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The chair «Management and Marketing»

The chair «Management and Marketing»


The chair «Management and Marketing» is one of the leading in the region to train highly qualified managers and  marketers, who are able to solve problems and tasks of business taking into account modern trends and requirements of time.

Education at the department is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Field of education

Direction of training

Group of educational programs

Educational program


6В04 Business, management and law

6В041 Business and management

В044 Management

6В04103 - "Business Management and Entrepreneurship" (undergraduate)


6В04 Business, management and law

6В041 Business and management

B047 Marketing and Advertising

6В04104 – "Digital Marketing" (undergraduate)


7M04 Business, management and law

7M041 Business and management

M072 Management

7М04101 - "Agricultural management" (magistracy)


7M04 Business, management and law

7M041 Business and management

M075 Marketing and Advertising

7М04106 – "Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services" (magistracy)


8D04 Business, management and law

8D041 Business and management

D072 Management

8D04101 - "Managemenm in agriculture" (doctoral studies)


8D04 Business, management and law

8D041 Business and management

D075 Marketing and Advertising

8D04105 – "Marketing" (doctoral studies)


7M04 Business, Management and Law 7M041 Business and Management M072 Management 7M04115 Strategic management  (Executive MBA)

Educational programs passed specialized accreditation in. According to the independent Agency of accreditation and rating in the ranking of universities of Kazakhstan in areas and levels of training in 2020, the specialty 8D04105 «Marketing» took first place, 6В04104 «Digital Marketing» - second place,  7М04106 «Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services» - third place in the Republic.

The staff of the chair consists of 33 lecturers, including 2 Doctors of Sciences, professor; 14 candidates of economic sciences; 3  PhD professor.

Teachers of the Department and Anafiyaeva Zh., Sametova R., Sabyrova M. and Dyussenov M. are fellows of the President of Kazakhstan under the program "Bolashak". Professors of the Department Anafiyaeva Zh., Alenova K., Nukesheva A. were the owner of the state grant "The Best teacher of the University" in  different years.

Annually the teachers of the department have passed courses of improvement of professional skills and training in universities and centers of RK and countries of near and far abroad: Anafiyeva Z., Mutallyapova Sh. in Szyzyan Agrarian University; Nukeshev A. at the University of Leicester (UK), the University of Applied Sciences of Vaengstephan (Germany), the Nazarbayev University, the University of Hohenheim (Germany), the University of Davis (USA), Ainakanova B. in University of Davis (USA).

The lecturers of the department are actively involved in the implementation of scientific projects of program-targeted and grant funding. Currently the department has carried out scientific research on the following projects:

  • «Regulatory and methodological support for the development of organic production in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with international and foreign standards and requirements of priority markets». Project Supervisor – R. Karabasov
  • «Study of demographic and migration processes in the northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: identification and analysis of fundamental factors, and development of methods for their regulation». Project Supervisor -K. Bodauhan.

In 2022, the department initiated the creation of a new research direction in the field of food security. A memorandum was signed on the establishment of the Center for a New Climate Economy with the participation of a board member of the Ban Ki-moon Foundation «For a better future», Member of the International Committee for the «Global Energy» Prize, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rae Kwon Chung (Korea). This center should become the first institution in Kazakhstan and Central Asia to introduce a new model of economic development based on the principles of sustainable growth, green technologies and reducing the impact of climate change on agriculture.

For graduate students of  specialty "Management", specialization "Agrarian Management"  joint educational programs are being developed between S. Seifullin KATU  and  the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan, Germany. This master's course has successfully passed the procedure of international accreditation. Experts of the accreditation agency "AQQUIN" highly appreciated the quality of education and the level of material equipment of JSC "S. Seifullin KATU". The educational program "Agrarian Management" is unique in its structure and focuses on the strengths of agricultural education in Germany.


In Kazakhstan, cooperation is carried out with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LLP "Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agroindustrial Complex and Rural Development",  Agrofirma «Rodina», LLP «Aktyk», LLP «Akmol Holding»  and others.

More than 80% of our graduates are employed within three months after graduation. Graduates of the specialty "Management" and "Marketing"  work in ministries, state institutions, large holdings and agricultural enterprises, representations of foreign firms and other organizations.

At present the chair «Management and Marketing» is headed by the Karabassov Rassul.


Department history

Department of "Management" established by order № 235 the rector of the S.Seifullin Kazakh State Agro-Technical University on July 16, 2007 and today is a leader in training highly qualified specialists of management profile.

Study of bachelors in 5B050700 "Management" is carried out since 2006 with a study period of 4 years in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

Since 2003, S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University has been preparing masters in 6M050700 - "Management". Currently, training of masters on the specialty 6M050700 - Management is carried out in accordance with the license number AB 0062189, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science Wednesday, July 2, 2008 in two areas: the profile; research and teaching. Since 2015 training of masters is carried out within the framework of multilingual education in three languages: Kazakh, Russian, English or German (DSG).

In 2013, a license to study PhD doctors on a specialty 6D050700 - «Management» was obtained.

In 2015, the specialty of the department successfully passed the state certification and accreditation of the national accreditation center, as evidenced by the certificates issued 22/04/2015 for the period of 5 years: 5B050700 bachelor - "Management" received the certificate number AV0557; master program 6M050700 - "Management" - certificate number AV0498; postgraduate program  6D050700- «Management" - certificate number AV0500.

In April 2016 master program "Management" with specialization "Agricultural Management" successfully passed international accreditation together with Universities partners.


Research and methodological work at the department includes accomplishing scientific research, authoring scientific publications, conducting dissertation research, organizing scientific gatherings, and student research (R&D).

