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The Department of Veterinary Sanitation

The Department of Veterinary Sanitation


Training at the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin in the specialty of veterinary sanitation began at the Department of Veterinary Sanitation and certification of animal products in 1995. The Department of Veterinary Sanitation was established as an independent structural unit in 2000. The first graduation of specialists was carried out in 2000.

Currently, the department produces specialties 6B09102 - “Food Safety”, 7M09102 - “Safety and Quality of Food Products”, 8D09102 - “Sanitary and Environmental Safety of Livestock Products”.

The organizer and founder of the department is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor V.F. Matusevich.

Significant contributions to the formation and further development of the department were made by: Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Dmitriev A.F., Professor Subbotin V.M., Candidates of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professors Mingilev V.P., Ushakova E.G., Nikishova M.A. , Svider P.M., Terebinov G.I.

The educational programs of the department at three levels of training annually undergo an external examination procedure by ranking in an independent accreditation and rating agency and have taken leading positions in recent years. According to the results of the IAAR and Atameken rankings in 2023, the department took 1st place.

Positions of EP specialties in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the IAAR ranking


Bachelor's degree

Master's degree

Doctoral studies

EP "Food Safety"

EP "Safety and quality of food products"

EP "Sanitary and environmental safety of livestock products"










Positions of EP specialties in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Atameken ranking


                                                                                        Bachelor's degree                                                                                           

EP "Food Safety"»






Contingent of students in 2021-2024.

Contingent of students in undergraduate specialties





EP 6B09102-Food safety


Contingent of students





Number of students studying on state grants





Number of students studying on a paid basis





Contingent of students in master's degrees

№ п/п





7M09102 Food safety and quality


Contingent of undergraduates





Number of master's students studying on state grants





Number of master's students studying on a paid basis





Contingent of doctoral students


Academic year

 2021-202 2



8D09102 Sanitary and environmental safety of livestock products





The staff of the department is represented by 25 teachers, of which 2 professors, 6 associate professors, 2 associate professors, 1 acting professor. associate professor, 12 senior teachers, 2 teachers, including 2 doctors of science, 12 candidates of science, 8 PhD and 3 masters of science.

There are 6 holders of the state grant “Best Teacher of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan” working at the department:

• 2005 – Maikanov B.S.,

• 2006 – Abdrakhmanov S.K.,

• 2010 – Zhumakayeva A.N.,

• 2011 – Abdrakhmanov S.K.,

• 2011 – Balji Yu.A.,

• 2018 – Maikanov B.S.,

• 2020 – Beisembaev K.K.,

• 2021 – Auteleyeva L.T.,

• 2022 – Balji Y.A.

  In addition, holders of the international Bolashak scholarship work at the department as part of the scientific internship "500 scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • 2021-Paritova A.Y.
  • 2023-Murzakayeva G.K.


In total, the teaching staff of the department teaches 31 disciplines for students in the specialty 6B09102 - “Food Safety”, 11 disciplines for the specialty 7M09102 - “Safety and Quality of Food Products” and 5 for the specialty 8D09102 - “Sanitary and Environmental Safety of Livestock Products”.

Since 2015, trilingual training has begun in the specialty 7M09102 - “Safety and quality of food products” and 8D09102 - “Sanitary and environmental safety of livestock products”. Three teachers of the department teach classes in English.

The teaching staff of the department carries out educational, educational, methodological, scientific and educational work.

The educational process uses innovative forms and methods of conducting classes (in the disciplines “Veterinary and sanitary control at the border and transport” - candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Zhumakayeva A.N.; “Veterinary and sanitary examination of livestock and poultry products” - d .biology, professor Maikanov B.S., candidate of veterinary sciences, acting professor Balji Y.A.; “Technology, sanitation and veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and dairy products”, “Veterinary-sanitary examination of products fish farming, beekeeping and plant growing" - candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Adilbekov Zh.Sh., "Animal pathology" - candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Ashimova K.K.; “Organization of veterinary and sanitary supervision for especially dangerous animal diseases”, “Epizootology and infectious diseases of animals” - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Abdrakhmanov S.K., PhD, Associate Professor Beisembaev K.K. – business games, situational tasks, tabletop exercises, training tasks, computer training programs for conducting various types of classes).

In order to improve the quality of classes, a “Plan for the Introduction of Innovative Technologies into the Educational Process” has been developed, a schedule of open classes has been drawn up, leading lecturers from industry have been invited, classes have been mutually attended, as well as lectures by foreign scientists.

In the educational process, the following material base is used: the faculty clinic, department museums, animals, laboratory equipment in the “Food Safety” laboratory and in the joint Chinese-Kazakh laboratory (ArcGis 10.1 software, Risk Palisade, vector maps of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regions, binocular and trinocular microscopes, voltammetric analyzer Ta-lab, ICA analyzer RIDA®QUICK SCAN Set, enzyme immunoassay analyzer, spectrophotometers, milk analyzers “Expert Super Plem Combo”, “Ecomilk Total”, “Ecomilk Scan”, “Lactan 1-4”, “Somatos” -M",

analyzer for direct counting of somatic cells and bacterial contamination in milk "Expert SSK" (lactoscanscc), ionomers, pH meters Metrohm 827, radiometers-dosimeters, digital and projection trichinelloscopes, Complex "Keltran" with an automatic titration installation, thermostats, digital titrators, homogenizers, analytical balances HR-150AG, etc.) as well as specialized audiences by discipline. The production material and technical base of the laboratories for veterinary and sanitary examination of markets, the laboratories of the RSE “National Reference Center for Veterinary Medicine” and the RSE “Republican Veterinary Laboratory” of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the RGU “Republican Anti-Epizootic Squad”, LLP “Tselinnaya” are also used as a material base for the internship. factory of delicacies”, JSC “Astana-Onim”, LLP “Pishchekombinat”, LLP “NFT-KATU”, etc.  All of the above are used when completing theses, preparing master’s and doctoral dissertations.


