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Agronomic faculty

Agronomic faculty


The Faculty of Agronomy was founded on the 3rd of October 1957 with the aim of preparing highly qualified agronomists.  

Over the entire period of activity, the faculty trained more than 10000 specialists, most of whom are specialists and managers of large industrial organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, including state institutions, large agricultural joint-stock companies and partnerships, as well as teachers and scientists. In its profile, the faculty is one of the leading departments in Central and Northern Kazakhstan.

3 departments comprise the Faculty of Agriculture:

Specialists are trained at three levels of education:

CropEducationProgramGroup – Bachelor     

Group of educational programs “Crop Production” – Master

Group of educational programs "Crop Production" - doctoral studies

The agronomy faculty includes more than 60 highly qualified specialists, among them: 6 doctors of sciences, 30 candidates of sciences, 13 doctors of philosophy. Three teachers are graduates of the Bolashak program, 10 have the academic title of professors, 25 are associate professors. The winners of the state grant "The Best University Teacher" are 8 employees of the faculty, two of them have been awarded this title twice. 13 teachers conduct classes in English.  Various departmental awards and certificates were given to 23 professionals: in 2017, 2 teachers were awarded the "Құрметграмотасы" MES RK, 1 employee was awarded the badge "For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" MES RK, in 2018, and 1 member of the faculty with years of experience in the field of agriculture was awarded the Order of Kurmet.3 PhD doctors in 2017 won the state scholarship of Talented young scientists of MES RK.

Conducting research and practical training are carried out on the basis of experimental and production laboratories: "Biotechnology of microorganisms", "soil Laboratory", "Phytotron" and 9 educational laboratories that meet all the necessary requirements in terms of equipment.

The University established two research centers: Scientific and educational innovative center of agrobiological researches and Scientific and innovative center of phytosanitary monitoring, protection and quarantine of plants, where the research work of the faculty scientists is carried out

The Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming named after A.I. Baraeva, North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station, was organized for students of "agronomy", "soil science and Agrochemistry", "plant Protection and quarantine".

The above training bases areprovided with modern  instruments and equipment, infrastructure and  high level communications. 

The Department implements scientific - educational projects in the framework of the European Union program "ERASMUS+", which, in conjunction with foreign universities,are developed and implemented in the educational process of the master educational program of the specialty "agronomy" project "EPASAT", and  develop internal quality assurance system on the project "IQAT".
In the framework of international cooperation, 4 scientific studies are conducted jointly with the CNR at the faculty. 14 scientific projects are implemented on the basis of grant, program-targeted financing and agreements with business entities.

The scientific direction of the faculty of agronomy is concentrated on the complex of biologically and economically justified systems of land use based on the principles of ecologization and resource conservation, ensuring sustainable productivity of agricultural land and reproduction of soil fertility.

The faculty cooperates with 78 universities and scientific organizations from 15 countries. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, 34 enterprises and organizations are partners of the faculty.

Employability of graduates of the faculty in 2019 amounted to 87 %. In the national rating of the Independent accreditation Agency and rating in 2019, 2 specialties of the faculty took the 1st place at the bachelor's and master's levels, 2 specialties - the 2nd place, 4 specialties took the 2nd place at the doctoral level.

In the Top of the national rating 10 educational programs of bachelor's and master's took the 1st place.

The Dean of the faculty since 2014 is candidate of agricultural Sciences, Professor Stybaev Gani Zhasymbekovich. Under his leadership, in the nomination "Best faculty" division holds the championship on the results of work performed within the University.


Currently, the faculty is headed by Candidate of Biological Science, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy Satybaldieyva Gulmira Kalmashevna

History of faculty


The Department was founded on 3October1957 in order to train agronomists of higher qualifications for Northern regions of Kazakhstan. The history of faculty development and its formation is closely connected with the names of such scientists like Polovitskii I.Y., Raktanen L.S., Kleev M.M., Kudryavtsev V.A., Afanasiev M.V., Mozhaev N.I., Karamshuk Z.P., Shepetkov N.G., Arinov K.K., Chernenok V.G., Karipov R.H., Ivannikov A.V., who created their own scientific schools.