The department's combined research efforts are directed toward resolving the following issues:

  • creating conditions and expanding prospects for the scientific and professional growth of the teaching staff of the department;
  • integration of the processes of education, research, and innovation; implementing scientific activity results in the educational process; education of highly skilled professionals; specialized retraining; substantial involvement of students in the department staff's scientific work;
  • the active participation of the teaching staff in fundamental and applied scientific research, the implementation of the results of intellectual activity in the processes of enterprises;
  • presentation of doctoral and master's theses; instruction of highly skilled scientists and educators;
  • establishing contacts with leading scientists, universities and scientific institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad;
  • writing publications for scientific journals;
  • In the academic year 2023–2024, the department recruited a total of 28 teachers. In the 2023–2024 academic year, 64.3% of teachers held a degree. Of them, two were professors with a PhD, three were associate professors with a PhD, thirteen were professors with a PhD, associate professors with a PhD, and ten were master's degree holders with senior teaching positions. Every member of the faculty is provided with a foundational education that reflects the training profile for the scientific direction 50200, "Economics and Business" (08.00.00, Economics).                                                                                                                              
  • Areas of scientific activity:

Sales and marketing of organic goods in the Republic of Kazakhstan's agro-industrial complex

Analyzing migration and demographic trends

Social and economic factors that support the growth of agricultural cooperatives

At the moment, financed initiatives serve as the basis for doing scientific research.

Research of demographic and migration dynamics in the northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: identification and analysis of fundamental causes, and creation of techniques of their regulation. 2020–2024 supervisor of the scientific project: K. Bodaukhan;

  Regulatory and methodological assistance for the growth of organic production in the Republic of Kazakhstan in compliance with international and foreign standards, requirements, and priority markets. 2021–2023 supervisor of the scientific project: R.A. Karabasov;

The examination of migration-related difficulties between Kazakhstan's southern and northern areas and the formulation of suggestions for controlling relocation from the former to the latter (using the regions of Akmola and North Kazakhstan as examples).2019–2021, supervisor of the scientific project K. Bodauhan;

A contractual theme for conducting marketing research has been implemented. The customer is AstProfiCom LLP(the supervisor of the scientific project Nukesheva A.Zh.).

Initiative topic: "Improving the management of the competitiveness of milk production in agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Over the past 5 years, 219 publications have been published based on research results, including 38 articles in the Scopus database, 75 articles in publications recommended by COXON, 21 RSCI, 81 publications in other publications, 4 copyright certificates.

Business Management and Entrepreneurship - baccalaureate

BACHELOR - 6В04103 - "Business Management and Entrepreneurship"

Qualifications – bachelor of business and management

Duration of training - 4 years

Full-time form of education

Brief description of the application of knowledge: Bachedor is a  professional curriculum of higher education is too train the specialty to be certified  with the academic degree of "Bachelor" in the relevant specialty with normative study period for at least 4 years and compulsory gaining  of at least  and the mandatory development of at least ECTS credits of theoretical training and at least 10 credits of professional practice.

Professional activity includes working in organizations of any organizational and legal form and the financial and banking systems, business entities, regardless of the type of activity, size and ownership.

Bachelor in specialty "business Management and entrepreneurship" - bachelor of business and management  is prepared for the following types of professional activity: organizational management; information analysis; entrepreneurship, project management, risk management.

Graduates assess the economic situation and make management decisions based on the analysis of the activities of the economic entity, in leadership positions, carrying out the development of strategic and tactical planning, organizing and controlling processes of the company, taking into account the changes in the environment.

The functions of the professional activity are: planning, setting goals and objectives of the main directions of development of production and management, assessment of their effectiveness; staff motivation and activation of the employees; coordination and control of all economic entities management activities; innovation in the field of material and non-material production, and so on. Training is carried out on educational steps

6В04103 - "business Management and entrepreneurship", created on the basis of employers ' request, created on the basis of the request of employers.

In the national ranking of NAAR specialty program is ranked  the7th.

The program «Business Management and entrepreneurship» was developed by a team of domestic and foreign scientists, teachers, successful businessmen, taking into account economic trends and labor market requirements. 6 doctors of Sciences, 34 candidates of Sciences and PhD, including holders of the title «Best University teacher» and the international scholarship of the President of Kazakhstan «Bolashak», as well as scientists from foreign Universities: South Korea, Bulgaria, Lithuania, CIS countries, businessmen, employees of state and national companies are involved in the implementation of the program.

Purpose of the educational program: Formation of modern competencies in the context of qualitative changes in the domestic and international markets, the growth of entrepreneurial risks and preparation for professional activities in the field of business management as specialists in project offices, personnel management services, strategic development, divisions of the management apparatus of domestic and international companies, government departments and agencies, as well as training graduates to create and develop their own business.

Learning outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to demonstrate:

ON1 ability to develop professional language skills in the state, Russian and English languages

ON2 readiness for communication in oral and written forms for solving problems of professional activity

ON3 critical understanding of the specifics of regulatory documents in the organization of labor of workers and the development of entrepreneurship

ON4 ability to analyze macro and microeconomic processes and develop mathematical models for business decisions

ON5 ability to organize and maintain financial, tax, accounting and management accounting of any areas of activity of economic entities.

ON6 ability to manage a team, have skills of professional, personal growth and business communication

ON7 ability to manage, research, organize and evaluate the management process using innovative technologies in the field of business and agriculture

ON8 the ability to understand and manage the production process of the enterprise, including objects in the field of agribusiness

ON9 mastering the knowledge of building your own business and the basics of marketing management and logistics, including in the field of agribusiness

ON10 ability to manage innovative projects, risks and organize business in agriculture

ON11 skills of "ecological thinking", "lean manufacturing" and "social entrepreneurship"

Contacts: Karabassov Rassul, head of the department "Мanagement and marketing" 39-82-08




UNDERGRADUATE, 6В04104 – «Digital Marketing»

Qualifications: Bachelor of Business and Management

Duration of training: 4 years

Form of education: full-time

Brief description of the application of knowledge: any organization involved in the competition for attention, favor and money of customers, should solve a number of important tasks: the definition of consumers; finding ways to attract and meet their needs; identify the needs of consumers and life values; identification of competitors in the market; belief in the benefit of customers over the competition organization, etc. The solution to all these problems provides expert marketer.

