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The Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology

The Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology


The Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology is one of the leading scientific and educational departments of the University. Bachelor's degree training in the specialty 5B070100 – «Biotechnology» has been started since 1999 in the state, Russian language, full-time education on the basis of general, secondary education. The first full-time graduation took place in 2004. The department is graduating in the field of training 6B051-«Biological and related sciences», 7M051-«Biological and related sciences».

The main directions of the department are the conduct of scientific research and the implementation of educational programs for bachelor's and master's degrees.

Students are trained according to educational programs – 6B05102-«Biotechnology», 6B05101-«Agricultural biotechnology», for undergraduates in the scientific and pedagogical direction 7M05102-«Plant biotechnology», 7M05101-«Veterinary biotechnology». In 2019-2020, all 4 educational programs of the department passed specialized accreditation for 5 years (IAAR ).



According to the results of the National rating of educational programs of the NCE RK "Atameken" - 2023 for groups of undergraduate educational programs 6B050 - "Biological and related sciences" (Biotechnology) took 1st place, the employment rate is 96%.

The faculty of the department consists of 35 people, including 28 full-time teachers and 7 part-time employees (4 external part-time employers, 3 internal part-time employees). The qualitative composition of 4 doctors of Sciences, 17 candidates of Sciences, 5 PhD doctors, 9 masters of Sciences. 

The graduation rate of teaching staff in the 2023-2024 academic year was 74.4%. The department is a graduate one.  The department consists of 5 holders of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The best university teacher», PhD, Professor Gazizova A.I. (2006), PhD, Associate Professor Ashymov S.A. (2007), PhD, Associate Professor Suranshiev Zh.A. (2008), PhD., Professor Bulashev A.K. (2014), PhD, acting professor Akibekov O.S. (2019).

Since 2012, there has been multilingual education, classes are held in three languages. Of the 35 full–time teaching staff of the department, 30 teach classes in the state language, and 5 employees teach in English. All teaching staff have language certificates.

The department includes the «Joint Kazakh-Chinese Laboratory for Biological Safety» of 6 modern educational and scientific laboratories: "Microbiology", "Virology", "Biotechnology of microorganisms", "Cellular Biotechnology", "Veterinary Biotechnology", "Plant Biotechnology", "Animal Biotechnology".

The department conducts research work, which is mainly carried out in the accredited «Jointly Kazakh-Chinese Laboratory for Biological Safety», in the scientific research platform of agricultural biotechnology. 50% of the faculty of the department actively participates in funded research projects.  

From 2019-2023, scientists of the department completed funded projects (grant financing and PCF) for a total amount of 923 100 000 (project managers, PhD, Professor Bulashev A.K., PhD, Acting Professor Borovikov S.N., PhD, Acting Professor Akibekov O.S.)


Since 2021, the program-targeted financing (PTF) program for 2021-2023 in the amount of 540 million tenge has been implemented. «Improvement of veterinary measures against economically and socially significant diseases for the northern and central regions of Kazakhstan» (program manager Professor Bulashev A.K.). The department also has grant funding for 2021-2023. «Development of an express test for the diagnosis of salmonella abortion of horses based on monoclonal antibodies» (manager Professor Borovikov S.N.) in the amount of 64 million tenge, there is grant funding for young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects in the amount of 54 million tenge (project manager associate Professor Akibekov O.S. In 2022, grant «Development of an enzyme immunoassay system based on the recombinant antigen Trichinella spp» for a total amount of 78 million tenge (project manager, Associate Professor Akibekov O.S.). Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025. The topic is «Development of indirect hemagglutination reaction kit based on recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of brucellosis». Along with this, scientific and experimental work is being carried out on initiative topics. There are contractual topics with business entities on the breed transformation of animals.

In the period from 2019-2023, the staff of the department developed and published more than 200 scientific and educational publications, including 47 articles in journals recommended by the CCSES of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 32 articles in journals included in the international databases ISI Web of Knowledge, Thomson Reuters (non-zero impact factor), Scopus; RSCI -37 articles, in the materials of international conferences -over 100 articles, patents- 7, acts of introduction into production: 8, monographs-4.