The educational process is provided with the necessary materials (reagents, tools, laboratory utensils), products and raw materials of animal and plant origin.

The department is headed by a Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Assistant Professor Zhanat Shabanbayevich Adilbekov

Department history

The history of the formation of the specialty as an independent unit:

The department was organized in 1969 and was called the Department of Zohygiene and Foundations of Veterinary Medicine, in 1975 it was renamed the Department of Zohygiene and Microbiology. The organizer of the department and the first head was Professor Matusevich Vladimir Fadeevich (1974-1978). The department included the following disciplines: Veterinary hygiene, Microbiology with Virology, Pharmacology with Toxicology, the basics of Veterinary Medicine.

After the reorganization of the departments, it was renamed in 1997 as a "Department of Veterinary Sanitation and Certification of Livestock Products" with the following disciplines: Veterinary and sanitary expertise, Pathological anatomy, Pharmacology with Toxicology, Veterinary hygiene, Organization and economics of veterinary affairs, Fundamentals of Veterinary Medicine. The head of the department was the candidate of veterinary sciences, assistant professor Mingilev Vladimir Pavlovich.

The head of the department was the candidate of veterinary sciences Syzdykov Kuanysh Nugmanovich in 2001-2003.

From 2004 to 2018, the head of the department was Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Abdrakhmanov Sarsenbay Kadyrovich.

 In 2018, the head of the department was Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Balji Yuri Alexandrovich.

In 2019-2020, the head of the department was Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Senior Lecturer Inirbaev Asylkhan Kabievich.

In 2020-2021, the head of the department was Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Senior Lecturer Yeshmukhametov Amangeldy Yembergenovich.

Since 2021, the head of the department has become a candidate of veterinary sciences, assistant professor Adilbekov Zhanat Shabanbaevich.

The purpose of organizing the department is to implement educational programs for three-level training of specialists 6В09102 – «Food safety», 7M09102 – «Safety and quality of food products» and 8D09102 – «Sanitary and ecological safety of animal products», as well as conducting training sessions in special disciplines of technical and agronomic faculties.

Today, in accordance with the license AB №0062189, dated July 2, 2008, order of the ССSES MES RK №804 dated 01.07.2008 without restriction, the department graduates bachelor's degree specialists in the specialty «5В120200 - Veterinary Sanitation» and «6В083-Veterinary Medicine» in the State and Russian languages ​​in full-time education on the basis of general and secondary education, the duration of study is 5 years, the magistracy 7M138 – «Veterinary science» in two directions, scientific - pedagogical and specialized, also doctoral studies «8D09102-Sanitary and ecological safety of animal products».

Training of masters at the university in the specialty 6M120200 – «Veterinary Sanitation» has been carried out since 2004. Educational activities are carried out on the basis of the license of the AB series No. 0062189, issued on 02.07.2008 and the annex to the license No. 0110665, issued on 03.02.2010. according to order No. 804 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.07.2008. The license is valid for an unlimited period.

Training of doctoral students at the university in the specialty 6D120200 «Veterinary Sanitation» has been carried out since 2010. Educational activities are carried out on the basis of the license of the AB series No. 0062189, issued on 02.07.2008 and annex to the license No. 0110665, issued on 03.02.2010 according to the order No. 804 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.07.2008. License validity period is unlimited.

The specialty 6M120200 – «Veterinary Sanitation» was passed the state certification, and in May 2014 it has passed the specialized accreditation of the IAAR, about which a certificate was issued (from 19.12.2014, registration number AB0476) in 2010.

The specialty 6D120200 – «Veterinary Sanitation» was accredited within the framework of the specialized accreditation of the IAAR, about which a certificate was issued (dated 19.12.2014, registration number AB0477) in 2014.

        The specialty 6В09102 – «Food Safety» was accredited within the framework of specialized accreditation of the IAAR, about which a certificate was issued (from 20.12.2019, registration number AB2848) in 2019.

The specialty 7M09102 – «Safety and quality of food products» was accredited within the framework of specialized accreditation of the IAAR, about which a certificate was issued (from 20.12.2019, registration number AB2849) in 2019.

The specialty 8D09102 – «Sanitary and ecological safety of livestock products» was accredited within the framework of specialized accreditation of the IAAR, about which a certificate was issued (from 20.12.2019, registration number AB2850) in 2019.


At the Department of Veterinary Sanitation, work is actively carried out under the programs of grant and program-targeted funding, where most of the teaching staff is involved.

 Funding for scientific projects is:

        - in 2020 – 111 979 847 tenge,

        - in 2021 – 93 231 972 tenge

The following teachers actively participate in the implementation of projects: Abdrakhmanov S.K., Maikanov B.S., Baldzhi Yu.A., Adilbekov Zh.Sh., Zhanabayeva D.K., Auteleyeva L.T.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, the contingent of students was 383 students, of which 295 (77.0%) study in the state language. 291 students studied on state educational grants and 92 on a paid contractual basis. Bilateral and tripartite agreements are concluded with students studying on a paid-contractual basis.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, the contingent of students is 372 students, of which 301 (80.9%) study in the state language. 295 students study on state educational grants and 77 on a paid contractual basis. Bilateral and tripartite agreements are concluded with students studying on a paid-contractual basis.

