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S.SeifullinKazATU-against corruption!

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Corruption is a negative phenomenon that damages our society. Therefore, the prevention of corruption is a civic duty of each of us! This work is especially important in the education system, in the w

Corruption is a negative phenomenon that damages our society. Therefore, the prevention of corruption is a civic duty of each of us! This work is especially important in the education system, in the walls of higher educational institutions, where highly qualified personnel are trained, our future is formed.

In this directionS.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University conducts systematic work on the principles of openness, justice and transparency.For us it is very important that every lecturer, student, every member of the staff of our university realized the negative effects of this situation and  they can play an important role  fighting  against it.

If you face with manifestations of corruption in such activities process of teaching, passing the exam, enrolling in the military department, getting a place in a hostel or in other matters of providing services to employees of the university, please show civil activity by immediatelyinforming the helpline 31-75-47 or directly contact the rector A.K.Kurishbaev., the first Vicerector A.M. Abdyrov, the Vice-rector for educational work Zh, A. Kusainova.

We also inform that the person who provided reliable information about corruption with relevant evidence, is determined by the reward in the amount of 20 000 tenge (twenty thousand tenge). The confidentiality of the applicant will be fully ensured.