Thus it is not surprising that the market in our region today demanded labor specialists in marketing, advertising, marketing managers and sales and other workers, who must hold a degree in marketing. Therefore, one can predict that the further development of market relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan will lead to increased demand for specialists in marketing.

Brief description of skills: graduate specialty degree in marketing in the learning process develops the following skills:

- Understanding of market research data and the ability to make the right conclusions from them; the ability to analyze databases and statistics and others);

- Wide horizons (cognition skilled marketer limited not only their industry and marketing);

- Psychology of Management (requires a deep understanding of human motivation of the client);

- Interpersonal skills (listening, charisma marketer, sympathy, etc);

- Analytical skills (understanding of different data reporting financial, budget, etc);

- Extensive cultural knowledge (knowledge in the field of culture an important part of the key skills in marketing, especially the culture of other countries), and others.

  • Organization and conduct of the business to provide services in different types and forms of social and cultural services (entertainment, trade, hotel business, catering, etc.);
  • The development of service policies of an economic entity in the field of basic and additional services;
  • Promotion of services, quality assurance services (efficiency, availability, reliability, safety, ergonomics, aesthetics, and others.);

Scientific research services to market conditions

Program Summary: The aim of the educational program of the 6В04104 – «Digital Marketing»  by profile preparation is to prepare marketing specialists of the new formation, with high-grade and high-quality specialized education, professional competence, in-depth theoretical and practical individual training in the field of state and local government; with the development of sustainable knowledge, providing a high level of intellectual development, mastery of the moral, ethical and legal standards, culture of thinking, the development of creativity, initiative and innovation.

The purpose of the educational program at the scientific and pedagogical training: training specialist marketer of a new formation, with the ability to self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge throughout their active life; with a high level of professional culture, including the culture of professional communication, high civil position, ability to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, to successfully carry out teaching, research and management activities; acquire research skills, to participate in research activities at various levels, to continue research in doctoral training; obtain the required minimum of knowledge in the field of university pedagogy and psychology and experience of teaching at the university.

Learning outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to demonstrate:

ON1. To determine and analyze the nature of economic processes at micro and macro levels in a meaningful way.

ON2. Ability to apply the norms of legislation in professional activity.

ON3. Express the ability to interpersonal social and professional communication in the state, Russian and foreign languages; organize teamwork on the principles of tolerance, taking into account ethical, confessional and cultural differences.

ON4. Identify potential customers, distinguish their needs and preferences, segmentation and selection of target market segments, as well as develop and form a product range, establish a system of prices and discounts

ON5. The ability to identify potential customers, identify their needs and preferences, segmentation and selection of target market segments, as well as the development and formation of the product range, the establishment of a system of prices and discounts.

ON6. To organize monitoring and analysis of marketing activities, as well as the development of means of promotion and communication impact on the consumer

ON7. Use effectively applied software products, modern digital platforms, technologies, be able to adapt technical data processing tools to build distribution channels and deliver products to the end customer, organize sales and serve customers

ON8. Organize and plan marketing control of the activities of economic entities in the production and sale of products and services, as well as apply the knowledge gained to create an effective management system for marketing activities of any economic entity, readiness for continuous improvement of the level of general education and professional knowledge

Agricultural management - magistracy

Master conrse 7М04101- «Agricultural management»

Qualifications - Master of Economic Sciences

Duration of training - 2 years;

Full-time form of education

Brief description of the application of knowledge: Education in the master's degree in "Agricultural Management" is aimed at training of high-level professionals with theoretical, analytical, applied knowledge and skills.

Objects of professional work of graduates of master's tours in the specialty  7М04101- "Agricultural Management" are organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership, regardless of industry and areas of activity; authorities and infrastructure of the state and local government; educational establishments; research centers, research and expert consulting organizations, inter-departmental, inter-regional and international scientific design organizations.

Master's course in the specialty 7М04101- "Agricultural Management", specialization "Agricultural Management" is a member of associations "International Network of Master's programs on the agrarian management and rural development project of the German Service for the Exchange of Students (DAAD)" and through a single network of curricula implemented the partnerships with agrarian universities of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Germany and others.

Since the 2015 academic year, German-language Master's Course (DSG) has been introduced. This course provides students with opportunities for advanced training in the agricultural sector in Germany, as well as training in practical and theoretical semesters at the University of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Germany. The best students are awarded all-cost reimbursement scholarships and semester grants (Sur-Place Stipendium, DAAD). DSG graduates possess sufficient competencies for the local agricultural sector, as well as for cooperation with German and international companies.

The program "Agricultural management" was developed by a team of domestic and foreign scientists, teachers, successful businessmen, taking into account economic trends and labor market requirements. 6 doctors of Sciences, 30 candidates of Sciences and PhD, including more than 10 holders of the title "Best teacher of the University" and the international scholarship of the President of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", teachers-holders of a double diploma of Kazakhstan and Germany; graduates of doctoral studies of foreign universities are involved in the implementation of the educational program of masters; professors from the University of applied Sciences Weihenstephan – Triesdorf (Germany); famous scientists - agrarians; managers, practitioners with extensive experience of administrative work.

