The Faculty of Humanities was organized by the Decision of the Academic Council of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute in 1990.
The mission of the faculty is to contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed, harmonious personality of future specialists studying at S.Seifullin KATU through the teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines.
The functions of the faculty are teaching humanities, which occupy a special place in the education of specialists with a philosophical outlook, who know the history of their people, respect their traditions and customs, and speak several languages.
The teaching staff of the Faculty of Humanities includes 97 highly qualified specialists, including 5 doctors of Sciences, 34 Candidates of Sciences, 6 PhD, 45 masters.
10 teachers are graduates of the Bolashak program.
1 lecturer is the holder of the title "The best university teacher",
7 are awarded with various departmental awards and diplomas, 4 teach classes in English.
To ensure the educational process and conduct scientific research, the faculty has 1 laboratory, 4 computer classes, 1 lingo phone office.
In 2019-2020, agreements on joint scientific and innovative activities were concluded with such universities as Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Kalmyk State University after named Gorodovikov. Currently, there is an agreement with the Tashkent State Agrarian University.
Scientific research is carried out on promising problems of social sciences and humanities.
Currently, the faculty has 4 departments:
the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages,
the Department of Foreign Languages,
the Department of History of Kazakhstan,
On March 25, 2021, by the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the Department of Foreign Languages became part of the Faculty of Humanities.
The management of the faculty is focused on high-quality training of specialists in the field of agriculture. The expansion of scientific activity, the introduction of information technology innovations in the learning process is the main priority of the departments. The faculty actively conducts educational, methodological, research, educational work. During the development of the faculty, traditions have developed: teachers annually hold open lectures for students dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan, thematic holidays, "Week of Languages"; Scientific student conferences, meetings of the Association of Philosophers of Nur-Sultan are held. It has become a tradition at the faculty to hold an annual Republican Contest of Young poets (akyns).
The implementation of spiritual and moral education is carried out in several aspects:
- cultural and historical (based on examples of national history and culture);
- moral and aesthetic (in the context of the teachings about man and society, the purpose of his life, the moral values of the world's traditional religions, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle);
- ethno-cultural (based on the study of the state and Russian languages, national traditions).
The Faculty of Humanities is a dynamic, constantly developing structure. The faculty has an interesting past, a worthy present and future, because the humanities remain a measure of spiritual health and cultural potential of modern society, which has enduring priorities and values.
Since 2019, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities is Candidate of Philological Sciences B.K.Ayapbergenov.
Since December 22, 2023, the dean of the Faculty of Humanities is candidate of philosophical sciences Kulzhanova Zhuldizay Timerkanovna
The Faculty of Humanities was first organized by the Decision of the Academic Council of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute in 1990. In 2003, the faculty was reorganized, and its departments became part of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Vocational Training.
In 2006, the Departments of Social Humanities were withdrawn from the above-mentioned faculty and established as a Department of Humanities Departments. By the decision of the Academic Council of the University dated September 29, 2010 (Protocol No1), the Faculty of Humanities was founded on the basis of the Department of Humanities Departments (Order No 596 of 19.10.2011). The faculty included the Departments of Philosophy, History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh language, Russian and German, English and French, Department of Physical Education.
The opening of the Faculty of Humanities at the agrotechnical university was motivated by the fact that at the present stage of a new socio-historical turn in the life of people, when society is absorbed by the problems of market relations, economic instability, political difficulties, social and moral foundations are increasingly being destroyed. Therefore, the role of the humanities, aimed at the spiritual and moral teaching and educational functions of the current education system, is becoming more relevant than ever.
Humanities are disciplines that study a person in the sphere of his spiritual, mental, moral, cultural and social activities. The mission of the faculty is to contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed, harmonious personality of future specialists studying at the S.Seifullin KATU through the teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines.
In different years, the deans of the faculty were: Ph.D., Associate Professor S.A. Mikhnova (1990-1993), Ph.D., Associate Professor N.J. Agubaev (1993-1996), Ph.D., Associate Professor G.O. Galymzhanova (1996-1998), Ph.D., Professor T.K. Burbaev (1998-1999), S.B. Kasymova (2002-2003), 2003-2006 – the faculty was in the composition of F. KSiPO, the dean of which was Ph.D. Zh.K.Abeldina, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Sh. Albekova (2006-2009), Ph.D..K. Nosieva (2009-2011), Ph.D., Associate Professor J.A. Kusayynova (2011-2012), Ph.D. A.N. Nasyritdinova (2012-2013). Ph.D. H.A.Aubakirova (2013-2019).
Since September 2019 , the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities is the Candidate of Philological Sciences Ayapbergenov Bulat Kabidenovich .
The faculty has 4 departments: philosophy, History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh and Russian languages, foreign languages. The departments of the Faculty of Humanities conduct classes in all specialties of the university.
The Faculty conducts research and innovation activities in three areas: organization of scientific and theoretical conferences and scientific and methodological seminars, participation in socio-political, spiritual and cultural events, including the development of trilingualism in modern society; work on scientific projects and advanced training courses; participation of the teaching staff of the department in international scientific conferences, publication of articles in scientific publications, preparation and publication of monographs on topical topics, obtaining a certificate of state registration of rights to an object of copyright.
The following scientific directions have developed at the faculty:
The faculty carries out a funded research topic "State-confessional relations in Kazakhstan: the beginning of the XX century - the end of the 1930s" (head, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alpyspaeva G.A.; performers: Doctor of Historical Sciences Nurbay K.Zh., Candidate of Historical Sciences Sayakhimova Sh.N., Master of Philosophy Zeynullina Zh.R. and Baigoshkarova M.I.). And research is also being conducted within the framework of the funded educational project Erasmus+ for 2021-2022. "Development of services for persons with disabilities" (head: Ph.D. Meiramova S.A., performer Omarov S.K.)
The teaching staff of the faculty are members of dissertation councils (Aubakirova H.A., Nurbay K.Zh., Bekmaganbetov O.Zh., Dzhumagalieva K.V., Akosheva M.K., Tleulesova A.Sh.), as well as experts (Alpyspaeva G.A. - expert examination of applicants' applications for the academic title of professor and associate professor; Gabdulina A.Zh. – external expert of NAAR; Amangeldi A.A. – expert of KAZTEST NCET)
The research work of students is a continuation and deepening of the educational process and, therefore, one of the components of the training of highly qualified specialists. As part of the educational process, R&D is carried out by students in the form of abstract, research papers containing research elements. The faculty has scientific student circles "Atameken" and "Mangilik el", whose work contributes to the development of students' civic engagement, the expansion of their political horizons, ethno-cultural education and upbringing.
Building №2, office 2601 – Dean's Office
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Kulzhanova Zhuldizai Timerkanovna
phone: 8(7172) 38-33-97
email address –
Reception hours: 14.00-15.00
Secretary of the Dean's Office – Kozhimova Amangul Askarbekovna
Acting Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan: PhD Doctor – Aliakbarova Ainur Pernebekovna
phone 8(7172) 38-23-30, office 2702
Head of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages: candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor– Tleulesova Ardak Shakenovna
phone 8(7172) 38-97-15, office 2602
Head of the Department of Philosophy: candidate of philosophy – Kakimzhanova Margarita Abdullayevna
phone (87172) 38-40-01, office 2714
Head of the Department of Foreign Languages: candidate of pedagogic sciences –Uteubayeva Elmira Aitkazievna
phone (87172) 38-40-04, office 2607