Well-known scientists - deans from different universities of the former Soviet Union took an active part at the stage of faculty establishment and its development. They were: Steinberg T.C. (1959-1960), Vermel L.F. (1960-1962), Avdeenko N.D. (1963), Petcilev P.V. (1963-1966), Lukanchev D.N. (1966 - 1969), Ivannikov A.V. (1969-1970 and 1974-1976), Ten A.G. (1969-1974), Volodin V.M. (1974), Nurgaliyev A.N. (1976 -1978), Nesterenko A.G. (1978-1981). The graduates of the faculty - deansArinov K.K. (1981-1990), Zotikov V.I. (1990-1993), Kairzhanov J.C. (1993-2000) made an essential contribution to the formation and development of the faculty.

The department was run by the graduates of the faculty, deans in subsequent years, such as Zhumagulov I.I. (2000-2002), Musynov K.M. (2002-2004), Serekpaev N.A. (2004-2007; 2010 - 2015), StybayevG.Zh. (2007-2010) at the time of establishing international relations of the University with foreign countries. The faculty is headed by StybayevG.Zh. from March 2015 to the present time. While unfolding educational process, the departments of the faculty were being organized.

Under the decision of educational departments of the USSR, the ministries of Kazakhstan dissertation Councils were created: the Council awarding Candidates of Agriculture with scientific degrees was originally established in 1972;

- the Dissertation Council awarding Doctorates in Sciences with scientific degrees was opened for the first time in the faculty of  history in 2003;

 - the Dissertation Council awarding PhD degrees has been opened since 2015.

The faculty has continuously been conducting scientific research work. An experimental field with the area of 250 ha has been  operating on the educational and experimental farm since 1970. The staff and graduate students were active in scientific research of major issues of virgin agriculture and the students took part in educational, scientific and agronomical practice here.

A campus on the University basis was launched for the purpose of conducting educational and scientific and industrial research with total area more than 1,5 thousand hectares in Tselinograd district in 2015.

The region's only Museum of soils presents exhibits that are widely used in the educational process these days. The faculty has turned to the introduction of the educational credit system since 2004.

Dual training for bachelors, masters and doctoral students, together with scientists from the structural units (branches) in the largest scientific centers of Akmola region, has been operated at five graduating departments by LLP "SSMCC (center of Science and manufacture of Crop cultivation) named after A.I. Barayev", SE "RSMC agrochemical service", RSE "SPC forestry", LLP "Karaganda Institute of plant growing and plant breeding", LLP "North-Kazakhstan SRI of agriculture" etc. since January, 2013.

In 2020, the university included Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming named after A.I. Baraeva, North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry for scientific research and practical training of students.

Scientific and research work

Scientific research process is one of the priorities on a range of biologically and economically reasonable land use systems based on the principles of ecological and resource savings to ensure sustainable productivity of agricultural land and the reproduction of soil fertility.


Teachers of the Faculty of Agronomy participate in ERASMUS + CAPACITYBUILDING (capacity building) – Unwaste.

The Faculty of Agronomy operates under 8 existing cooperation agreements with foreign Universities and Research organizations – China, the Russian Federation, the USA, the EU (within the framework of scientific projects).

"Introduction, breeding and distribution of new varieties of crops" in cooperation with the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, 36 varieties of various crops were tested for adaptive suitability; 31 varieties of 10 crops with a total weight of 207.14 kg were transferred to KATU.

Transfer of highly productive foreign potato varieties for seed production in Northern and Central Kazakhstan.

Creation of promising potato lines based on the genetic resources of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan; Potatoes of the Shissen 6 variety entered the register of promising varieties of RKATSITELI.

A soybean cultivation project between Debont Corporation and the Faculty of Agronomy, 27 species of Chinese soybean varieties were sown on the KATRU campus for testing and adaptation on 0.03 hectares; 1,700 tons of early-ripening soybean seeds were delivered and sown on the KATU campus.