The department has developed annual and long-term research plans that cover a wide range of problems relevant to the region and the republic: development of methods for assessing the quality and safety of livestock and crop products, including GM products, assessment of food products contaminated with mycotoxins, non-traditional methods of treatment and prevention of animal diseases, diagnostics and prevention of infectious diseases, development of veterinary and sanitary measures.

The department is actively engaged in inventive activity. So, 15 security documents have been received in recent years by professor Abdrakhmanov S.K, B.S. Maikanov - 16, Baldzhi Y.A. - more than 46, Adilbekov Zh.Sh. - 12, Zhumakayeva A.N. - 2 patents, Zhanabayeva D.K. - 5 patents for inventions.

Educational and methodological work

In the educational process, innovative forms and methods of training are used (on the disciplines "Veterinary control at the border and transport" - candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Zhumakaeva A.N.;"Veterinary and sanitary expertise of products of living and living" -d.b.n., professor Maikanov B.S., candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Balji Yu.A.; "Veterinary and sanitary expertise of products of rybovodstvo, pchelovodstvo and rastenievodstvo"- candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Adilbekov Z.S., "Pathology of life" - candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor., Associate Professor K.K. Ashimova; "Epizootology and Infectious Diseases" - doctor of veterinary sciences, professor Abdrakhmanov S.K., PhD, associate professor Beisembayev K.K. – Business games, situational tasks, specific tasks, training tasks, computer training programs for conducting various types of activities).

"With the aim of improving the quality of the work carried out, the plan of introduction of innovative technologies in the learning process" was developed, the schedule of open jobs, the introduction of leading lecturers with production, the interaction of jobs, as well as the lectures of young scientists."

In 2021-2023, the following educational and methodological literature was introduced at the Department:

Adilbekov, Z.S. technology, hygiene and veterinary and sanitary expertise of the preparation of milk and dairy products: manual / Adilbekov Z.S.; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nao "Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullin". - Astana: S. Seifullin Kazatu, 2022. - 123 P.   

Pleshakova V.I., Abdrakhmanov S.K., Vlasenko V.S., I.Dr. Infectious diseases: in 2 - x parts. Part 2. Viral Diseases: teaching post/ Pleshakova V.I., Abdrakhmanov S.K., Vlasenko V.S., and Dr.; Omsky state agrarian university named after P. A. Stolypina.- Omsk: 2023. - 161 P.

Pleshakova V.I., Abdrakhmanov S.K., Trofimov I.G., I. Dr. Infectious and invasive diseases of the living /Pleshakova, V.I., infectious and invasive diseases of the living (situational tasks and their resolution): a lesson.- M.: The Colossus.- 2002. - 743 P.

Abdrakhmanov, S.K. veterinary control of International Trade : manual /S.K. Abdrakhmanov, A.F. Zhelezko, A.N. Akhmetov; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nao "Kazakh agrotechnical research university named after S. Seifullin". - Astana: S. SEIFULLIN KATZU, 2023. - 171 P.

Maikanov, B.S. Sudebnaya veterinary and sanitary expertise: educational post/ Maikanov B.S., Oteleeva L.T.; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NAO "Kazakh agro-technical research university is. S. Seifullina". - Astana: Katiu im. S. Seifullina, 2023. - 127 P.

Trofimov I.G., Pleshakova V.I., Abdrakhmanov S.K., Alekseeva I.G., Vlasenko V.S. Special treacherous and quarantine conditions for living in educational institutions. Omsky state agrarian university named after P. A. Stolypina.- Omsk: 2020. - 173 P.

Zhumakaeva A.N., Usenbayev A.E. benefiting living in thrush with elements of ergonomics: educational post / Zhumakaeva A. N., Usenbayev A. E.: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NAO "Kazakh agro-Technical Research University im. S. Seifullina". - Astana: Katiu im. S. Seifullina, 2023. - 147 PP.

Akhmetov A.N., Tokaeva M.U. Veterinary Hygiene: manual /Akhmetov A. N., Tokaeva M. U.: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NAO "Kazakh agricultural technology research university im. S. Seifullina". - Astana: Katiu im. S. Seifullina, 2023. - 150 P.

Zhakupov I.T., Akhmetov A.N. Dictionary of Russian - Kazakh - English terms on Veterinary Obstetrics, Gynecology and reproductive biotechnology: manual /Zhakupov I.T., Akhmetov A.N.; Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullin. - Nur-Sultan: A. zh. Bulatov, 2021. - 205 P.

Zhakupov I.T., Akhmetov A.N. Veterinary Obstetrics, Gynecology and Biotechnics of animal reproduction / I.T. Zhakupov, G.P. Dulger, A.N. Akhmetov; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, S. Seifullin. Kazakh agrotechn. "no," he said. - Nur-Sultan: KATU named after S. Seifullin, 2021. - 260 P.

Dzhakupov I.T., Akhmetov A.N. Veterinary Obstetrics, Gynecology and Biotechnics of animal reproduction: textbook / I.T. Dzhakupov, G.P. Dulger, A.N. Akhmetov. - Almaty: ESPI, 2022. - 296 P.

Ashimova, K.K. Pathomorphology: manual / K.K. Ashimova, S.A. Ashimov; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nao "Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullin". - Astana: S. Seifullin Kazatu, 2023. - 133 P.

Pathological anatomy of farm animals: manual/ K.K. Ashimova [zh.B.]; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nao "Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullin". - Astana: S. Seifullin Kazatu, 2023. - 282 P.