Purpose of the educational program: The purpose of training in the program "Agrarian Management" is to prepare masters for applied agriculture management, which is qualified for its theoretical and practical knowledge, independently and responsibly, in a wide range of tasks in the field of agriculture and ready to take over the leadership and advice of agricultural enterprises, as well as to represent this area of knowledge in agricultural research, agricultural management companies and service companies, as well as scientific research orientation of the program allows us to become a teacher in the field of education and training. The objectives of the program: the formation of the ability to work with scientific and technical information, to use domestic and foreign experience in professional activities, to systematize and synthesize the information obtained; the formation of core professional competencies in future specialists in the field of management theory and practice; creating prerequisites for independent research and research activities of the graduates at all stages of preparation and the possibility of building their own educational trajectory, taking into account the success in personal and professional activities in the field of management

Learning outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to demonstrate:

ON 1 Effectively lead a team in the field of their professional activities, tolerantly perceiving social, ethical, confessional, cultural and linguistic skills to work in the international market.

ON 2 Analyze, verify information, evaluate its completeness in the course of professional, including pedagogical activity, reflect on the mastered scientific methods and methods of activity.

ON 3 Apply the skills of pedagogical mastery, the art of presentation, critical analysis of the state of the problem

ON 4 Develop strategies, plan the production activities of agricultural enterprises and implement measures aimed at their implementation

ON 5 Analyze the political side and behavior of consumers of economic goods, form supply and demand in the agro-industrial complex of export- and import-oriented international trade.

ON 6 The ability to assess agricultural policy in the general economic and general political system, to assess the institutional implementation of agro-political strategies / tools and their targeted use to influence the agricultural sector.

ON 7 Apply various approaches to human resource management, both as an individual and as a group, possess methods and technologies for planning and implementing a personnel strategy.

ON 8 The ability to solve complex tasks and problems in the field of agricultural management, to use the experience of the production of crop and livestock industries of leading countries, to implement an innovative approach from the operation of agricultural machinery, to manage production in accordance with modern management technologies

ON 9 Analyze the main production and economic relationship at the enterprise level, apply methods of enterprise activity planning and investment calculation for independent processing of all tasks of analysis, planning and financing of an agricultural enterprise.

ON 10 Be able to develop concepts for the development of organizational and personal management, have the skills to analyze annual balance sheets, production indicators and cost estimates for the development of a controlling system at the enterprise, as well as develop and present consulting proposals.

ON 11 Use electronic data processing systems as a tool for rationalizing production processes such as management, planning and control and use them to create information proposals, be able to apply methods of applied empirical social research, basic statistical techniques, be able to calculate, evaluate and present the results of the analysis of the company's activities.

ON 12 Analyze the production process at the enterprise, be able to calculate and evaluate the investment plan of the economy and the most important indicators of production as profitability, liquidity, stability of the enterprise

Contacts: Karabassov Rassul, head of the department "Мanagement and marketing" 39-82-08




7М04106 – «Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services»

Form of education: full-time

Brief description of the application of knowledge: any organization involved in the competition for attention, favor and money of customers, should solve a number of important tasks: the definition of consumers; finding ways to attract and meet their needs; identify the needs of consumers and life values; identification of competitors in the market; belief in the benefit of customers over the competitive organization, etc. The solution to all these problems provides expert marketer!

Thus it is not surprising that the market in our region today demanded labor specialists in marketing, advertising, marketing managers and sales and other workers, who must hold a degree in marketing. Therefore, one can predict that the further development of market relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan will lead to increased demand for specialists in marketing.

Brief description of skills: Graduate master's degree in marketing in the learning process develops the following skills:

- Psychology of Management (requires a deep understanding of human motivation of the client);

- Interpersonal skills (listening, charisma marketer, sympathy, etc.);

- Analytical skills (understanding of different data reporting financial, budget, etc.; understanding of market research data and the ability to make the right conclusions from them; the ability to analyze databases and statistics and others);

- Wide horizons (cognition skilled marketer limited not only their industry and marketing);

- Extensive cultural knowledge (knowledge in the field of culture an important part of the key skills in marketing, especially the culture of other countries), and others.

Program Summary: The aim of the educational program 7М04106 – «Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services»: training the specialist marketer of a new formation, with the ability to self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge throughout their active life; with a high level of professional culture, including the culture of professional communication, high civil position, ability to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, to successfully carry out teaching, research and management activities; acquire research skills, to participate in research activities at various levels, to continue research in doctoral training; obtain the required minimum of knowledge in the field of university pedagogy and psychology and experience of teaching at the university.

Phone: 39-82-08




In 2023, the Department of Memagement and Marketing developed and implemented OP «7M04115 Strategic Management (Executive MBA) into a single higher education platform».  In-depth study by students interested in mastering modern business management models to improve their personal efficiency and competitiveness of companies in the context of globalization and constant changes. The EMBA program is aimed at training managerial personnel who possess modern knowledge and skills in the field of business, able to manage with the use of scientific tools.

The EMBA educational program has an applied nature of training, is aimed at instilling managerial skills and providing training for general professional managers in all aspects. 

The EMBA program is built in the form of thematic modules, within which training courses are replaced by master classes, discussions, group discussions and company visits. The emphasis is placed on practical classes that allow developing skills in analyzing real business situations, searching and making managerial decisions. 

The labor intensity of the EMBA is 60 ECTS (EuropeanCreditTransferandAccumulationSystem) credits, which include:

1) disciplines on the formation of professional competencies and personal development, leadership qualities;
2) production practice;
3) field internship abroad;
4) implementation of the master's thesis with practical conclusions and recommendations;
5) final certification.

The structure of the EMBA educational program also provides for experimental research work of undergraduates.