The following results were achieved in 2021-2023:

- energy and soil-saving technology of agricultural crops cultivation;
- technology of rational use and improvement of natural forage lands,
- the technology of the raw material conveyor for year-round provision of full-fledged fodder for the cattle in the conditions of the arid steppe of the Akmola region;
- agroecology and soil fertility management and crop nutrition optimization;
- technologies for the effective use of extracts and waste substrates of mushrooms as a means of protecting potatoes;
- techniques for targeted soil fertility management and crop nutrition optimization;
- technologies for processing bird droppings into organic biofertilizer with the help of new domestic biological products and their introduction into crop production;
- methods of application of microorganisms in biotechnology and waste processing;

- glutinous hybrid millet materials of F3-F4 generations;
- mutant forms of millet.

Scientific research is being implemented for 2022-2024 and 2023-2025.:
- Development of adaptive techniques for increasing productivity and drought resistance of soft wheat in arid conditions of Central and Northern Kazakhstan using mathematical modeling;
- The use of DNA technologies in breeding and genetic studies of millet culture in the creation of new domestic drought-resistant varieties;
- Creation of precocious soybean source material with high productive and adaptive potential using molecular breeding methods for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan;
- Molecular SNP labeling of soft wheat by the TaGW, TaGS and Rht genes for coarse grain and lodging resistance;
- Development of technology for the rational use of pasture lands;
- Development of technology for intensive cultivation of oyster mushrooms, blackberries and Lentinius edodes;
- Implementation and production of extracts of cultivated fungi active against pathogens of potato diseases;
- Development of an automated climate control system for cultivation of basidiomycetes based on microprocessors on a debugging board;
- Development of technology for processing sludge and "green" waste from urban plantations into organic fertilizer using domestic biological products.


In the 2014 - 2015 academic year, members of the faculty have been prepared and submitted 54 scientific applications for participation in the competition of the Committee of Science MES RK "Grant funding for research for 2015 - 2017". Of them have passed the competition and funded 21 projects.
The members of the faculty prepared and submitted research projects for the competition Program - target financing of the MES; Competition budget program 212 Ministry of Agriculture and international competition "Newton - Al Farabi."

Total funding of scientific research in the framework of budget programs in 2015 is 170.5 million tenge
(055 MES RK, direct contracts with business entities),
which is 49% higher than the funding in 2014
(055 MES RK, MA RK 212; 019 Ministry of Agriculture, international grants "Tempus"; direct contracts with economic entities - 89.1 million tenge)
In addition, research is being conducted by a registered initiative scientific - research topics.


Funded budget programme 055 of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Scientific and / or scientific and technical activities" for 2015 - 2017:
by priority: Sustainable use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products

- "Adapted technological solutions for legume crops production in organic farming", the supervisor N. Serekpayev, the amount of funding - 10.0 million KZT;

- "Scientific justification and the development of the intensive technologies of mini rotation growing of highly productive forest plantations for energy purposes and carbon sequestration in the Green Belt of Astana", the supervisor D. Sarsekova, the amount of funding - 10.0 million KZT;

- "Study of forest conditions drained coastal zone of the Balkhash Lake and the development of agricultural methods of afforestation", the supervisor S. Kabanova, the amount of funding - 5.0 million KZT;

- "Technology of biological reclamation of disturbed lands of rural areas in terms of dry steppe zone of northern Kazakhstan", the supervisor S. Kulzhanova, the amount of funding - 5.0 million KZT;

- "Working out innovation technology for taking ecological clean agricultural products with storing and increasing fruitfull soil on the basis of culture clover in the North Kazakhstan", the supervisor Y. Sagalbekov, the amount of funding - 5.0 million KZT;

- "Environmental assessment of roadside areas adjacent to major highways in the city of Astana", the supervisor A. Perzadayeva, the amount of funding - 3.0 million KZT.
by priority: Life Sciences

- "To develop methods of purposeful management of fertility of soils, in relation to system of exact agriculture, providing optimization of food and realization of potential of efficiency of oil-bearing crops in the conditions of production diversification", the supervisor A. Kurishbayev, the amount of funding - 10.0 million KZT;