Balji Yu.a., Sultanaeva L.Z., Isabekova S.A., Shantiz A.H., Mayer E.G. extruded corms for improving the quality and safety of products: monograph, – Astana : NAO "KATU im. S. Seifullina","taste" LLP. 2022.-200 P.

Koschaev A.G., Frank A.M., Shantiz A.Kh., Lysenko Yu.A.Luneva A.V., Balji Yu. a.the introduction of white hydrolysates in the agricultural sector: monograph / A. G. Koschaev [and Dr.]. - Krasnodar: Kubgau, 2022. - 252 P.

Zhanabayeva D.K. veterinary and sanitary examination of poultry products / KATZU named after S. Seifullin. Astana, -2023.144 P.

Asauova, Zh. s.laboratory diagnostics in Veterinary Medicine : methodological instructions / Asauova Zh. s., Tleulesov R.B.; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nao "Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullin". - Astana: KATU named after S. Seifullin, 2022. - 51 p.

Scientific work of the Department Veterinary Sanitation

Research funding

At the Department of Veterinary Sanitation, research work is actively carried out under grant and program-targeted financing programs, in which most of the teaching staff are involved.

Funding for scientific research at the Department of Veterinary Sanitation in the 2021-2024 academic years was carried out on nine projects (Table 1), incl. one project for 2021-2023 - within the framework of the PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (with annual funding of 22,000.00 thousand tenge), one project under the Zhas Galym program for 2022-2024 (8,000.00 thousand tenge), seven projects for 2018-2024 – Global Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (annual funding amount 157,000.00 thousand tenge). Thus, the total amount of funding for the department’s research work was 187,100.00 thousand tenge.


Table 1 – Information on projects of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation



Name of the project

Source of financing

Full name of leader

Amount of annual financing, thousand tenge


business funds



thousand TG

Financing method


Aflatoxin contamination of various nuts and development of methods for their detoxification

GF, MHE&S, 2021-2023

Auteleeva L.T.

16 100,00




Development of enriched feeds using highly nutritious, easily digestible and natural plant components to obtain high-quality and safe quail products."

GF, MHE&S, 2022-2024

Zhanabayeva D.K.

25 000,00

Private Charitable Foundation "Adal Niet Astana"



AP08051983 “Development and introduction into production of multifunctional feed additives to increase animal productivity with assessment of the quality and safety of livestock products”

GF, MHE&S, 2020-2022

Balji Yu.A.

25 000,00




Study of species diversity and genetic characteristics of viral and bacterial pathogens of infectious diseases of dogs and cats in Astana.

GF, MHE&S, 2023-2025

Yessembekova G.N.

24 000,000





Molecular biological analysis of the rabies virus circulating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

GF, MHE&S, 2020-2022

Yessembekova G.N.

20 000,00

LLP «Genezis.KZ»



“Development of dry, water-resistant complete extruded feed based on a symbiotic formulation to increase fish productivity and assess the quality of fish products”

GF, MHE&S, 2023-2025

Paritova A.Y.


24 000,000


 IE  Organic+



Improving preventive measures against infectious animal diseases (using the example of rabies), based on the use of information and communication technologies.

GF, MHE&S, 2023-2025

Abdrakhmanov S.K.


23 000,000

LLP «АБН» Almaty

2 500,00



BR10764944: “Development of methods for analytical control and monitoring of food safety” for 2021-2023 “Ecological monitoring of the safety and quality of fish in water bodies of Central and Northern Kazakhstan with the development of analytical methods for veterinary and sanitary assessment



Бұлашев А.Қ.

Adilbekov Zh.Sh.


22 000,000




IRN AP19174684 “Veterinary and sanitary assessment of livestock products when using extruded feed containing off-grade potatoes.”

GF, MHE&S, 2023-2025

Ismagulova G.T.

8 000,000





187 100,00


4 700,00


To implement the projects, funds from four business partners were attracted annually for a total amount of 4,700.0 thousand tenge.

In addition, the department is implementing two commercialization projects, financed by the Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1. “Organization of the production of resource-saving feed additives to increase the productivity of cattle” with a funding volume of 181,487.786 thousand tenge.

2. “Production of extruded feed based on alcohol and slaughterhouse waste.” Amount of financing: 932,000.00 thousand tenge, including grant funds 350 million tenge. Investor: MV4 LLP Aidabol meat processing plant, individual entrepreneur SHAT.

72% of teaching staff are involved in the research work of the department of “Veterinary Sanitation”, 100% of doctoral students, 66% of master’s students participate in scientific research, bachelors are not involved in scientific projects. The share of young scientists in scientific projects is 20%. 16% of the faculty of the department took part in the implementation of funded grant projects in topics in other departments.

At the expense of funded scientific projects, fixed assets and auxiliary materials were purchased for a total amount of 36,577,882 tenge, including office equipment (computers; multifunctional installations) in the amount of 2,867,470 tenge, laboratory equipment, chemicals and instruments (Laboratory mill, Hay grinder, Horizontal paddle mixer, RIDA®ABSORBANCE reader, Huma Score Premium LED microscope, Volt amperometric analyzer TA-Lab, two-chamber programmable oven, bidistilator, etc.) in the amount of 33,710,412 tenge.

Teaching staff publications:

Information on the number of articles published in various scientific publications for 2021-2024 is presented in Table 2. There has been an increase in the number of scientific articles submitted to high-ranking journals.


Table 2 - Information on the number of scientific publications of teaching staff for 2021-2023.


