
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization collects materials on the results of cooperation with KATRU

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Today, representatives of the FAO Regional Office (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) in Hungary and the FAO Partnership and Liaison Office visited Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University. The delegation visited and got acquainted with the activities of several faculties of the university: Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Technology, Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Land Management, Architecture and Design, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Economics.

In accordance with FAO's corporate policy, representatives travel to the southern and northern regions of Kazakhstan to photograph and record images of FAO-related projects in Kazakhstan. And in order to further develop cooperation between FAO and KATRU, representatives held working meetings with university staff, conducting photo and video shooting. The footage will be used to highlight the results of joint activities in the field of food security, UN sustainable development goals, science and education.

The delegation included communications specialist from the FAO Regional Office in Budapest Romano Mattia, FAO program analyst in Kazakhstan Samat Kairbekov, and FAO communications specialist Elvira Berdauletova.


It should be noted that for the delegation, our university is especially noteworthy for the reason that KATRU included the FAO Rural Invest educational tool in its curriculum.

In total, since 2022, 6 training events have been held to implement this tool. The training is aimed at improving the financial literacy of participants in terms of calculating financial indicators and drawing up a business plan for subsequent attraction of investments, obtaining loans from financial institutions, using a special software product Rural Invest developed by FAO specialists. Based on the results of the trainings, the study of Rural Invest tools was introduced into the training program in such disciplines as “Financing and lending investments in agriculture”, “Applied programs for modeling, analysis and audit”.


The visit to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine turned out to be very eventful: the delegation managed to see the Joint Kazakh-Chinese Laboratory, the Joint Kazakh-Czech Center for Aquaculture, the Food Safety Laboratory and the Museum of Parasitology.


The delegation then went to the Biotechnology Center and the Agroecological Testing Center.

In the building of the Technical Faculty, guests were introduced to the 3D Visualization Center, the Robotics and Mechatronics Center and the food processing laboratory.

During meetings with KATRU employees, issues were raised about the development of cooperation in the field of joint preparation of materials for campaigns to raise awareness among a wide range of the public about the importance and role of agriculture for economic development.