The staff of the department took advanced training courses at the Department of Material Engineering of Auburn University (Alabama, USA), the Department of Biological and Medical Engineering of the University of California at Davis (USA), Giessen University. Justus Liebig (Giessen, Germany), the University of Genova (Italy), the Food Institute at the Marmara Research Center (Gebze, Turkey), the Bohemian Central University (Prague, Czech Republic), the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center of the University of Texas (Texas, USA), the University of Adelaide, the Australian Center for Functional Plant Genomics (Adelaide, Australia), Federal Research Center of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute (Harbin, China), English Language School (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), summer school in Tbilisi, (Georgia), at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Scriabin Moscow, Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev", Altai State University.

Teachers of the department teach classes to students, undergraduates, doctoral students in the following areas of training such as: food production technology, animal husbandry, veterinary safety, food safety, fisheries, hunting, food technology.

The educational process uses innovative forms and methods of conducting classes (business games, situational tasks, board exercises, binary lectures, training tasks, computer training programs for various types of classes).

The department implements a program of double-degree education. At the expense of a grant from the Abai-Verne program for a two-degree educational program at the National School of Agronomy and Food Industry (ENSAIA) of the Agrinium University (France): a 2nd-year master's student of the OP "Plant Biotechnology" Zeinulin M.K. is studying. The term of study is from October 2, 2023 to 2024.


Yelgudinova Altynai is studying for external academic mobility at the Agricultural University in Krakow (Poland) (01.10.2023-02/24/2024)


The Department fruitfully cooperates with the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Scriabin (Russian Federation), Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I.Vavilov (Russian Federation), Xinjiang Agrarian University (China) and the University of Genoa (Italy), with the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk); Giessen University named after J.Liebig (Germany); Warsaw University of Natural Sciences; University of Agriculture (Krakow, Poland); The Agricultural University of Nitra (Slovakia) and other organizations.

The bases of practical training are over 40 organizations, including the Republican Collection of Microorganisms LLP, the National Center of Biotechnology LLP, the Republican Veterinary Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The employment rate of bachelor's degree graduates in 2023 was 68%, and of master's degree graduates – 100%.

The department is headed by Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Begenova Ainagul Baibolsynovna.


Joint Kazakh-Chinese Laboratory for Biological Safety (JKCHLBS)


KCHLBS was established as part of the implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Scientific and Technical Cooperation and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinjiang Agrarian University and the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University.

2) KCHLBS staff: there are seven employees in the laboratory staff: the head of the JKCHL, a specialist in sampling and information processing, 3 test specialists, a quality manager, a laboratory assistant.

Head of

KCHLBS , PhD, senior lecturer

Akanova Zhanara Zholdasova


KCHLBS   Testing specialist

M.S., Baibolin Zhasulan Kuatbekovich


KCHLBS  Testing specialist

Master of Agricultural Sciences., Sharipova Galina Fedorovna


KCHLBS  Testing Specialist

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Aitmukhanbetov Daulet Kakizhanovich


Quality Manager

Evteeva Dinara Oralbayeva

Master of Ecology and Environmental Management


The laboratory assistant of   KCHLBS

Bachelor of Biotechnology

Kukaeva Anara Kairbekovna



3) About the laboratory:

This laboratory was established for the purpose of studying and diagnosing infectious diseases of animals, and also successfully expanded the scope of accreditation for the diagnosis of infectious diseases of birds and zootechnical analysis of feed and milk. The level of safety and equipment of the laboratory make it possible to work with pathogens of particularly dangerous, transboundary animal diseases.

The level of safety and equipment of the laboratory make it possible to work with

pathogens of especially dangerous, transboundary diseases of animals and birds. The laboratory's work is organized on the basis of the BSL-2 safety standard.


In accordance with the requirements of food safety laboratory  feed and milk is located separately from the laboratory where the diagnosis of infectious diseases is carried out.

At the moment, the laboratory is accredited for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories".

The laboratory has the opportunity to conduct diagnostic studies on a commercial basis on selected infectious animal diseases within the scope of accreditation (brucellosis, leukemia of cattle, viral diarrhea of cattle, infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle, nodular dermatitis of cattle, equine influenza, rhinopneumonia of horses, paratuberculosis)

On May 20, 2022, Order № 616-OD "On accreditation and reissue of the accreditation certificate" was issued, the laboratory received an accreditation certificate in connection with the expansion of the field for the serological diagnosis of infectious diseases of birds (infectious laryngotracheitis, infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease, Gumboro disease, avian influenza, mycoplasmosis).  We also have the opportunity to provide services for the zootechnical analysis of milk and animal feed. A distinctive feature of the laboratory is the use of "wet chemistry" methods on modern automated analyzers manufactured by FOSS Analytical (Denmark). Thus, the determination of crude protein is carried out using the Kjeldahl method on the FOSS KT200 Kijltec analyzer; the determination of crude fiber is carried out using the intermediate filtration method on the FOSS Fibertec FT121/122 analyzer; the determination of crude fat is carried out using the Soxlet method. In addition, for the first time, a service is offered to determine the fractions of neutral detergent, acid-detergent fiber and acid-detergent lignin, without which it is impossible to prepare feeding rations in dairy cattle, pig and poultry farming.