№ р/н


Scientometric databases

Security documents

Recommendations, acts


Web of Science





patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan

foreign/Eurasian patent

AP certificate


Veterinary Sanitation
















































5. Number of projects ready for implementation.

Based on the research results, 1 project is ready for implementation at the Department of Veterinary Sanitation (2 projects are being implemented).

6. External bases for research and practice of master’s and doctoral students are determined:

Laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination of LLP "Astana sharuashylyk onimderin zerthanasy", RSE on the PVC "National Reference Center for Veterinary Medicine" KVKiN of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSE on the PVC "Republican Veterinary Laboratory" KVKiN of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan., regional territorial inspections of the KVKiN Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CT "Zinchenko and Co", LLP "Naydorovskoe", LLP Agrofirm "Rodina"; PC "Izhevsky"; "Zhana Bereke" LLP, "Kuralay MK" LLP, "Milk-Product" LLP, Farms "Yrys" LLP, "Enbek" LLP, "Agrofirm Poisk" LLP, "Astana-Onim" JSC, "Agropark" LLP (Akmo- Linsk region).

Expanding the ability to conduct scientific research through integration with other scientific organizations.

The Department of Veterinary Sanitation is constantly looking for opportunities to integrate with other scientific and educational institutions and business structures in order to conduct joint scientific research.

In particular, scientists of the department are currently implementing a scientific project jointly with foreign partners “Joint research on prevention and control of cross border animal diseases between China and Kazakhstan and construction of the “Belt add Road” technology-nology cooperation platform”, jointly with Harbin Veterinary Research Institute | Harbin, China – project leader professor, doctor of veterinary sciences. Abdrakhmanov S.K.

Acting professor, candidate of veterinary sciences Balji Yu.A., associate professor Adilbekov Zh.Sh. joint research is being conducted with scientists from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences to study food safety. Associate Professor of this university Galia Zamaratskaya is the scientific consultant of three doctoral students of the department.

Professor Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Abdrakhmanov S.K. leading scientists from the USA University of Minissota (Professor PEREZ A.M), University of Zurech Switzerland (Professor P.Torgerson) are involved in the scientific research carried out on the basis of the department. Research is carried out in the field of veterinary epidemiology.

In addition, scientists of the department submit scientific projects, carry out scientific research, and train master's and doctoral students with other domestic and foreign scientific organizations.

Research work of students of the Department «Veterinary Sanitation»

Student research work is the most important and necessary component of the educational process when preparing a specialist. Research work at the Department of Veterinary Sanitation is implemented in various forms. Students are involved in research work within the framework of individual scientific topics developed by the teaching staff of the department. This is reflected in the preparation and publication of scientific articles and reports of students together with scientific supervisors in periodical scientific publications, in materials of scientific conferences, in the development of patents.

Saniya Kuanyshbaeva, 5th year student, together with her supervisor – PhD, acting. Ass. Professor Paritov A.E. published an article “Veterinary inspection of milk in farms of the Akmola region” in the collection of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “State and prospects for the development of veterinary medicine and livestock farming in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Almaty, 2023.

5th year student Amanzholova K.T. with the head Ph.D., acting Professor Baldzhi Yu.A. published the article “The influence of extrusion on the microbiological parameters of feed and feed additives.” In the Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina. No. 3(110), Nur-Sultan, 2021. P. 96-105.

5th year student Sultanaeva L.Z., with supervisor Ph.D., acting. Professor Baldzhi Yu.A. published the article “Effectiveness of the use of phytobiotic additives in the diet of cattle and small ruminants (review).” In the journal Animal Husbandry and Forage Production. T. 104, No. 2. 2021. ISSN 2658-3135. Orenburg, 2021. pp. 96-110. DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-104-2-96.

5th year students - Rustam Karkenov, Leila Sultanaeva together with the teachers of the department: Ph.D., Associate Professor Adilbekov Zh.Sh., Ph.D., Acting. Professor Baldzhi Yu.A. developed a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the utility model “Method of sample preparation for the determination of heavy metals in meat” No. 8404 according to application No. 2023/0175.2 dated 02.20.2023. Bulletin No. 36 dated 09/08/2023.

Student Baiguzhina D.Sh. together with the teachers of the department Baldzhi Yu.A., Mustafina R.H., Isabekova S.A., Ismagulova G.T. developed a patent “Method for preparing a multifunctional feed additive.” Eurasian patent No. 042044 according to application No. 202092504 dated 10/05/2020. Date of issue: 12/29/2022. Bulletin No. 2022-12.

Students Zhunusova A.B., Balgozhina D.M. together with the teachers of the department Baldzhi Yu.A., Mustafina R.H., Ismagulova G.T., Polyakov V.V., developed a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 35751 according to application No. 2020/0789.1 dated November 16, 2020 “Method of treatment and prevention Invasive diseases of bees". Bulletin No. 27 dated 07/08/2022.

Students Sultanaeva L.Z., Tszyu E.S. together with the teachers of the PhD department, acting. Ass. Professor Zhanabaeva D.K., Ph.D., Acting Professor Baldzhi Yu.A., Isabekova S.A. developed a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 8358 according to application No. 2023/0207.2 dated 03/01/2023 “Compound feed for laying quail hens” Bull. No. 33 dated 08/18/2023.

Students of the educational program “Food Safety”, with the active assistance of their scientific supervisors from among the teaching staff of the department, annually take part in student conferences and republican student olympiads. So in 2023, in the Republican Olympiad held among students at the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, 5th year student Nesipbai Aisha-Bibi Nurzhankyzy took 2nd place. And also, following the results of the Olympiad, all participating students received certificates for active participation.