- "Research the regularities changes of parameters of soil fertility and their influence on the yield of potato varieties, depending on the climatic conditions and the use of bio-organic and biomineral fertilizer in the conditions of Central Kazakhstan", the supervisor A. Kurishbayev, the amount of funding - 9.0 million KZT;

- "A variety of actynomicets in soils of Northern Kazakhstan: ecology, biology, producers of biologically active agents and their use in bioremediation of the polluted soils and protection of plants", the supervisor A. Nauanova, the amount of funding - 10.0 million KZT;

- "Agrotechnological evaluation of soybean varieties of different origin in the conditions of dry steppe zone of Northern and Central Kazakhstan", the supervisor N. Shestakova, the amount of funding - 8.5 million KZT;

- "Create spring triticale varieties for climatic conditions of dry steppes of North Kazakhstan with increased yield potential, high feeding value, increased adaptability and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress-factors the supervisor V. Shvidchenko, the amount of funding - 8.0 million KZT;

- "Study of fertilizer nitrogen transformation in the soil-plant system and development of methods of increasing productivity of grain crops and fertilizer efficiency under the conditions of the dry steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan", the supervisor R. Ramazanova, the amount of funding - 8.0 million KZT;

- "Ways of realization of the genetic potential of sorts (hybrids) oil crops (sunflower, linseed) based on the use of adaptive technologies elements of cultivation for the dry steppe zone conditions of northern Kazakhstan", the supervisor Y. Gordeeva, the amount of funding - 7.6 million KZT;

- "Developing saving technologies for creation of high-yielding specialized pastures for cattle and small cattle for meat production through the efficient use of biological factors and renewable resources in the arid steppes of Central Kazakhstan", the supervisor G. Stybayev, the amount of funding - 7.6 million KZT;

- "Introduction of new easy silaged fodder crop barnyard grass (Echinochloa frumentacea) for the dry steppe zone of Central Kazakhstan", the supervisor A. Baitelenova, the amount of funding - 7.3 million KZT;

- "Develop a methodological basis for preventive pest control technology for particularly dangerous Italian locust (Calliptamus italicus L.) in order to reduce pesticide load on the environment", the supervisor V. Azhbenov, the amount of funding - 5.0 million KZT;

- "Development of technology for the use of non-traditional fertilizer to increase yields and the quality of sunflower seeds in the Pavlodar region", the supervisor S. Kulzhanova, the amount of funding - 5.8 million KZT;

- "Development of scientific bases of productivity increase of grain crops (triticale, rye) in the North Kazakhstan by optimization of mineral nutrition", the supervisor Y. Nurmanov, the amount of funding - 6.8 million KZT;

- "Development of raw conveyor for silage zea mais with sorgo-sudanese hybrids for meat and dairy farming in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan", the supervisor M. Tynykulov, the amount of funding - 6.6 million KZT;

- "Creating a domestic bank of potato virus strains for production of highly sensitive diagnostic tests", the supervisor V. Hasanov, the amount of funding - 8.5 million KZT;

- "Increase of efficiency of new perspective grades of leguminous cultures by development of preserving technology of cultivation on the basis of different technologies of processing of soil for conditions of a droughty steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan", the supervisor A. Kipshakbayeva, the amount of funding - 6.3 million KZT;

Direct contracts with business entities:

- Development and implementation of water-saving technologies of alternative crops cultivation in the conditions of Aznabay farm " Osakarovsky district, Karaganda region", the supervisor R. Karipov, the amount of funding - 0.5 million KZT;

- plan Ministry of Agriculture "Production and registration testing of herbicides," the supervisor R. Karipov, the amount of funding - 4.0 million KZT;

- according to the plan of the State Quarantine inspection in AIC MA RK (economic contracts theme №41) "Registration and production tests", the supervisor B. Sadykov, the amount of funding - 10.0 million KZT;

- "Development of methods and conducting ecological - Landscape green space inventory of Astana", the supervisor D. Sarsekova, the amount of funding is 3.0 million KZT.

