Main / News / Young power engineers, technicians, economists and IT specialists said goodbye to our home university today
Young power engineers, technicians, economists and IT specialists said goodbye to our home university today

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Our great Abai said: “And you are like a brick in this world, find your place in it.”

It’s a special time on the campus of Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, - on June 26, graduates were awarded graduation diplomas. Our students, who, it would seem, just yesterday entered the university, have now spread their wings and set off for a big life.

Under the hot June sun, in the spacious square in front of the main building of KATRU, in the main hall, in front of the Faculty of Agronomy and in the shade of the new building of the Technical Faculty, graduates of the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Computer Systems and Professional Education, Energy Faculty and Technical Faculty received their red and blue diplomas.

This year, 2,367 graduates received a bachelor's degree and 154 received a master's degree.

At ceremonial events, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Roza Abisheva, the Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations Erzhan Syrgaliev, the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Zhainagul Kusayynova, the Financial Director Erkimbek Arpabaev and the deans of the faculties made a congratulatory speech and solemnly presented diplomas to their students.

Active young boys and girls, who throughout their studies with soul and heart developed the social, sports and cultural life of the university, worthy of the title of “best student”, were presented with letters of gratitude and memorable books.

It is useful and interesting for young specialists just embarking on their career path to hear parting words from well-known specialists. That is why distinguished guests were invited for congratulations and presentations, among whom the majority, by the way, were graduates of our KATRU: statesman and honored artist, Minister of Culture (2003-2004), Ambassador at Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secretary General of the International organization of Turkic culture Duysen Kaseinov; Kazakh entrepreneur, deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan (2012-2016), Chairman of the Union of Builders of Kazakhstan Talgat Ergaliev; poet, member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan Kalkaman Sarin; poet, Honored Cultural Worker of Kazakhstan, laureate of the International Literary Prize "Alash" Dauletkerey Kapuly; as well as the Chairman of KATRU Alumni Club, Alexander Mayer.

A whole sea of ​​quadrangles, the fragrance of bouquets, the enthusiastic eyes of children, grandparents, friends and parents, inspiration and anticipation, memories of the comic nickname of our university “Agrarvard” and, finally, smiles - many dazzling smiles of young people who had just been officially recognized “experts in their field.”

The older generation has got used to call KATRU as “Tselinograd Agricultural Institute,” but as one of the graduate speakers said today, ready-witted students called it “Tselinograd’s best institute.” And we wish you, dear graduates, not to let down the good name of “the best institute” and proudly bear the title of its graduate!