The Department of Foreign Languages is not graduate. A foreign language is a compulsory subject according to the university academic curriculum.
The department has highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in education who seek to teach students and undergraduates to understand the foreign language and use it as a means of communication and getting knowledge. The department has teachers of English, German and French. Among the teachers there are those whose work is highlighted by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and Information (Zhumadillayeva O.A.- Diploma of Honour of the Ministry of Education; Kussainova G.I. – Excellent work in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Tyazhina E.B. - Letter of appreciation of MES of RK; Rakhimova D.M.- Diploma of Honour the Ministry of Agriculture, Diploma of Honour of the Ministry of Culture and Information; Rustemova S.K. – Letter of Gratitude of the Ministry of Culture and Information; Khamzina Z.B.- Letter of Gratitude of MES). Young teachers of the department are good experts who perfectly know a foreign language and are an example for the young generation.
There are Candidates of sciences, MSc, teachers who had training abroad according to different programs, including the program "Bolashak" (Rakhimbekova G.O. - Germany, Turkey, the United Kingdom), Tyazhina E.B. (FIPF, France), .Rakhimova D.M., Rustemova S.K. - China; Alimzhanova B.E., Khamzina Z.B. - Malaysia; Kosmaganbetova G.K. - Germany; Zhalelova G.M. - USA).
The teachers of the Department take an active part in scientific seminars, organized and carried out by international organizations and foreign embassies in Kazakhstan, in particular the UK (Macmillan Education), France (French Alliance), Germany (Goethe Institute) - Rustemova S. K., Rakhimova D.M., Sagatova B.A., Baygoshkarova M.I., Shirimbekova M.Zh., Rakhimbekova G.O., Alimzhanova B.E., Tyazhina E.B., Magulova B.B., Kusainova G.I., Kosmaganbetova G.K., Samatanova A.R.
The Department is headed by Uteubayeva Elmira Aitkazievna, professor,candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. She has been in charge of the department since September 2022, and successfully performs management that sped up work of the department diversely.
The Department of Foreign Languages is one of the first departments in Kazakh Agro Technical University. The history of the department goes back to 1958. Over the years, the department has been reformed several times. In 1996, the Department of Foreign Languages was renamed into the World languages department. In 2008, the Department of World Languages was again divided into two independent departments. In November 2012, the Department of Foreign Languages received its former name again.
The first head of the department was Minna Evgenievna Veber, who founded this department. Among the first teachers of the department, we can proudly name such lecturers as masters of their craft - A. Dick, R. Iokhim, V. Cherepanova. For almost 20 years the department was headed by N. Romanenko. A team of experienced and qualified specialists worked under the leadership of N.A. Romanenko thus having consolidated the chair. At different times of its history, the following experienced lecturers of the subdivision like T. M. Koroleva, N. A. Vorobyeva, O. P. Moschenko, B. A. Sagatova, S. O. Kitaybekova, M. I. Baigoshkarova, E. B. Tyazhina and D. M Rakhimova headed the department. Since September 2022, the head of the department of foreign languages is Uteubayeva Elmira Aitkazievna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, who has intensified the pedagogical work of the department in various directions.
The Department of Foreign Languages is not a graduating department, it is one of service subdivisions of the University. A foreign language is a compulsory subject of the training in accordance with the Model Curriculum.
The department employs the lecturers with high qualifications and experience in the field of education. The department staff consists of a number of specialists in English, German and French. Among the teachers, whose work was especially noted by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and Information are as follows: O. A. Zhumadillayeva - Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; E. B Tyazhina - Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Rustemova S.K. - Certificate of honor from MCI RK; Khamzina Z.B. - Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and others.
While being involved in the educational process the staff of the department pays special attention to thetraining, methodological, research and educational work. Currently, the staff of the department covers all areas of pedagogical activity.
As a part of the language training of specialists for the implementation of the Messages and programs of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, the university prepares qualified multilingual specialists with higher and postgraduate education who speak three languages at the same level for simultaneous use in the educational process, training seminars, demonstration lessons, round tables, master classes with the participation of the lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages are conducted.
The development of a system of continuous and high-quality education that meets the requirements of international and Kazakh standards is an integral part of the research work of the department. Solving these and other tasks, the staff of the department uses relevant, effective, modern approaches to the study of foreign languages.
The results of scientific research are published on the pages of international conferences bulletin and scientific journals.
Research work of students is carried out at the department on the basis of the approved plan. The lecturers of the department annually involve university students in the scientific projects. They regularly take part in interfaculty, republican and international conferences.
Along with the training process, the teachers of the department regularly take part in educational activities of various orientations for the implementation of the fundamental goal set for the Kazakhstani student youth. The teachers of the department are the leading curators of the university. Curators take part in the events of the university, city, region, republic, regularly work with students in various areas.
