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Results of the contest " “Adal bol!”

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There was a competition of caricatures and videos called"Adal bol!" in S.SeifullinKazATU from the4th to 18thof November, 2019. Aim was instilling the youth of integrity and negativity to corrupt pract

There was a competition of caricatures and videos called"Adal bol!" in S.SeifullinKazATU from the4th to 18thof November, 2019. Aim was instilling the youth of integrity and negativity to corrupt practices. Overall 17 caricatures and 12 videos were accepted.

The competition was evaluated by the jury, which included the head of the Department of philosophy Mukhanbetkaliev E. E., head of the club "Eco law", senior lecturer of the Department of economic theory and law Amerkhanova I. K., Chairman of the student trade Union "Samgau" DanabekulyAkylbek, Chairman of the student Parliament DukenbayMeruert.

The first place was taken by the faculty of energyby the nomination "Best video” namely  group 16-01 "Heat power Engineering"; second place - faculty of Land management, Design and Architecture, group 17-05 "Cadastre and assessment"; third  place have won faculty of agronomy, group 17-05.

In the category "Best cartoon" I place was awarded to energy faculty, group 18-08 "power Supply"; II place - facultyLand management, Design and Architecture, group 18-03 "Inventory" and a student of the technical faculty organized by Marjane; III place - agronomy faculty, group 18-07.

The winners and participants were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.