4) Projects:

Two projects are being carried out on the basis of the laboratory, the Ministry of Agriculture's PTF «Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and safety of agricultural products» for 2021-2023 on the project topic: «Immunochromatographic analysis for determining the residual amount of antibiotics in meat and milk». The head of the project is Akanova Zh.Zh. «Development of immunochromatographic analysis for rapid detection of the causative agent of campylobacteriosis in biological material and animal products» -the project manager is S.N. Borovikov.

Project within the framework of grant financing for 2021-2023 № AR09259983 «Development of an express test for the diagnosis of salmonella abortion of horses based on monoclonal antibodies» project manager - Borovikov S.N.

Within the framework of grant financing of young scientists under the budget program 217 «Development of science» subprogram 102 «Grant financing of scientific research», № AP09058176 «Express - a test for the diagnosis of trichinosis». Project manager – Akibekov O.S.

In the laboratory of zootechnical analysis of feed and milk, within the framework of the projects of the PЕF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023, studies of the composition of milk and feed are also being conducted:

1. Development and creation of scientifically based Smart farms (herd horse breeding, beef cattle breeding) using various at least 3 digital solutions for each area of digitalization implementation for current production tasks of agro-industrial complex entities and the formation of the necessary reference database for training farm and peasant farm employees and transferring digital knowledge to students

2. Development of technologies for maintenance, feeding, cultivation and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of adapted resource-saving and digital technologies for various natural and climatic zones of Kazakhstan. Project Manager - S.K. Bostanova

At the moment, university scientists are working in the laboratory as part of the execution of scientific projects, scientific research of doctoral students, undergraduates and theses is being conducted, practical classes of students are being conducted.


History of the Microbiology and Biotechnology Department

The department has undergone various changes both in the name and in the composition of the department over time. So, one of the first in 1969, the Department of Animal Hygiene and Fundamentals of Veterinary Medicine was established, and in 1975 it was renamed the Department of Animal Hygiene and Microbiology. The organizer and the first head of the department was Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Matusevich Vladimir Fadeevich (1974-1978), then the department was headed by associate professors A.F.Dmitriev (1978-1988), Mingilev V.P. (1988-2001).

In 1995, the department was transformed into the Department of «Infectious Diseases», the head of the department was Ph.D., Associate Professor Ibraev B.K.

In 2001, after reorganization, it was renamed the Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Pharmacology, the heads of the department were candidates of veterinary sciences Kadyrbekov H.H. (2001-2002), Kukhar E.V. (2001-2003), Rakhimzhanova D.T. (2003-2005).

In 2005, on the basis of the Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Pharmacology, the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Biotechnology was established, associate professors Murzagulov K.K., Kamsaev K.M. (2005-2007), Ashimov S.A. (2007-2009) headed the department. In 2009, there was a merger of 2 departments. The department was renamed to the Department of «Morphology, Microbiology and Biotechnology». The head of the department was appointed Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Gazizova A.I. In 2013, in connection with the transformation of departments, the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology was separated. Since 2017, the department has been headed by Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor A.B. Begenova. In 2020, the department included 9 teachers from the Department of Biological Sciences.

License for conducting an educational specialty № 0062189, validity period – indefinite, date of issue 02.07.2008, order of the Committee for Quality Improvement in the field of Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic  №233 dated 04/14/2011.

The department implements 2 bachelor's degree programs: 6B05102-«Biotechnology», 6B05101-«Agricultural biotechnology» and 2 master's degree programs: 7M05102-«Plant Biotechnology», 7M05101-«Veterinary biotechnology». All 4 ops in 2019-2020 passed specialized accreditation of the National Agency for Accreditation and Rating (NAAR) for 5 years, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates.

The «National Demand Rating of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2022», conducted annually by the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (NAAR), is an effective ranking and evaluation tool that contributes to improving the competitiveness of educational services and research, focused on promoting the quality of Kazakhstan higher education. Participation in this rating is becoming a key factor in increasing the competitiveness and success of universities in the context of the transformation of the education system aimed at achieving a world-class quality of training specialists in demand in the most important areas of the country's development.