Also, our students took part and won prizes in the research work competition at the Taraz International Innovation Institute named after Sherkhan Murtaza: Botasheva Aida Armanovna - 1st place” (acting professor Balji Yu.A.); Mendygalieva Nurai – 2nd place” (scientific supervisor PhD, associate professor Auteleeva L.T.); Makhmutkankyzy Dina – 3rd place” (scientific supervisor PhD, acting associate professor Zhanabaeva D.K.).


Participation of students in the Republican Subject Olympiad in 2019-2021

Name of the basic University

Participants of the Olympiad

Prize-winning places

Scientific supervisors

of the 11th Republican Student Subject Olympiad, KazNAU, 2019

Tursynova Zh. S.

2 prize-winning place

Bainiyazov A. A.

12 Republican Student subject Olympiad, KazNAU, 2020

Sapar D. Zh.

2 prize-winning place

Zhanabayeva D. K.

13 Republican student subject Olympiad, KazNAU, 2021

Beisenova Street MarjanKairatovna

3 prize place

Alenova M. E.

Within the framework of the republican contest of research works of students, in 2021 at the first stage, organized at the faculty, the following prizes were received:

1st place

Abay Asylzat, a 5th year student. Work under the motto «Every researcher has his or her favorite discoveries», on the subject: «Pathopathological changes in organs and tissues in dogs with pyoplasmosis», scientific leader Ashimova K.K. - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Assistant Professor.

2nd place

Avazova Gulnur, 5th year student. Work under the motto "Growing social problem", on the topic:"Study of the spread of anisakidosis in commercial fish sold in the retail network of Aktau", scientific supervisor Zhumakaeva A.N.-Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Assistant Professor.

Daulet Manarbekov, 5th year student. Working on the motto "Analysis of food quality, guarantee of people's health", on the topic: «Veterinary and sanitary expertise of fish and fish products sold in the markets of Nur-Sultan», Scientific supervisor Adilbekov Zh.Sh. - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Assistant Professor.

3rd place

Irina Nikiforova, 5th year student. Work under the motto "Biosafety-the key to veterinary well-being" on the topic: Biosafety assessment of pig farms in the North Kazakhstan region, Scientific Supervisor K.K. Beisembayev – PhD, Assistant Professor.

Pernebec Assel, 5th year student. Work under the motto «Together – we are force!» on the topic: «Veterinary-sanitary expertise of feed additives for fish based on minerals from Chankanay deposits», scientific supervisor Paritova A.- PhD, Senior Lecturer.

According to the results of this competition, the works that received prizes were sent to the republican competition.

Supervisors of student papers who won prizes at the Student Research Papers competition (by year)

Prize spot

Academic year


2019-2020-2020-2021 facul.

1st place


Ashimova K. K. (Abay Asylzat)

2nd place

Maikanov B.S.

Zhumakaeva A. N. (Avazova Gulnur), Adilbekov Zh.Sh. (Daulet Manarbekov)

3rd place

Zhumakayeva A.N.

Auteleeva L.T.

Beisembayev K. K. (Nikiforova Irina), Paritova A. (Pernebec Assel)

One of the ways to implement the results of research, as a rule, is to attract active students to the structural unit of the department in the form of organizing a scientific circle on problematic issues of food safety.

Currently, the department has 3 scientific student circles, which involve 34 students. Research work is carried out in accordance with the approved plan of the circle for a year.

Information about scientific circles (for 2020-2021 academic years)

At the Department of Veterinary Sanitation there are student scientific circles:

  • “Pathology” (scientific supervisor candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Ashimova K.K.);
  • “Veterinary and sanitary control and veterinary sanitation” (scientific supervisor candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor Zhumakaeva A.N.);
  • “Food safety with LA” (scientific supervisor PhD, associate professor Auteleeva L.T.).

The purpose of scientific circles is to develop students’ interest in scientific creativity; development of creative thinking; involvement and active participation in the research work of the department.

The objectives of which are:

- training in methods and skills for conducting scientific research in the field of animal pathology, veterinary and sanitary control and veterinary sanitation, in the field of food safety;

- assistance to heads of scientific circles in testing the results of research work at Republican and university conferences, competitions, etc.

Work in scientific circles is carried out according to the approved topics for the academic year.

In the work of scientific circles for the academic year 2023-2024. 4th and 5th year students take part.


List of participants in scientific circles of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation for 2023-2024

Name of the scientific circle

Head of the scientific circle

Full name of students

Course of Study


Ashimova K.K.

Yergalieva Nesibeldi;

Shalkar Diana;

Sayat Seilkhanov;

Moskalenko Violetta;

Madina Nursaparova

5th year


4th year

«Food safety with LA»

Auteleeva L.T.

Ablaikhan Tomiris;

Kaparova Sabrina;

Olegova Violetta;

Ryspekov Ruslan;

Amangeldyeva Kamila;

Ergeshov Rakhat;

Maralbaev Timur;

Rakhimzhanova Milana

4th year

“Veterinary and sanitary control and veterinary sanitation”

Zhumakaeva A.N.

Eldarova Karina;



Zhitina Anna;

Shonabaeva Madina;

Zhusupova Altyn;

Kalabek Aliya

2nd year master's student,

4th year

Information about scientific articles of the department's teaching staff published in impact-factor journals (WoS and Scopus database) in 2020-2021


Full name of authors

Name of article








Schettino D.N., Abdrakhmanov S.K., Beisembayev K.K., Korennoy F.I.,

Sultanov A.A., Mukhanbetkaliyev Y.Y.,

Kadyrov A.S.,

Perez A.M.