The department has organized a club for those students wishing to study French, English, German. The teachers of the department pay great attention to the extracurricular activities of bachelor and master students.
In order to give students anupdate and advanced education, the teachers of the department have perfectly proven themselves in the systematic improvement of their qualifications. It has become a good tradition for the teachers of the department to undergo advanced training not only within the republic, but also in the countries of near and far abroad.
The research work was carried out from 2010 to 2014 on the initiative topic "New approaches in methodology of teaching foreign languages in non language HIGH SCHOOL” (Registration# 0110RK00379; supervisors: Candidate of Philological Sciences E.B. Tyazhina and Senior Lecturer D.M. Rakhimova). Since 2014 the scientific work of the department is conducted on "Modern professionally-oriented technologies of teaching foreign languages in non language high school" that was recorded in 10.07.2014 in the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences G.O.Rakhimbekova).
The research results have been put into practice in teaching English, French and German at Kazakh Agro Technical University and were reflected in scientific articles and teaching aids.
Teachers of the Department are systematically working to improve their quality of teaching by using modern technologies and interactive teaching methods. To implement the research work, the staff of the Department is developing a corresponding trajectory of ideas, skills and training. In accordance with the plan of SRW the Department carries out its activities in the following areas: 1) participation in the budget and off-budget projects (B.E. Alimzhanova, M.I Baygoshkarova); 2) participation in international conferences, publishing articles in the country and abroad; 3) participation in various scientific seminars held by international foreign enterprises and institutions in Kazakhstan (M.I Baygoshkarova, G.O.Rakhimbekova, O.A Zhumadillaeva, G.I.Kusainova, D.E.Kapanova, E.B.Tyazhina, B.E.Alimzhanova,S.K.Rustemova, Z.B.Khamzina , G. K Kosmaganbetova, A.R Samatanova).
Additionally, articles were published in the following journals:
Uteubaeyeva Elmira Aitkazievna
Guldensin Orazbekovna Rakhimbekova
Alimzhanova Baldyrgan Essentayevna
Baigoshkarova Magrishat Imangalievna
Baimuldinova Gulzhan Kairidenovna
Berikkhanova Aizhan Ezhenhanovna
Kurmangali Fariza Tlepkalikyzy
Sipuldina Zhumabike Kakimzhanovna
The teachers of the department cooperate closely with the international organizations and funds: ACCELS (American Council on Education). USAID (Information Department on educational programs); British Council (British Council) - to prepare students and teachers to the IELTS exam and the internship program "Bolashak"; Global Education (International Education Foundation); «Study Inn», «Interpress» educational centers for the study of foreign languages; DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service Students, testing for students and undergraduates); French Alliance (France Representation in Kazakhstan).
The teachers of the Department are directly involved in the implementation of international programs for training and internships in France and Germany. Since 2006, the University has established the close relationship with the Higher School of Agriculture of Angers (Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture -ESA). ESA organizes the agricultural practices for foreign students in France.
The successful cooperation with the center for practical training DEULA- Nienburg and Union of LOGO e.V, University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan - Trizdorf is going on. In the 2015-2016 academic year 5 students of the 2nd and 3rd courses had practice under the program DEULA- Nienburg; 13 students had practice according to the LOGO program. The university has created all the conditions for practical training in the higher agricultural schools in France and the program "ENA Angers."
Students and university graduates have the opportunity to develop, master knowledge of a foreign language during the implementation of cultural and linguistic student exchange program in Malaysia, UK, USA.
The teachers of Foreign Languages Department with the teachers of Russian universities take an active part in the project of additional higher education. According to the project, the students along with the main specialty are able to obtain a second diploma of higher education in the specialty "Translator in the sphere of professional activity".
Teachers of the department are actively involved in the research work of students and graduates of the University. Under the supervision of the teachers students make scientific reports in a foreign language and speak at scientific conferences. The Department of Foreign Languages in 2015 organized and held the Republican scientific-theoretical conference «Student and Science: vision of the future», which was attended by masters and students from different universities of Kazakhstan. The conference proceedings were published in a special electronic journal. Now scientific conference of students and graduates will be held annually. The department holds the Interregional Olympiad on foreign languages for students of the 1st and 2nd years with participation of students from different universities of the country (University "Bolashak" (Karaganda), the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, L.N.Gumilyov ENU, JSC "Astana Medical University", KazUEFMT, Kazakh State Law University (Astana), KSPI (Kostanay), WKATU named after Zhangir Khan (Uralsk), ZhezU named after. O.A.Baykonurov (Zhezkazgan), the University named after A .E.Buketov (Karaganda). Representatives of foreign embassies in Kazakhstan, foreign language teachers from foreign universities are invited to be the jury during the competition.