According to the results of the National rating of educational programs of the NCE RK "Atameken" - 2023 for groups of undergraduate educational programs 6B050 - “Biological and related sciences” (Biotechnology) took 1st place, the employment rate is 96%. According to the results of the National Rating of Demand for Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAAR)-2022, the group of undergraduate educational programs 6B050 - “Biological and related sciences” (Biotechnology) took 3rd place, the group of master’s educational programs took 1st place.

Over the past 3 years, the main attention in scientific research has been focused on the following areas. The department conducts research on grant and program-targeted financing of scientific research in the most promising areas of development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

- 267 budget program «Increasing the availability of knowledge and scientific research» subprogram 101 «Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities» for 2018-2020.  The topic «Serological diagnosis of brucellosis based on compound recombinant antigen»- 43 500 000 tenge.

- Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022. Topic «Studying the epizootic situation of equine diseases and the development of veterinary drugs for their diagnosis and prevention» -54 000 000 tg (Borovikov S.N.);

 - Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024. «Development of an enzyme immunoassay system based on the recombinant antigen Trichinella spp» -78 000 000 tenge. (Akibekov O.S.);

- Grant funding for young scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023. «Rapid test for the diagnosis of trichinosis» -54 000 000 tenge. (Akibekov O.S.);

- Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023. «Development of an express test for the diagnosis of salmonella abortion of horses based on monoclonal antibodies» -64 600 000 tenge. (Borovikov S.N.);

- PCF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023 under budget program 267 «Dissemination of knowledge and scientific research» subprogram 101-Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities. The topic «Development of analytical control methods and monitoring of food safety» - 540 000 000 tenge. (Bulashev A.K.);

- Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022. Topic «Studying the epizootic situation of equine diseases and the development of veterinary drugs for their diagnosis and prevention» -54 000 000 tenge (Borovikov S.N.);   

- Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025.  The topic «Development of an Indirect (passive) hemagglutination reaction kit based on recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of brucellosis» – 89 000 000 tenge. (Bulashev A.K.).


Contacts of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology

010000, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Astana, International settlement, Armandastar str. 2B

Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology tel.: 8 (7172) 43-67-52 e-mail: Begenova_73 Biotechnological Building named after Sagadieva K.A. G.Astana, ul. Y.Altynsarina, 2

International cooperation of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Contracts were concluded with various universities: D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical-Technological University, N.I. Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University  (Russian Federation),  A.Ezhevsky Irkutsk State University, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, and K.I. Scriabin Moscow State Medical and Technological University; Xinjiang Agricultural University (China) and the University of Genoa (Italy),  Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk); University of Giessen J. Liebig (Germany); Warsaw University of Life Sciences; University of Agriculture (Krakow, Poland); Agrarian University of Nitra (Slovakia).

Сотрудники кафедры «Микробиологии и биотехнологии» ежегодно проходили курсы повышения квалификации в Департаменте Материальной инженерии Аубурнского унивеситета (Алабама, США – Каирова М.Ж.), Департаменте Биолого-медицинской инженерии Калифорнийского университета (Дэвис, США – Каирова М.Ж.), Гиссенском университете им. Юстуса Либиха (Гиссен, Германия -2022г– Боровиков С.Н.), Университете Генова (Италия – Булашев А.К.), пищевом инстутите при Исследовательском центре Мармара (Гебзе, Турция – Абдрахманова Г.К.), Богемском центральном университете (Прага, Чехия – Кухар Е.В.), Онкологическом центре им. М.Д. Андерсона Техасского университета (Техас, США – Киян В.С.), Университете Аделаиды, Австралийском центре функциональной геномики растений (Аделаида, Австралия – Жумалин А.Х), Федеральном исследовательском центре института цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, Харбинском научно-исследовательском ветеринарном институте (Харбин, Китай – Сураншиев Ж.А, Акибеков О.С..Байболин Ж.К.), Языковой английской школе (Куала-Лумпур, Малайзия – Кухар Е.В). The teaching staff of the department participated in the summer school in Tbilisi, (Georgia-2023 - Begenova A.B. Otepova G.M.), at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin Moscow Russian Federation - Borovikov S.N., Begenova A.B. Otepova G.M.), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Altai State University - Borovikov S.N., Muranets A.P. - 2023), Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman.



