Main / News / KATRU student Malika Abzhanova is a world star of Karate-do
KATRU student Malika Abzhanova is a world star of Karate-do

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It is believed that martial arts are the prerogative of exclusively tough men. This is probably why a fragile girl on tatami still causes misunderstanding and disapproval among some viewers.

Meanwhile, in the 21st century, females have long been competing with the males in almost all types of martial arts, and many female athletes, having achieved fame in the fighting ring comparable to the level of Mike Tyson or Connor McGregor, have long become real stars whose names are constantly mentioned in glamour magazines.

For instance, multiple UFC champion, and now Hollywood star Ronda Rousey, two-time world and European boxing champion, our fellow countrywoman Natalya Ragozina (whose name, by the way, is included in the Guinness Book of Records), as well as an Instagram star with more than 2 million subscribers, owner WBC International and IBO World Champion belts in professional boxing to Angelina Lucas from Taraz.

This year, the charming girl Malika Abzhanova is graduating Saken Seifullin KATRU. Despite her young age, Malika is a master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in karate-do and a member of the National Team of Kazakhstan, world champion in Shotokan Karate-do, winner of numerous international tournaments, bronze medalist of the Asian Championship 2022 and bronze medalist of the Central Asian Championship 2023.

Having joined the karate section as a junior schoolgirl, by the age of twenty the athlete became a multiple winner of the national championship, fulfilled the standard of a master of sports and joined the national team. So far, Malika considers 2022 to be the most successful year in her sports career: then she took third place at the Asian Championships in Tashkent.

Malika Abzhanova is a striking example of a representative of modern Kazakhstani youth who has clear life priorities, values ​​knowledge and tries to be as useful as possible to society. We would like to wish our graduate and, concurrently, the sporting hope of all Kazakhstan at the upcoming Olympics, success in her chosen profession, achievement of her goals and many, many bright victories in life.