Enterprising themes with the state registration:

- «Diversification of crops adapted to the arid steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan on the basis of modern technologies», the supervisor K. Mussynov, state registration number 0112РК01808;

- "Formation of the harvest and sowing qualities of seeds linseed depending on agricultural practices in the steppe zone of northern Kazakhstan", the supervisor A. Begalina, state registration number 0113RK00680;

- "Investigation of the effect of food additives containing E code and GMOs on living organisms", the supervisor K. Satova, state registration number 0111 РК 00251.

According to the results of the research in 2014 the faculty of the Faculty published on:

- 6 articles in journals included in the base of Thomson Reuters, Scopus, Springer, Elsevier;

- 17 articles in journals included in the database RISC;

- 8 articles in journals included in the database CCES;

- Published 3 monographs.

It was awarded by 6 patents and innovation patents.

At the Faculty of function there are 2 Scientific Centers

  1. Research and Educational Innovation Center of agro-biological research, the head – V.K. Shvidchenko;
  2. Research - Innovation Center of phytosanitary monitoring of plant protection and quarantine, the head V.K. Azhbenov

- Scientific agrochemical laboratory;

- Laboratory evaluation of the quality of crop production;

- Laboratory of Seed;

- Laboratory of Agrometeorology.

As part of ongoing research work 10 employees have passed the international scientific training (A.P. Nauanova, V.G. Chernenok, A.A. Baytelenova, K.B. Massenov, A. Bahralinova, R.T. Nurmuhambetova, V.T. Hasanov, I.K. Maysupova, Z.T. Boranbai).

Within the framework of research work and to involve student youth in science, the faculty conducts student work contests. So, in the 2020-2021 academic year, 28 papers were received, including 22 - in Kazakh, 6 - in Russian, of which 26 were research papers and 2 were abstract.

The competition committee of the faculty decided to award prizes to the works and recommend them for participation in the university competition:

I degree diplomas 5 works(including in the state language - _3_ works, in Russian - _2_ works.

II degree diplomas 10 works(including in the state language - _7_ works, in Russian - _3_ works.

III degree diplomas 10 works(including in the state language - _9_ works, in Russian - _1_ work.           

Selected works are presented for a letter of thanks.           

LIST OF SCIENTIFIC TOPICS carried out within the framework of grant funding of the "Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for the period 2020 - 2022:           

- "Adaptation of Kazakhstani phyto-lamps with automated control of spectrum change for the cultivation of vegetables in protected soil in various light zones of Kazakhstan", head of A. Turbekova, funding amount - 3.0 million tenge;           

- "Development of a raw material conveyor for year-round provision of high-grade feeds for small cattle (dairy goats) in the arid steppe of Akmola region", head Nogaev AA, funding amount - 12.1 million tenge;           

- “Phytosanitary control over non-herding locusts in agricultural areas of Northern Kazakhstan based on the innovation of GIS technologies and methods of remote sensing of the Earth”, head of Baybusenov KS, funding amount - 8.9 million tenge;           

Scientific support is carried out by leading faculty members within the framework of economic agreements with such organizations as Firma August JSC, (RF), XINJIANG INSTITUTE OF ECOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY, Xisen Potato Industry Group Co, (CHINE), Astana NAN LLP, Building Group LLP astana, ASTYK-STEM LLP, ASKOP LLP, (Kazakhstan), etc.

Student enrollment for the 2020-2021 academic year


Undergraduate enrollment for the 1st year of the 2020-2021 academic year of Agronomy faculty 



Total, people.












































Enrollment of students on the master's program for the 1st year 2020-2021 academic year of Agronomy faculty


Scientific and pedagogical

grant paid training



М131 – CropProduction





М133 – Forestry









Enrollment of students for doctoral studies in the 1st year 2020-2021 academic yearof Agronomy faculty



Scientific and pedagogical

grant targeted training paid training



D131 - CropProduction






D133 - – Forestry











Z10H2F8 (010000)

Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,

Moldagulova str., 27, building 5

тел.: +7 (7172) 397-807, E-mail:

Foreign partners - universities and scientific organizations
Enterprises and organizations - partners of the faculty