Main / News / KATRU took the 3rd place in General Rating of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan
KATRU took the 3rd place in General Rating of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan

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The Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) has been conducting the “Independent Rating of Demand for Universities” of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2014.

The independent ranking of the demand for universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on compliance with the Berlin principles: transparency, objectivity, verifiability and accessibility of information sources. Focused on determining the quality of educational programs in areas and levels of training, it considers the characteristics of universities in Kazakhstan, as well as their diversity.

Rating research - assessment of the quality of educational programs by levels and areas of personnel - is carried out with the aim of improving the quality and competitiveness of educational services and provides the public with information about the degree to which the quality of education meets market requirements, the recognition of teachers and the effectiveness of the university's research activities.


Results of digital ranking of educational programs:

  • General rating of universities in Kazakhstan “TOP-20”
  • Rating of universities in Kazakhstan by areas of training at the levels of BA, MA and PhD
  • Rating of educational programs at BA, MA and PhD levels
  • Rating of university teachers in Kazakhstan “TOP-50”.

As a result of the study, KATRU is on the 3rd place according to the General Rating of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan “TOP-20”!