The department has three foreign language clubs: "Club of the French language", "English club”, “German language club". The topic events such as Music Evenings; Cinema evenings; Holidays of the English speaking countries; Debate; Contests; Conferences and round tables on relevant issues; videoconference "Education in the ENA" in on-line mode with the participation of representatives of the Higher School of Agriculture of the city of Angers, France) are held and made within the framework of the clubs.
The Department of Foreign Languages annually conducts the Republican Olympiad “Үштұғырлы тіл” “KazATU-Polympic” (Kazatu-polilinguisticolympiad / interculturalcommunication)" in English, German and French among students of 1, 2 courses of non-linguistic specialties of universities in Kazakhstan in order to popularize the study of a foreign language, especially among students studying in non-linguistic specialties.
On March 17, 2017, the Republican Olympiad “KazATU-Polympic” was timed to the 60th anniversary of JSC “S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University” and 12 universities of Kazakhstan took part in it:
The moderators were teachers of the department: English language - Angela Baimakhanova; Gulzhan Baimuldinova; German: Gulnar Kosmaganbetova; French language: Elena Tyazhina.
A welcoming speech was given in Russian and English by S. Mogilny, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University” on strategic planning, science and international relations, candidate of economic sciences; also by Kusainova Zh. A., Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University” on educational work, Doctor of Philology;
Guests from foreign organizations were also invited to the event:
Robin McCutchen - Regional Representative for Environment, Science, Technology and Health for Central Asia and Marzhan Srymova, Science Assistant, US Embassy. Miss McCutcheon wished good luck; Mr. Toma Huet, Attaché for Scientific and University Cooperation of the French Embassy in Kazakhstan; Asim Yessen, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
There were 2 rounds in total: 1 - listening and lexical and grammatical test; 2 - spontaneous speech on a given topic.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the participants were awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degrees, certificates of participation and promotional prizes.
This event is also available for viewing at the following links:
1.http: //
The Republican Olympiad “KazATU-Polympic” was held by the Department of Foreign Languages on April 27, 2018 according to the program of events of S. Seifullin KazATU and 10 universities of Kazakhstan took part in it:
The moderators were teachers of the department: English – Gulzhan Baimuldinova; German language: Gulnar Kosmaganbetova; French: Elena Tyazhina.
Welcoming the participants of the Olympiad were the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Ph.D. - Tokbergenov Ismail Tasanbievich;
The event was attended by the Director of the Center for Development of International Cooperation and Multilingual Education, Ph.D., Associate Professor - Meiramova S. А.
There were 2 rounds: On 1 - listening and lexical-grammatical test; 2 - spontaneous speech on a given topic.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the participants were awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees, certificates of participation and incentive prizes.
This event is also available for viewing and acquaintance by the following links:
The Republican Olympiad “KazATU-Polympic” was held according to the program of events of S. Seifullin KazATU on April 5, 2019 by the Department of Foreign Languages. Many universities that took part earlier have become participants in the Republican Olympiad “KazATU-Polympic”, two new universities have joined them:
The moderators were teachers of the department: English language - Angela Baimakhanova; Gulzhan Baimuldinova; German: Gulnar Kosmaganbetova; French language: Elena Tyazhina.
Rakhimbekova G. O., Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Ph.D., spoke with a welcoming speech to the participants of the Olympiad;
The event was attended by Fatih Thomson, English Language Fellow;
Gaukhar Kydyrkhanova, Business Development Advisor at the Embassy of Canada in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Abdrakhmanova Aytbala Ergalievna - Ph.D., Department of Kazakh and Russian languages, S. SeifullinKazakh Agro-Technical University.
There were 2 rounds in total: 1 - listening and lexical and grammatical test; 2 - spontaneous speech on a given topic.
The results of the second round were announced at 18.00. The awards ceremony took place at 18.15.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the participants were awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degrees, awards were provided in 5 nominations, therefore, students were awarded certificates of participants, as well as incentive prizes.
This event is also available for viewing and review at the link:
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
62 Pobeda Avenue, Astana, Kazakhstan
Main Campus, building № 2
8 (7172) 38 40 04 (e-mail:
The purpose of problematic lecture: to show and discuss the ways of solving methodological problems that appear in preparation for the international TOEFL test in non-linguistic higher education institutions, to provide information about the "TOEFL Centre", to explain the importance of the international test.
• Participants: students of the group 24-31, 32, the Faculty of Land Management, Architecture and Design, specialty: architecture and the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages. Online.
The responsible teacher: Y.M.Zhumatayev