Main / News / “Under the banner of success: KATRU student Danil Akramov is again in the TOP of world photography”
“Under the banner of success: KATRU student Danil Akramov is again in the TOP of world photography”

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Among photographers there are those who do not just capture moments but create stories. Among such talents, stands out 21-year-old our University student from Uzbekistan Danil Akramov, whose work this time was included in the TOP 35 best photographs of the world in the “City Landscape and Architecture” category in the international competition 35awards.

This is not the first success of the young photographer: last year Danil also impressed the jury (famous world photographers) in the Mobile Photography category and entered the top 100 photographers in the world. However, Danil’s next success is confirmation of his outstanding talent and professionalism.

As one famous Western coach said: “Victory is not everything, everything is a constant desire to win.” And this time, the young photographer’s lens included the majestic self-supporting installation of the famous New York architect Mark Fornes “Minima Maxima”. The photo was taken in January of this year on the territory of EXPO 2017 in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana. This architectural object “hooked” Danil with its sci-fi look, which, in his opinion, is a symbol of modern technology and the development of artificial intelligence.

Interestingly, this photo was taken not with a super-high-quality professional camera, but with a Xiaomi 13T smartphone, which, however, did not prevent the photo from entering the TOP 35 best photographs in the “City Landscape and Architecture” category. With this, Danil once again proved that creating works of art does not always require expensive photographic equipment, but what is important is only inspiration and the desire to convey the beauty of the frame.


It is important to emphasize that, according to statistics, the 35awards competition in 2023 gained even greater popularity and its scale included 111.3 thousand participants from 174 countries, whose works totaled about 465.7 thousand photographs. This clearly demonstrates how rapidly the world of photography is developing and, accordingly, the growing competition in this art.


According to the results of the 9th 35AWARDS photo award, Danil Akramov entered:

- in the TOP 70 photographers in the world in the “City Landscape and Architecture” category.

- in the TOP 10 among photographers in Kazakhstan.


The author admits that in order to achieve results, it is also necessary to enlist emotional support, which, fortunately, is provided to him by his family, friends and colleagues.

“I would like to express special gratitude to my university and its Rector Kanat Tireuov, whose support and wise leadership became an important factor in my formation and development. The contribution of my loved ones is invaluable and will always be a source of pride and gratitude for me,” concluded Danil.

Danil knows how to perceive the life around him, not as a series of faces, objects and actions, but as a living picture, and his task, as a master, is to convey the emotion, the soul of each specific moment. He sees beauty worthy of photography, where we, ordinary people, pass by without noticing at all. Danil’s photograph seems to encourage us to stop for a moment, breathe out calmly, look around us and understand how much beauty, how much significance there is around each of us.

We wish Danil further creative success and look forward to even more impressive projects from this young talent, who already occupies a worthy place among the best photographers in the world.