Management in AIC - doctorate

The educational program 8D04101 – «Management in agriculture» 

Qualifications – «Doctor of Philosophy (PhD»

Training term - 3 years

Full-time form of education 

Brief description of the application of knowledge: Educational program for training doctors PhD has the  research and teaching focus and assumes fundamental educational, methodological and research training and in-depth the study of the disciplines relevant to the fields of sciences for the system of higher, postgraduate education and scientific sphere.

Doctoral studies includes: a parallel flow of the educational process and research activities; a scientific, educational and methodological training; foreign internships in the research work of doctoral student; consultation with the renowned international scientists. 

Mastering the content of an educational program is aimed at building of the following competencies:

- ideas about the subject, ideological and methodological specificity of the natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences, scientific concepts of the world and Kazakhstan science;

- knowledge and understanding of current trends and development trends of Russian science;

- ability to carry out scientific research based on modern theories and methods of analysis, to generate their own scientific ideas, to communicate their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community and others. 

PhD in educational program 8D04101 -Management in agriculture includes the study of the compulsory discipline "Research management" and the disciplines of choice: "Public administration in agriculture", Cooperative business enterprises/Human resource management strategy/ Statistics in the economy. 

The program «Management in agriculture» was developed by a team of domestic and foreign scientists, teachers, successful businessmen, taking into account economic trends and labor market requirements. The program attracted doctors, candidates of Sciences and PhDs of the University, winners of "Best teacher of the University" and the international scholarship of the President RK "Bolashak", as well as scientists from foreign Universities: Agricultural University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Korea University (Korea), University of Alexander Stulginskis (Lithuania), etc. 

Purpose of the educational program: The purpose of the educational program: training doctors PhD, able to work both individually and in a team, manage business processes effectively in agricultural enterprises operating in the industrial, educational areas, to participate in research and development to create innovative product from idea to its commercialization and distribution. Strong position the university as a strategic partner, allowed to form a strong network of our business partners in the scientific and artistic research: the establishment of the financial and credit systems, departments and agencies public administration, enterprises of different ownership forms, higher education institutions and others.

Learning outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to demonstrate:

ON1 -demonstrate the ability to think, design, implement and adapt the existing research process in terms of the scientific approach, the publication of their research at the national and international level;

ON2 - to apply modern approaches of effective use of agricultural resources, to develop effective directions of management and stabilization of the economy of agriculture, to be prepared for management in the sectors of agriculture, supply chain management;

ON3 - to carry out management functions and solve professional problems in the interests of the enterprise, decision-making on their implementation in practice, the ability to effectively manage integrated agro-industrial formations;

ON4 - the ability to organize effective activities of agricultural enterprises, leading to the growth of its strategic competitiveness, to apply in practice the tools of strategic and internal planning;

ON5 - possess communication skills, ensure the interaction of corporate culture and the environment; have the ability to organize and develop cooperative business enterprises; manage human resources

ON6 - apply statistical analysis methods in assessment of the state and prospects of development of specific socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Contacts: Karabassov Rassul, head of the department "Мanagement and marketing" 39-82-08




8D04105, PhD – MARKETING

Duration of education: 3 years

Form of education: full-time

Brief description of the application of knowledge: in the modern world, every company must constantly study the market, analyze market opportunities, to choose what products he needs to make, which was in demand from consumers. Management companies always carries out its activities in accordance with market requirements and demands of the consumer. These functions are performed by the marketer. Each enterprise has a marketing department, where marketers are engaged in a constant study of the customer requirements, the best ways to meet the needs, strengths and weaknesses of competitors and the market. Marketing is a popular profession in the educational market.

Brief description of skills: PhD doctoral graduate with a degree in Marketing in the learning process develops the following skills:

  • evaluate and synthesize scientific theories, knowledge and ideas in the field of marketing based on the using of research results, modern methodology, approaches and trends of their development in order to create their own contribution to building up the scientific potential of the fundamental and applied school of marketing;
  • apply effective methods of planning and organizing scientific research of high significance in the framework of ongoing projects, forming a consistent methodology for their implementation and using scientific methods of research practice (general, interdisciplinary , quantitative, qualitative, new, original : imitation, ethnographic, synectic and others);
  • celebrating concept and policy of market development, industry organizations on the basis of their systemic analysis, evaluation of strategic groups of competitors and smart technologies in order to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities in these areas and their projection on innovative and competitive development directions;
  • create original scientific products of different levels based on planning and implementing an integrated research process, applying combined techniques and interdisciplinary knowledge, reasonably presenting their results, expanding the scope of existing knowledge for discussion in discussions and publications of national and international refereed publications included in the Clarivate Analytics, Scopus and others;
  • promote technological, social development in the interest of the formation of the Kazakhstan scientific school of marketing and economic society, expanding the academic, professional, research and educational contexts, as well as defining the strategy of improving the personal and professional growth.

Program Summary: The aim of the educational program PhD doctoral specialty 8D04105 - «Marketing» is a training specialist in marketing of the new formation, having a broad fundamental knowledge, proactive, adaptive to the changing requirements of the labor market and modern technology, able to work both individually and in a team.

This educational program reinforces the connection with practice, allowing to prepare high level specialists with high civil position of professional culture, professional competence. Choice doctoral individual trajectory of education in the modern areas of the economy, marketing and commercial activities, makes it possible to create conditions for mobile flexible planning of the educational process, to develop students' ability to self-improvement and self-development, raise the need and skills of independent creative mastery of modern knowledge, to master the basic courses the intersection of science, guaranteeing professional mobility on an international level.

Learning outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to demonstrate:

ON1. To use the conceptual and methodological apparatus of economic sciences to solve non-standard problems of various levels of complexity in the analysis of modern economic policy and economic processes at the national and international level.