Risk for African Swine Fever Introduction Into Kazakhstan

Front. Vet. Sci. 8:605910.

doi:10.3389/fvets.2021.605910. published: 11 February 2021. (WoS– процентиль 84).






Abdrakhmanov S.K., Beisembayev K.K., Sultanov A.A.,  Zhakenova, A.Y., Torgerson, P.R.

Modelling bluetongue risk in Kazakhstan

Parasites and Vector (2021).

2021, 14(1), 491 (WoS Scopus Q1 – процентиль 101).






Abdrakhmanov S.K., Mukhanbetkaliyev Y.Y., Sultanov A.A.,

Perez A.M.,

Korennoy F.I.

Mapping the risks of the spread of peste des petits ruminants in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Transboundary and Emerging, Jul;69(4):2296-2305. doi: 10.1111/tbed.14237. Epub 2021 Jul 30. PMID: 34264015. (WoS Scopus Q1 – процентиль 101).






Maikanov B.S., Ismagulova G.T., Auteleyeva L.T. Kemeshov Z.O., Zhanabayeva D.K.

Assessment of quality and safety of meats from various animal species in the Shuchinsk-Burabay resort zone, Kazakhstan

Veterinary World - 2021, 14(6),- P. 1615–1621 

(Scopus Q2  – процентиль 67).






Zhanabayeva D.K., Paritova A.Y., Murzakaeva G.K.,. Zhanabayev A.A, Kereev A.K,

Asauova Zh.S., Aubakirov M.Zh.

PCR Diagnosis for the Identification of the Virulent Gene of Salmonella in Poultry Meat

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2021, 21 (3): 235.244 DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2021.235.244. (Scopus Q3 – процентиль 43).






Balji Yu.A.,

Knicky M.

Impact of feed supplementation with balsam poplar buds on performance of young bulls.

Theory and practice of meat processing, 2021, vol. 6, no. 4. P. 294-299. (Scopus Q4, Процентиль 21. РИНЦ, ИФ – 1,395).






Aubakirova G.A., Adilbekov Zh.Sh, Inirbayev A.A., Zhamanova A.M., Akhmetov A.N.




Assessment of the Hydrochemical Regime and Safety of Fish in Water Bodies of Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan

Pakistan journal of Zoology. Vol.53 (1), pp 27-31, 2021. (Scopus Q4, Процентиль 23).






Maikanov B.S., Auteleyeva L.T., Zhubatov Z.K., Terlikbayev A.A., Kamsaev K.M.

The Effect of an Accidental Carrier Rocket Crash on Soil and Vegetation Cover

Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022, 23(2), p. 176–184

(Scopus Q3 – процентиль 46).






Akhmetova V.,

Balji Y.A.,

Kandalina Y., Iskineyeva A., Mukhamejanova A., Baspakova A.,

Uzakov Y.,

Issayeva K., Zamaratskaia G.

Self-reported Nutrition and consumption frequency of meat and fish products among young adults in Kazakhstan

Health. ISSN:0260-1060. (Wos Scopus - Q2, Процентиль 51)






Tursunov K., Tokhtarova L.,

Kanayev D.,

Mustafina R.Kh, Mukantayev K.

Effect of thioredoxin on the immunogenecity of the recombinant P32 protein of lumpy skin disease virus.

Veterinary World, 2022. - №15(10). - Р. 2384-2390. (Scopus Q2, Процентиль - 67)






Zhanabayev, A.A., Nurgaliev, B.Y., Kereyev, A.K.,

Paritova A.Y., Zhumagaliyeva, G.K.


Parasite Fauna and Infection of Sheep with Parasitosis


OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022, 22(4), PP.404–414

(Scopus Q3 – процентиль 43)






Issimov, A.M., Kushaliyev K.Zh., Abekeshev, N.R., Paritova A.Y., Baikadamova G.A., White P.


Risk factors associated with lumpy skin disease in cattle in West Kazakhstan


Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2022, 207, 105660

(WoS  Scopus Q1 – процентиль 91)







Sultanov A.A.,
Tyulegenov S.,
Yessembekova G.N.,
Perez A.M.,
Abdrakhmanov S.K. 



The progressive control of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Successes and challenges

Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2023, 10, 1036121(WoS Scopus Q1 – процентиль 84).






Yessembekova G.N.,

Shuang X.,

Abenova A.Zh.,

Karibayev T.B.,

Shevtsov A.B.,

Amirgazin A.O.,

Mukhanbetkaliyev Y.Y.,

Lei Sh.,

Zhigao B.,

Abdrakhmanov S.K. 

Molecular epidemiological study of animal rabies in Kazakhstan


Journal of Integrative Agriculture

Volume 22, Issue 4, April 2023, Pages 1266-1275"

(WoS Scopus Q1 – процентиль 89).






Yessenbayev K.,

Mukhanbetkaliyev Y.Y.,

Yessembekova G.N.,

Abdrakhmanov S.K.


Simulating the Spread of Peste des Petits Ruminants in Kazakhstan Using the North American Animal Disease Spread Model

March 2023 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2023:1-9


(WoS Scopus Q1 – процентиль 99).






Maikanov, B.S., Auteleyeva, L.T., Satayeva Zh.O.,

Aipova A.A.

