Main / News / The increased reputation of Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University was confirmed among the employers by QS global rating agency
The increased reputation of Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University was confirmed among the employers by QS global rating agency

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On June 5, 2024, the world learned the results of the QS World 2025 ranking of the best universities in the world.

In 2025, the QS ranking became the largest in its history, including 5,663 universities from all over the world in the sample, which is almost 2 times more than in the previous year. However, despite such a significant increase in the number of universities assessed, only one third managed to take positions in the rankings - only 1,503 universities from 106 countries were included, including 21 universities from Kazakhstan.

Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University has significantly improved his reputation this year. The university's reputation among employers has increased by 130 positions, and the university is now among the top 800 best universities in the world according to this indicator. Moreover, the number of foreign employers who have noted the high demand for graduates of the leading agricultural university of Kazakhstan has increased.

The main component of success in this direction is the quality and demand by employers of the university’s educational programs, which is confirmed by a threefold increase in their number in the Atameken NCE rating. Thus, in 2023, 15 educational programs of the university are positioned in this ranking, of which 9 educational programs occupy the highest position. In the General Ranking of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducted by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating, our university is one of the three strongest universities in the country. In the International Ranking “IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR-EUR) - 2023” the university took eighth place.

The high competitiveness of the university's educational programs is the result of targeted work, including a mandatory practical component of the learning process. Close connections with employers, implementation of dual training, and joint development of educational programs with employers make it possible to ensure a high degree of employability of university graduates. Practice bases for students include more than 140 large enterprises of the country, such as Agrofirm Rodina LLP, Atameken-Agro JSC, Astana-Onim JSC, Astana-Zelenstroy LLP, ZhasylAimak company and others. The university also has foreign practice bases within the non-profit association LOGO e.V. with the support of the German government and the Center for Practical Training in Agriculture DEULA-Nienburg in the German city of Nienburg. Thus, if in the 2022-2023 academic years 28 students accepted an invitation to undergo foreign agricultural practice under the program of theoretical and practical training of students in leading farms and enterprises in Germany, then in 2024 their number doubled.

The results of the most authoritative ranking in the world, QS, thus confirm the right direction of the university’s development, focused on providing the country’s economy with competitive personnel capable of ensuring its breakthrough growth.