ON2. Have the skills to apply modern marketing research methodologies using digital technologies in the preparation of marketing strategic plans.

ON3. Choose innovative strategies and strategies of interpersonal interaction to solve economic problems at various levels

ON4. Calculate applied methods and techniques in complex marketing research and make a forecast when developing scientific projects.

ON5. Offer creative organizational and managerial solutions in professional activity and willingness to take responsibility for them

ON6. Be able to compile, analyze and interpret marketing and other reports, as well as use the results of the analysis to make optimal management decisions.

ON7. Be able to investigate the market conditions of educational services, predict and promote current trends in the development of the educational system and innovative activities

ON8. Confirm professional activity, guided by the principles of social responsibility and analysis of socio-economic problems in conjunction with a wide range of political, institutional, psychological factors

International cooperation

Seifullin KATU is a member of the Association "International Network of Master Programs in Agricultural Management and Rural Development of the project of the German Service for the Exchange of Students (DAAD)". Through a unified network of training graduate specialization courses "Agricultural Management" made a partnership with the agricultural universities of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Germany and others.

For more than 20 years, KATU has been cooperating fruitfully with the University of Applied Sciences "Weihenstephan-Trisdorf" (Germany). The cooperation is being conducted in the direction of master's training in the specialty "Management" with the specialization "Agrarian Management". According to the agreement on cooperation S. Seifullin KATU carries out the preparation of masters for the joint educational program of bipartite education, which meets the modern requirements of the labor market and contributes to the competitiveness of graduates.

Since 2003, more than 120 graduates graduated from the Master's Degree in Management, including both the scientific and pedagogical, and the profile direction.

The master's course "Agrarian Management" has successfully passed accreditation.

Teachers of the University of Applied Sciences "Weihenstephan-Trisdorf" every year give lectures, seminars for students and undergraduates of the specialty "Management". In 2015-2017 professor, dean of the agricultural faculty R. Schlauderer, associate professors M.Trester, G.Shauer, M.Trozder And K. Schindler, who is the Master of Science in the University of Applied Sciences in Weihenstephan, as well as graduates of the MBA "Agrarian Management" conducted lectures and seminars.

On July 2, 2016, the Kazakhstan-German round table on the development of higher education in the agrarian sphere was held. Its purpose was to consider the topical issues of training innovative management personnel for the agricultural sector, discuss prospects and find effective ways to solve the problems in this area.

The master of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Trisdorf Paul Witman conducted research work in Kazakhstan and collected data on the writing of the master's thesis in the framework of the DSG program.

n academic year 2016-2017 one teacher (Mutalieva Madina Nurlanovna), who teaches for master students in the specialty 6M050700 - Management went to a training seminar at the University of Applied Sciences Weinstefan, Germany.

In 2015-2017 undergraduate of the 1st year M. Mukalieva went to study at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan – Trizdorf, Germany for 2 semesters within academic mobility framework.

In 2016, undergraduate students of the specialty 5B050700 - "Management" Kim Alisa, Kadyrbayev Dastan and Dzhumadilov Damir have been practicing at this university.

The department also cooperates fruitfully with the agrarian University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), the Belarusian State Agricultural Technical University (Belorussia), the Tyumen State University (Russian Federation), and others.

Every year, graduate students go to foreign scientific internships in universities of Russia, the Czech Republic, the PRC, Poland, Italy, etc.

The number of students and undergraduates of the specialty who are participating under the program of academic mobility is growing.

In 2013-2014 academic year 2 master students  (S.O Umerbekova,  A.A Kaliev.) and one graduate student  (A.Adilbek) trained at the Agrarian University Nitra (Slovakia). In 2014-2015 academic year, two students went on academic mobility program: Zh Rashev at Agricultural University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria); M. Baytakova in Tyumen State University (Russia).  In 2015-2016 academic year, 3 students 5B050700 specialty - "Management":Zh Ahmedbekova, G. Japarova, A. Adilbek  trained on academic mobility in Kazakhstan Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

In the second semester of 2016-2017 academic year, three students of the specialty went to study the internal academic mobility: the 2nd year student Umurzakov M.  to the A. Baytursynov Kostanay State University and the third year students Zhailaubaeva A. and Darkhan K. to Almaty Technological University.

  • 2018 14 master's degree students majoring in 6M050700 – "Management" were trained at the State Agricultural University.Hugo Kollontai in Krakow (Poland) and 7 undergraduates at the National agrarian University of Almaty.
  • In the 2018-2019 academic year 4 undergraduates went on program of academic mobility Beisenov A. Zhaksylykov A., Kadyrova G. E., Kipshakbaev A. M. and Reinhard Martin Germany, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (Germany) 

Over the past 3 years, as part of the program of academic mobility and multilingual education, faculty members from Bulgaria, Lithuania, South Korea (Antanas Maziliauskas- Lithuania, N. Bencheva-Bulgaria, Song Su-Lim, South Korea, etc.) visited S. Seifullin KATU and conducted classes with students of the "Management".

International svzi in the 2023-2024 academic year are getting stronger, lectures are being given and conduct practical seminars at the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin was started by a professor from the Polish University of Science and Technology AGH named after Stanislav Stasic (Krakow) Anna Dubel№ The professor will conduct several training seminars for young scientists and doctoral students and, as a result, together with young scientists, will prepare an application for participation in grant programs, international projects, and international scientific research.

Rector of KazATIU, Kanat Maratovich Tireuov, together with the professor discussed the prospects of cooperation with the Krakow University of Science and Technology, as well as the possibility of organizing training programs for double diplomas in magistracy

2023. Professor of Korean University Song Soo Lim arrived to make a presentation at the Plenary Session of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, as well as lecturing for students gr. 07-044-20-01, 07-044-20-02, 07-044-20-03, 07-044-20-04 on the discipline "Project management in the agricultural sector" on the topic: "Agricultural projects and investment risk mitigation."