According to the educational process, leading foreign scientists are actively involved in the department. For students and undergraduates of the specialty "Biotechnology" lectures were given by the professor of the Caucasus University Mohammed Shakiroglu (Kars, Turkey); professors from the University of Adelaide, the Australian Center for Plant Functional Genomics, Serik Elibay and Ainur Ismagul (Adelaide, Australia); Professor of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Arkansas, Road Douglas (USA); Doctor of Medical Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Federal Reference Center for Risk Assessment Anna Mauer-Scholl (Berlin, Germany). Fulbright grant holder, professor of the Polytechnic Institute and the University of Virginia (USA) Asym Yeshen conducted classes for undergraduates in the molecular sciences Genetic Foundations of Biotechnology ”and“ Genetic Engineering of Plants ”, specialty 6M070100 -“ Biotechnology ”.

        Within the framework of academic mobility programs, students of the Biotechnology EP have the opportunity to obtain and consolidate practical skills in professional practice programs: DAAD, LOGO, PRAXX, DEULA.

         In the framework of external academic mobility, students and undergraduates of the Biotechnology EP annually go to study at universities of foreign countries: the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra (Slovakia), the Agricultural University in Krakow (Poland) (Gazisova Leyla), State University of Missouri (USA) (Kazhibaeva Aidana), Xinjiang University of Urumqi China (Zhanakhmetova Diana, Toremurat Zhansaya), etc.

          В рамках внешней академической мобильности студенты и магистранты  ОП «Биотехнология» ежегодно выезжают на обучение в вузы дальнего зарубежья: Словацкий сельскохозяйственный университет,  г. Нитра, Словакия; Сельскохозяйственный университет, г. Краков, Польша (Газисова Лейла), Государственный университет штата Миссури, США (Кажибаева Айдана), Синьзянский университет г.Урумчи, Китай (Жанахметова Диана, Торемурат Жансая) и др. Due to the scholarship program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Abai-Vern" at the National School of Agronomy and Food Industry (ENSAIA) of Agrinium University (France): 2nd year master's student of the EP "Plant Biotechnology" Zeinulin M.K. is studying. The duration of study is from October 2, 2023 to 2024. Also, 3rd year student of the OP “6B05102-Biotechnology” Elgudinova Altynay is studying for external academic mobility at the Agricultural University in Krakow (Poland) (01.10.2023-24.02.2024)Студены имеют возможность проходить профессиональную практику по международным программам «Logo» в фермерских хозяйствах Германии  (Кубиц Евгения-2022год, Абдулла Бибинур -2022).

       Students have the opportunity to undergo professional practice under the international "LOGO" programs in German farms (Kubits Evgeniya-2022, Abdulla Bibinur - 2022).

       In the summer, during the holidays, some students travel according to the Work and Travel Program (Amangeldinova D.-Germany 2022, Tleulov S -Germany 2022)

      Graduate students of scientific, pedagogical and specialized fields annually undergo scientific training at the Hugo Kollontai Agricultural University in Poland, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk.

      After receiving a bachelor’s degree, graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in a magistracy at universities (Russia, China, Canada, Japan, etc.) 2017 (Abdesan R., Zhanakhmetova D., Toremurat J. Bekezhan A., Isakova R., Әlanzhanova) and study at the target magistracy at (Henan Agricultural University (PRC) of Northwestern Agricultural University (China), L. Maypas A. study doctoral studies in Japan Okinava institute of Sceinceand technologi graduate university (OIST), Baduanova S. studied at the graduate school at Russian universities, in the Timiryazavsky Agricultural Academy, defended ka Ndidat dissertation.

Student life

Students of the training direction “Biological and Related Sciences” (Biotechnology) together with teachers take an active part in all activities held at the faculty and at the university.

In the framework of socio-political, patriotic and legal education, curatorial hours are devoted to public holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan, discussions of the President’s Annual Message.

Students take an active part in the work of circles and sections: “Alliance”, volunteers “Ikomek”, “Bobek”, KDM, “Sheber Kolunershiler”, “Studentk keys”, “Altyn belgi”, “Mass Media KazATU”, “Zhas Otan”, “English Speaking club”, debate club “Amanat”, “Zhaidarman ”, scientific circle “Biocolorit, sports sections, Debate club “Elite”, dance circle, student theatre “Akelken”, members of the council of young scientists of the faculty .