The development of balqymyz beverage from honey and koumiss

Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2023, 14, 100731

(Scopus Q1 – процентиль 77)






Yessenbayev K., Mukhanbetkaliyev Y.Y., Yessembekova G.N.,

Kadyrov A.S.,

Sultanov A.A., Bainiyazov A.A., Bakishev T.G.,

Nkamwesiga J., Korennoy F.I., Abdrakhmanov S.K.


Simulating the Spread of Peste des Petits Ruminantsin Kazakhstan

Using the North American Animal Disease Spread Model.


Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Volume 2023, Article ID 7052175, 9 pages

(WoS Scopus Q1 – процентиль 99).







Bayantassova S.M., Kushaliyev K.Zh.,. Rametov K.N., Zhanabayev A.A., Ussenbayev A.Y., Paritova A.Y.,

Tokayeva M.O., Baikadamova G.A., Issimov A.M.

Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of smallholder farmers on foot-and-mouth disease in Cattle in West Kazakhstan

Veterinary Medicine and Science 2023, 9(3), pp. 1417–1425

(WoS Scopus  Q2 – процентиль 71).






Sultanayeva L.,

Balji Y.A.,

Korotkiy V.,

Shantyz A.,

Issabekova S.A., Borovskiy A.,

Maier Y.G.,

Abakanova G.

The Effect of Extruded Feed Additives with Balsamic Poplar Buds on Productivity of Dairy Goats.

International Journal of Veterinary Science. P-ISSN: 2304-3075. 2023, 12(1): 114-119. (Scopus Q2, Процентиль 58)






Sultanayeva L., Karkehabadi S., Zamaratskaia G.,

Balji Y.A.

Tannins and flavonoids as feed additives in the diet of ruminants to improve performance and quality of the derived products.

A review. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 29 (No 3) 2023, 522–530. P-ISSN 1310-0351. (Scopus Q3, Процентиль 41)






Shantyz A.,

Egayan E.,

Shantyz A.,

Marchenko Y.,

Balji Y.A.

Efficiency of complex feed hydrolysate on piglets of the rearing group.

E3S Web of Conferences 398, 01007 (2023). Scopus, Q4. Процентиль 22






Kabzhanova A.M., Abdrakhmanov S.K., Kadyrov A.S., Mukhanbetkalieva A.A.,

Mukhanbetkaliyev Y.Y., Yessembekova G.N., Korennoy F.I.,

Perez A.M.

Rabies in the Republic of Kazakhstan: spatial and temporal characteristics of disease spread over one decade (2013-2022)

Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2023. Vol. 10. DOI10.3389/fvets.2023.1252265 (WoS, Scopus Q1, процентиль 84 )






Zhumakayeva A.N., Zhubatkanova A.N, Asauova Zh.S., Tokayeva M.O., Kemeshov Zh.O.

Efficiency of probiotic culture consortium application for disinfection of dairy farm premises and prevention of mastitis in cows.

J Adv Vet Anim Res. 2023 Jun 30;10(2):185-195. doi: 10.5455/javar.2023.j668. PMID: 37534073; PMCID: PMC10390668.

(Scopus Q2, процентиль 67 )






Seitkamzina D.K.,

Akmambaeva B., Abulgazimova G.A., Zhakiyanova Y.

Zhanabayev A.A. Yelemessova B.G., Ussenbayev A.Y.,

Omarov K.,

Tokaeva M.O., 

Zhakiyanova Y.

Prevalence of Endo and Ectoparasitism of Sheep in Northern Kazakhstan.

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2023, 18(3), PP. 223–228 (Scopus Q3, процентиль 26 )













Student life of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation

At the curatorial hours, teachers conduct thematic conversations dedicated to memorable dates (Constitution Day, Republic Day, etc.), as well as on topical issues of education and development of future specialists.

Much attention is paid to the cultural and creative development of students. Curators with students regularly visit exhibitions, theaters and other cultural centers of the city.

Students of the department take an active part in city and republican events, participate in city and republican shows, in sports competitions held at the university and at the city level.

The best student works are submitted to university and republican scientific research contests. According to the results of these competitions, many students who won prizes were encouraged with certificates and valuable gifts.

Students are actively engaged in scientific activities, under the guidance of the leading teachers of the department.

In accordance with the letter of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 14-2 / ​​331-1-VN dated February 25, 2021, NJSC KazATU im. S. Seifullin ", is the basic university in the competition of scientific research work in the specialty" 5B120200-Veterinary sanitation": diploma of the 1st degree Manarbekov Daulet under the guidance of Adilbekov Zh.Sh ; II degree diploma Abay Asylzat, scientific adviser Ashimova K.K .; diploma lll degree Pernebek Asel under the guidance of Paritova A.Y.

Contacts of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation

010000, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Nur-Sultan, International settlement,

st. Armandastar 2B.

Building "Veterinary Clinic",

building No. 8

tel .: +7 (7172) 297-252,


Educational program "6B09102 -Food safety" (2021)
Educational program “Sanitary and environmental safety of livestock products”
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "Safety and quality of food products" (2021 y.)
Catalog of elective disciplines 6B09102 ''Food safety'' (2023 y.)
Catalog of elective disciplines 7M09102 "Safety and quality of food production" (2023 y.)
Catalog of elective disciplines 8D09102 "Sanitary ecological safety of animal production" (2023 y.)
Development plan educational program 6B09102 -"Food safety" for 2023-2027 academic years
Development plan educational program 7M09102 -Food safety and quality for 2023-2027 academic years
Development plan educational program doctoral courses "8D09102 -Sanitary and ecological safety of animal products" for 2023-2027 academic years