Main / News / KATRU historians gave lectures for colleagues based on new research on famine and repression in the Kazakh SSR
KATRU historians gave lectures for colleagues based on new research on famine and repression in the Kazakh SSR

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Today is the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression and Famine in our country. On the occasion of this day, teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan gave a special lecture to their colleagues from the university. The lecture, held simultaneously at each faculty, was dedicated to the sad pages of the history of our country, which became a victim of famine and political persecution that claimed the lives of millions of people. An insightful lecture on the causes and extent of famine and persecution, and their grave consequences for humanity, featured examples from new archival documents and new research.

They also talked about the results of the work of the state commission for the full justification of victims of political repression, which was carried out under the leadership of the State Counselor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erlan Karin. Each student-teacher who took part in the lecture shared memories of their family, asked questions, and participated in the discussion.

The lecture aroused keen interest from the audience, and it was proposed to hold similar events regularly.