In KDM S.Seifullin KATU students can exchange views on the learning environment, in particular the Media sector; Debate club “Amanat”, sector “Domestic politics”. Students are also participants in the Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram forums.

The university annually holds a competition of student research papers as part of the Seifullin Readings event, where the mechanisms for stimulating students and masters research work are improved.

At the department there is a scientific circle "Biocolorit", the head is Bekenova A.B., in which students of all courses are engaged in research activities. At the same time, undergraduates help to oversee the work of the circle. Student research conferences occupy an important place in improving the organization and summing up the results of scientific research work. Participating in the conference for young scientists, students have good publications.

In order to increase cultural and aesthetic education, they visit the cultural centers of the city of Nur-Sultan: K. Kuanyshbaev Kazakh Drama Theater, M. Gorky Russian Drama Theater, State Opera House “Astana Opera”, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and others.

The department has a student research circle "Interesting Zoology", the leaders are c.v.s., senior lecturer Akhmetbekov N. A. and m.v.s., senior lecturer Akimbekova A. F. The knowledge gained in the circle's classes allows students to expand their knowledge, demonstrate their skills in the field of zoology, and demonstrate their work at scientific conferences. The circle includes theoretical and practical classes on the subject of zoology.

The department has a scientific circle "Young morphologist", the heads are Doctor of Biological Sciences Gazizova A. I. and c.v.s., senior lecturer Murzabekova L. M. Studying the research work of students, mastering anatomical and histological methods of veterinary medicine, studying their theoretical and practical foundations.







Contacts of the Department of M&B

Contacts of the MiB Department

Contacts of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology

010000, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Nur-Sultan, International settlement, Armandastar str. 2B

Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology

tel.: 8 (7172) 43-67-52

e-mail: Begenova_73

K.A. Sagadiev Biotechnological Building, Y.Altynsarin street, 2

Scientific and innovative activities

The department has 35 teaching staff, including 28 full-time teachers and 7 part-time teachers (4 external part-time employers, 3 internal part-time teachers). The qualitative composition of 4 Doctors of Sciences, 17 candidates of Sciences, 5 PhD Doctors, 9 Masters of Sciences. 

The graduation rate of teaching staff in the 2023-2024 academic year was 74.4%. The department is a graduate one. They implement educational programs in the following areas: 6B05102-Biotechnology, 6B05101-Agricultural biotechnology, 7M05101-Veterinary biotechnology, 7M05102-Plant biotechnology.

In 2019-2023, scientific research was conducted in the following areas:

The scientific research conducted by the department is included in the Republican programs on priority areas of development of agricultural science and has both theoretical and practical significance. The degree of participation of the teaching staff in the implementation of the above-mentioned topics is 80%.

Grant and program-targeted financing of scientific research of the department for 2019-2023.

Name of the project or program, year of implementation

Project or Program Manager

The amount of financing for the entire period


267 budget program "Increasing the availability of knowledge and scientific research" subprogram 101 "Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities" for 2018-2020

Topic «Serological diagnosis of brucellosis based on compound recombinant antigen»

Bulashev A.K.

43 500 000


Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022.

Topic «The study of the epizootic situation of equine diseases and the development of veterinary drugs for their diagnosis and prevention»

Borovikov S.N.

54 000 000


Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024.

 Topic «Development of an enzyme immunoassay system based on the recombinant antigen Trichinella spp»

Akibekov O.S.

78 000 000


Grant financing of young scientists of the Ministry of Defense and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023.

Topic «Rapid test for the diagnosis of trichinosis»

Akibekov O.S.

54 000 000


Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023.

Topic «Development of an express test for the diagnosis of equine salmonella abortion based on monoclonal antibodies»

Borovikov S.N.

64 600 000


Program-targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023 «Development of immunochromatographic analysis for rapid detection of the causative agent of campylobacteriosis in biological material and animal products»

Borovikov S.N.

28 000 000


Program-targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023 under budget program 267 "Dissemination of knowledge and scientific research" subprogram 101-Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities

 Topic «Development of analytical control methods and monitoring of food safety»

Bulashev A.K.

540 000 000


Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025.

 Topic «Development of an RNGA kit based on recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of brucellosis»

Bulashev A.K.

89 000 000


Economic agreement "Breed transformation of sheep in Karaganda region (Artificial insemination of sheep)

Begenova A.B.

3 500 000


Teaching staff of the department who have completed a research internship 2019-2023.

Full name of the teaching staff

The place of the internship

The direction of the internship


Travel time


Suranshiev J.A.