Korea University according to the ranking of world universities (QS World University Rankings) 2023 - takes 74th position

2024 ohu zhylynan bastap, Bolashak fellows, e.і.k., management women marketing departments, Sautpaev Sh. E. Nukesheva A, Zh. Lithuania elіnіі.

"Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration" University,, 500 Kalym,, basym bayttardyk tіzbesine engіzilgen "Auyl sharuashylyk yndagy management" baқdarlamasy boyynysh қylymdamadan

Students life

Eleven instructors from the Department of Management and Marketing function as student academic group curators. Learning activities are organized as interactive curatorial hours or as educational dialogues addressing a range of subjects related to society and student life. Connections are scheduled with well-known politicians, officials, entrepreneurs, police enforcement officers, and medical institutions. Students visit theaters, museums, exhibitions and cinemas. As a result, a person with an understanding of the moral and cultural norms of the country develops an ethno-culturally competent personality.

A significant amount of work is done in collaboration with students in arranging activities that ensure the immediate elimination and neutralization of antisocial beliefs, extremism, negative behaviors, etc. among students.

Educational work at the department is carried out in the following areas:

- Legal education

- Civic and patriotic education

- Spiritual and moral education

- Cultural and aesthetic education

- Labor education

- Formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Since the beginning of the 2023–2024 academic year, the department's curators have been actively conducting open curatorial hours dedicated to significant events. Thus, since the beginning of the academic year, the curators have been working to introduce first-year students with the regulations established  by the university, the basic principles of academic integrity, and an explanation of a responsible attitude toward the contents of the "Code of Honor," strict observance of the standards set forth by the institution, and the prevention of violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan's Criminal Code and Administrative Code. This work was carried out with the involvement of Kanafin Talgat Zekenovich, a specialist in the Department of Cultural and Mass Work.

On September 27, 2023, the curators of the academic groups of the Department of Management and Marketing organized a literary and musical evening "Karttarym-asyl Kazynam" dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.


On November 8, 2023, junior and senior year students of the educational program "Business Management and Entrepreneurship" debated the topic of "Artificial Intelligence."


 in the 2023 academic year in Almaty on the basis of KazNU them. Al-Farabi hosted the final of the XV Republican Student Olympiad in the OP "6V04107 - Marketing" on the topic: "Digital marketing: modern trends and prospects."

Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after Saken Seifullin was represented by the PopStar team consisting of students of the Faculty of Economics of the OP 6B041 Digital Marketing 3 courses of the group 20-13 Bayburina Diana, Asanova Ayanym, Ibraeva Madina, scientific adviser Ph.D., ass. professor of the Department of Management and Marketing Karabasov Rasul Asylbekovich

Information on subject Olympiads "Management"
Specifics of educational programs: "Business Management and Entrepreneurship", "Agricultural Management" " Management in AIC"

During the development of management science and practice, a number of fairly holistic management units have been formed, in this regard, specialists are annually trained in the educational programs "Business Management and Entrepreneurship", "Agricultural Management", "Management in AIC" in accordance with the current and future needs of the labor market, which is dynamically developing and improving. Every year, on the basis of discussion and coordination of professional competencies with potential employers in the field of management (state and local governments, enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership and activities), the educational programs in the direction of "Business and Management" are made appropriate changes to the list and content of the disciplines of the basic and profile cycles.

All disciplines have professional expediency, are relevant and timely, have a practical orientation and are focused on the needs of employers. According to the results of the 2018 NAAR rating, all three levels received fairly high results: bachelor's degree-7th place, master's degree-3rd place, doctoral degree-4th place.

Feature programs on three levels is a practical orientation and a high level of independent work of students. They were developed together with teachers with many years of practical experience, production farmers and focused on the strengths of agricultural education in Kazakhstan. In the process of training, the main emphasis is on interactive forms (seminars, presentations, practices) and practical content (real research), in order to eventually get versatile qualified graduates who meet modern professional requirements. Independent profile training of students provides a wide range of subjects to choose from.

Within the framework of the international master's course "Agricultural Management" program, an annual recruitment to the scientific and pedagogical magistracy 7M041-Management "Agricultural management"is held. This program is accredited by the International Commission of the Accreditation Institute, certification and quality assurance ACQUIN in the period from September 2016 to March 2018 and from March 2018 to September 2021 and is a joint two-degree program with the University of applied Sciences Weinstephan-Triesdorf(Germany).

To implement the training masters educational program involved: teachers and professors from the University of applied Sciences Weienstephan-Triesdorf (Germany); well - known agricultural scientists; managers-practitioners with extensive experience in administrative and managerial work (Managers, Directors, Departments Heads). According to experts, the educational program "Agricultural Management" in the direction 7M041 - "Business and Management" can be recommended in the educational process in Universities of Kazakhstan.

In the conditions of globalization, foreign policy and economic context in order to improve educational competencies in educational programs "Business Management and Entrepreneurship", "Agricultural Management", "Management in AIC" the Department is actively working to establish contacts with economic universities in Germany, Bulgaria, South Korea, Russia and Ukraine. Traditionally, the Department lectures and seminars are held by foreign scientists, including: Ralph Schlauderer, Georеg Schauer, Reiner Doluszitz, Michael Troezder, Christian Schindler, Marcus Hains. University of applied SciencesWeinstephan(Germany), Vilma Atkochunen, Alexander Stulginska University(Lithuania), Professor Song Su Lim, Korea University, (Korea).

The solution of modern urgent problems facing the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, considered by the Department in ordert o improve the quality of professional training of highly qualified specialists, is aimed at further expanding ties with the world's leading scientific centers.