Kazakh Scientific Center for Quarantine and Zoonotic Infections named after M. Aikimbayev

Methods and techniques of working with pathogens of particularly dangerous infections of groups II-IV pathogenicity




Akhmetzhanova N.B.

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin

Animal Morphology Animal

Russian Federation Omsk



Gazizova A.I.

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin


Russian Federation Omsk



Tozhybaeva A.S.

MES RK RSE Scientific Research Institute of Zoology

Modern methods in geomorphological research and the application of new research technologies in the educational process




Borovikov S.N.

K.I.Scriabin Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State


Russian Federation



Begenova A.B.

K.I.Scriabin Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State


Russian Federation



Otepova G.M.

K.I.Scriabin Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State


Russian Federation



Akibekov O.S.

Мичиганский государственный университет.

Laboratory diagnosis of animal infectious diseases

USA State of Michigan



Kiyan V.S.

Saint Petersburg State University

Introduction to Parasitology

Russian Federation St. Petersburg



Bekenova A.B.

 Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev"

Molecular genetic methods for the diagnosis of diseases of farm animals and marker-assisted selection

Russian Federation Moscow



Bekenova A.B.

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (ICiG SB RAS) Novosibirsk

"Molecular genetic differential diagnosis of opisthorchiasis and metorhosis"

Russian Federation Moscow

16.05.2022- 5.06.2022


Bulashev A.K.

Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman, Russian

Veterinary immunology

Russian Federation Kazan

21.11.2022 -02.12.2022


Zhaumitova N.N.

Agricultural Academy, Russian Federation, Russian State Agrarian University - K.A. Timiryazev

Molecular genetic methods for diagnosing diseases of farm animals and marker-assisted breeding

Russian Federation Moscow



Dzhamburshina D.G.

Agricultural Academy, Russian Federation, Russian State Agrarian University - K.A. Timiryazev

Molecular genetic methods for diagnosing diseases of farm animals and marker-assisted breeding

Russian Federation Moscow



Begenova A.B.


For successful completion of summer school laboratory course organized by LTD BIOLOGICA in the direction of microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, biotechnology, food quality and safety in the volume




Otepova G.M..


For successful completion of summer school laboratory course organized by LTD BIOLOGICA in the direction of microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, biotechnology, food quality and safety in the volume




Muranets A. P.

Altai State University

Big Data in Biology

Russian Federation Barnaul



Borovikov S. N.

Giessen University of Veterinary Medicine named after J.Liebknecht

Laboratory diagnostics of animal diseases Animal




Gazizova A. I.

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin

morphology Animal




Murzabekova L. M.

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin





Omarova A. B.

University of Chemical Technology

International internship program Bolashak

Prague Czech Republic



Zhaumitova N. N.

Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev"

Modern methods of breeding and biotechnology in accelerating the breeding process within the framework of import substitution

Russian Federation Moscow


According to the results of scientific research for 2019-2023, the staff of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology published 127 articles, of which: 17 scientific articles in journals included in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science and Scopus database, 48 articles in journals included in the list of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in RSCI journals, AGRIS -11, in other publications – 51, monographs-4, innovative patents-7, and 8 methodological recommendations and Acts of implementation of production were published.  


Availability of copyright certificates and patents of the Faculty of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology for 2019-2023.

Наименование объекта

ФИО авторов


Дата регистрации


Method of obtaining antigen from Campylobacter fetus

Borovikov S.N., Zharmysheva M.E.

Non-profit Joint-stock Company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken






A strain of hybrid animal cell cultures Mus Musculus used to produce monoclonal antibodies of Echinococcus granulosus

Akibekov O.S.

Bulashev A.K.

Tokpan S.S.

Mukhitden G.S.

Non-profit Joint-stock Company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken


Patent for invention No. 33930 was registered on 09/26/2019.

Patent for invention No. 33930 was registered on 09/26/2019.