For the implementation of educational programs: "Management of Entrepreneurship", "Agrarian Management", "Management in AIC" reading special disciplines involves experts having extensive practical experience in various sectors of economy, so students can choose the direction of his futurespeciality. For example, A.Medeubaev, Director of LLP "Agrofirma Zher 888"; G.Baymakova, Head of Property "Olzhas"; E.Zh.Kaitanov, chief specialist of "Samruk Energy".

Meeting sand conversations with employers are regularly organized and conducted, during which questionnaires are carried out, comments and suggestions are heard, aimed at improving the further work on the training of highly qualified specialists. The problemati c points identified in the survey are the discussed at the meetings of the Department. The result of this workisthedevelopment and improvement of new courses, which take into account the expressed wishes and suggestions of stakeholders. As employers, specialists of the economic service of various institutionsandenterprises of Astana and Akmol are gion wereinvolved. Thus, the discussion Of the educational program of master's and bachelor's degree was attended by specialists: JSC Akmolacarrepairplant, LLP "Astykkoimalary", the Ministry of agriculture, etc.

The specifics of the educational programs 6B04104 – «Digital Marketing», 7M04106 – «Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services», 8D04105 – «Marketing»

The specifics of the educational programs

6B04104 – «Digital Marketing», 7M04106 – «Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services», 8D04105 – «Marketing»


The need for marketing specialists caused by the fact that in a market economy and the emerging competitive environment, more companies are turning to marketing as a system of  building its market policy.

Using the management in the modern concept of marketing companies strive to base their activities in accordance with its key principle: to produce what is sold, rather than to sell what is produced.

Systematic and scientific-organized marketing allows companies to study the market thoroughly and comprehensively, to form and to influence actively the demand, to plan product portfolio efficiently and effectively carry out promotional activities, to carry out pricing policies.

A special place in educational programs is occupied by the formation of professional knowledge and skills in such areas as marketing strategy, digital marketing, brand management, consumer behavior, neuromarketing, modern marketing practices, market analytics, etc.

Today, labor market of our region demands specialists of marketing, advertising, marketing and sales managers, and other professionals who need to have a degree in marketing. Therefore, one can predict that the further development of market relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan will lead to increase the demand for specialists in marketing.

Graduates of the educational program 6B04104 – «Digital Marketing» can work not only in advertising or marketing agencies, but also engage in marketing in all its manifestations: create products, work with pricing, develop network trading, study consumers and the market, conduct marketing research, as well as develop a system for creating, developing and promoting a product and company in general.

Graduates of educational programs 7M04106 – «Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services», 8D04105 – «Marketing» can successfully work in the following sectors and areas:

  • Research and teaching activities in the system of higher and postgraduate education and scientific sphere;
  • production activities as marketing, finance director, manager, consultant, specialist of administrative bodies, researcher at the Institute, research programs, international cooperation programs, etc..

6B04104 – «Digital Marketing», 7M04106 – «Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services», 8D04105 – «Marketing» Educational programs are interdisciplinary and practice-oriented.

Leading practitioners are involved in the educational process of programs at all three levels to conduct disciplines, as well as to conduct guest lectures and master classes.

According to the results of the NAAR 2023 rating, educational programs received fairly high results: Bachelor's Degree - 4 place, Master's Degree - 5 place.

Graduates of the programs are in demand in the labor market. According to graduate monitoring, 80% of students find high-paying jobs in their specialty during their studies or immediately after graduating from the program.


010000, Kazakhstan Republic,

Nur-Sultan, Pobeda, 62,

Main office tel.: +7 (7172) 39-67-02,


Educational program development plan 6B04104 - "Digital Marketing"
Educational program development plan 7M04106 -''Marketing and brand management in the market of goods and services"
Educational program development plan
Educational program development plan 8D04105 - "Marketing"
EducationaI program «Management in agriculture»
Educational program 7M04101 - «Agrarian Management»
Educational program 6В04103 Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Educational program 7M04101 "Agricultural management"
PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 7M04106 "Marketing and Brand Management in the market of commodities and services" for 2024-2029
PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 6B04104 "Digital маркетинг" for 2024-2029
Plan development of the educational program 7M04101 "Agricultural management" 2024-2029
Plan development of the educational program 7M04115 "Strategic Management" (Executive MBA) 2024-2029 y y.
Plan for the development of the educational program 6B04103 "Business Management and Entrepreneurship" for 2024-2029
Development plan of the educational program "8D04101 Management in Agriculture" for 2024-2029
Educational program "6B04101 - Business management and entrepreneurship"
Educational program "8D04101 - Management in africulture"
Certificate of accreditation of the educational program 6В04103 – «Business Management and Entrepreneurship»
EducationaI program Business management and entrepreneurship (undergraduate)
EducationaI program AgricuIturaI management(speciaIized magistracy)
EducationaI program Agrarian Management(scientific and pedagogicaI)
EducationaI program Management in agricuIture (doctoraI)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM «Business management and entrepreneurship» (undergraduate)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM «Agrarian Management» (specialized magistracy)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM «Agrarian Management» (scientific and pedagogical magistracy)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM «Management in agriculture» (doctoral)
Certificate of accreditation of the educational program 7M04101 - «Agrarian Management»
Certificate of accreditation of the educational program 8D04101 «Agro – IndustriaI CompIex Management»
Certificate of accreditation of the educational program 5B051100 "Marketing"
Certificate of accreditation of the educational program 6М051100 "Marketing"
Certificate of accreditation of the educational program 5D051100 "Marketing"
Educational program 7М041 «Marketing and brand management in the market of goods and services» (2 years)
Educational program 8D041«Marketing»