Specific primers for multiplex diagnostics of pathogens of the Opisthorchidae family

Smagulova Ainura Muratovna (KZ)

Katokhin Alexey Vadimovich (RU)

Bekenova Aiganym Bekaydarovna (KZ)

Vladimir Sergeevich Kiyan (KZ)

Non-profit Joint-stock Company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken





Preparation and method of treatment of animals with mucosal and skin lesions of various etiologies

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)


Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna




Probiotic drug

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)

Kurmanov Baurzhan Avganovich (KZ)

Isenov Talgat Sheryazdanovich (KZ)


Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)

Kurmanov Baurzhan Avganovich (KZ)

Isenov Talgat Sheryazdanovich (KZ)





Consortium of microorganisms Lactobacillus spp. UMBK-1T, used for the production

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)

Sheryazdanova Tahmina Talgatovna (KZ)

Mirkhat Sheryazdanovich Isanov (KZ)

Isenov Talgat Sheryazdanovich (KZ)

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)

Sheryazdanova Tahmina Talgatovna (KZ)

Mirkhat Sheryazdanovich Isanov (KZ)

Isenov Talgat Sheryazdanovich (KZ)




The method of reclamation of soils contaminated with oil and petroleum products

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)

Kasenova Zhanar Muratbekovna (KZ)

Kazankapova Maira Kuttybayevna (KZ)

Bylina Gulshat Yesimzhanovna (KZ)

Isanov Talgat Sheryazdanovich (KZ)

Yermagambet Bolat Toleukhanuly (KZ)

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)

Kasenova Zhanar Muratbekovna (KZ)

Kazankapova Maira Kuttybayevna (KZ)

Bylina Gulshat Yesimzhanovna (KZ)

Isanov Talgat Sheryazdanovich (KZ)

Yermagambet Bolat Toleukhanuly (KZ)




Animal feed additive containing humic substances and the method of application of the additive

Yermagambet Bolat Toleukhanuly (KZ)

Kazankapova Maira Kuttybayevna (KZ)

Kasenova Zhanar Muratbekovna (KZ)

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna (KZ)

Kurmanov Baurzhan Avganovich (KZ)

Bylina Gulshat Yesimzhanovna (KZ)

Limited Liability Partnership "Kaztechnougol Scientific and Production Association"

(KZ); Limited Liability Partnership "Institute of Coal Chemistry and Technology" (KZ)




Detergent (options)

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna

Kukhar Elena Vladimirovna




The strain of the microorganism Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) pET28a/Omp 19/31 is a producer of the chimeric recombinant protein

of the brucella outer membrane

Bulashev Aitbay Kabykeshovich (KZ)

Akibekov Orken Sultankhamitovich (KZ)

N. Nazarbayev (KZ)

Mukantayev Kanatbek Naizabekovich (KZ)

Alfiya syzdykova (KZ)

Zhanbolat suranshiev (KZ)

Tursunov Kanat Akhmetovich (KZ)

Non-profit Joint-stock Company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken





A set of videos of specific nucleotide sequences of primers and probes for the identification of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae with the determination of antibiotic resistance loci

Baimenov B.M., Chuzhebaeva G.D. Alieva G.K., Bulashev A.K., Kokanov S.K., Beishova I.S., Ulyanov V.A., Ulyanova T.V., Rakitskiy V.A.

Baimenov B.M., Chuzhebaeva G.D. Alieva G.K., Bulashev A.K., Kokanov S.K., Beishova I.S., Ulyanov V.A., Ulyanova T.V., Rakitskiy V.A.




Educational and methodological literature, recommendations and monographs






Information about subject Olympiads in the department of "Microbiology and Biotechnology»

In 2017, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad was attended by 4th year students of the specialty 5B070100 – "Biotechnology" Muhi Akerke, Aitmagambetova Madina, Gazisova Leila, Esmukhanova Gulnur, Zhuman Adilet, Zaidullina Gulshara and were awarded certificates for active participation.

In 2021, 4th year students of the specialty 5B070100 – "Biotechnology" Gubaidullin N., Omirzak S., Seitkali K. took part in the XIII Olympiad of the Republican Student Subject Olympiad. and they were awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree for active participation.

In 2022, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad was attended by 4th year students of specialty 5B070100 – "Biotechnology" Kanatova D., Galymbek M., Turlybek N., Abutalipova A., Kydyrkozha A., Askarova N. and were awarded certificates for active participation.

Plan development of the educational program EP 6B05102 - "Biotechnology" training area - Biological and related sciences for 2024-2027
Plan development of the educational program EP 7M05102 - "Plant biotechnology" training area - Biological and related sciences for 2024-2027
Plan development of the educational program EP 7M05101 - "Veterinary Biology" for 2024 - 2027
СЕС 6B05102 Biotechnology
СЕС 6B05101 Agricultural Biotechnology
СЕС 7M05102 Plant biotechnology
СЕС 7M05101 Veterinary Biotechnology