Main / Faculties and Departments / The Department of Economy
The Department of Economy

The Department of Economy


The Department of Economics was created by order of the rector of the Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University dated July 16, 2007 No. 235.

The educational activities of the department are aimed at the implementation of educational programs that are formed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework, professional standards agreed with Dublin descriptors included in the Register of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the trend in the development of the country's economy, modern requirements of consumers and the labor market for the quality of training.

Department's vision: The Department "Economics” sees itself as a leading methodological and organizational center for improving and scientific research in the agrarian sphere. Moreover, the priority area of development of the Department is the formation of partnerships with companies - leaders of the agrarian market in order to ensure the transfer to education and the implementation of research programs in the agrarian industry.

The mission of the department is training of highly qualified, competitive personnel who ensure sustainable development based on the integration of educational and scientific and social activities of the University as well.

Strategic goals and objectives of the department:

- training of specialists with fundamental education and developed skills of applying the acquired knowledge in real production, as well as on the basis of competencies determined by the national qualification framework and professional standards;

- modernization of the educational process by introducing unique educational training programs developed on the basis of their own scientific results with the participation of employers and leading domestic and foreign professors and scientists;

- introduction of scientific results through the educational process, dissemination of knowledge and commercialization of technologies;

- increasing the number of foreign students studying according to the educational programs of the Department;

- strengthening the practical aspect of the educational process;

- expansion of international cooperation with leading research universities and research centers within the framework of academic mobility, research and innovation projects;

- search for new areas of fundamental and applied research, conducting research carried out within the framework of the State Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Federal Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the implementation of contractual research with enterprises and organizations, research and development on various grants, research and development on orders from ministries and Departments;

- development and implementation of new educational technologies, as well as continuation of the practice of distribution of active and interactive forms of training;

- expanding the participation of teachers in educational programs implemented in a foreign language, continuous advanced training of faculty;

- performance of joint scientific research with involvement of students;

- actualization of civil-educational and cultural work aimed at the formation of a comprehensively developed, creative personality;

- development of a stable opinion on the prestige and elitism of education received within the university walls.

The Department on the basis of the issued license for the educational activities of the State Institution "Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" conducts educational activities at three levels:

Undergraduate educational programs are conducted in the Group of Educational Programs B044 -Management and administration

Undergraduate educational programs:

6B014105 - Economics of modern business

This program is aimed at training specialists with in-depth knowledge of the economic behavior of the enterprise in market relations: in matters of business organization and analysis of business processes, target functions of production activities, justification of the scope of the production program, financial conditions and sources, personnel and organizational support, business planning, improving the efficiency of entrepreneurship and competitiveness with taking into account the needs of the regional labor market.

6V040088- Agroeconomics (interdisciplinary)

This program provides an unique opportunity for students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to solve economic problems and make decisions in various sectors related to agricultural problems, regardless of whether you work in business, public sector or non-governmental organizations. The program is comprehensive and aimed at training specialists in the field of agricultural economy, considering the knowledge of the peculiarities of the production cycle of the agricultural sector and the inclusion of agricultural production in value chains, integration into the digital environment and rational environmental management.

Master's educational programs are conducted in two areas - specialized and scientific and pedagogical:

- "7M0141-Economics"

The specialized area with a training period of 1 year implements educational programs of an applied nature aimed at instilling managerial skills and providing training for managers, managers, leading specialists in the management apparatus, specialists in the agricultural sector with modern system knowledge.

The educational program "Analytical Economics" (1 year) is aimed at solving systemic issues on the organization of the economy and business, necessary to improve the quality of the content of disciplines in order to form professional competencies and training results.

The scientific and pedagogical direction with a period of study of 2 years implements professional training programs for postgraduate education in training personnel for the system of higher and postgraduate education and the research sector.

As part of the implementation of the international project SARUD Erasmus + in 2017, the first recruitment was made to the scientific and pedagogical master's degree 6M050600-“Economics" “Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development," the purpose of which is to, along with certain fundamental economic and management training, give students the opportunity to master in-depth economic and management knowledge, as well as applied skills and skills.

Educational programs of doctoral studies are conducted in the direction of 8D041 – “Economics”

The PhD doctoral program is aimed at training scientific and pedagogical personnel, highly qualified specialists competitive both in the domestic and world labor markets with the award of a PhD degree.

The educational program -8D04102 “Economics and Organization in the Agro-Industrial Complex" allows Doctoral graduates to acquire competencies in the field of scientific activity in the conditions of constant renewal of knowledge and modernization of society. Moreover, it provides qualified and creative analysis of modern problems of economy and management in the organization and conduct of own and joint scientific projects as well as setting urgent tasks and expanding the boundaries of scientific research on economic problems in  terms of understanding the principles of building and improving educational programs in the field of economics, in the economic, social, legal and communication aspects of business and governance.

Since 2015, a multilingual postgraduate study has been launched in the specialty "Economics" in the Master program (7M0141) and Doctoral studies (8D0141).

From 2024-2025, the educational program of the Agricultural Business 7M014117 with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) and the Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University (Astana, Kazakhstan) will be implemented to train highly qualified specialists in agricultural business based on the integration of efforts and accumulated knowledge in the field of educational, methodological and research activities.

The educational program "Agricultural Business" involves the study by students of various aspects of entrepreneurial activity in the fields of agriculture and agro-industrial complex. The company is interested in training highly qualified specialists with knowledge of the features of agricultural business, since this can contribute to the intensification of economic development and increase social well-being.

Advantages of the two-degree education program:

• international experience;

• job prospects after graduation;

• mastering progressive knowledge from leading teachers of partner universities;

• obtaining 2 diplomas of the Seifullin KARU + Partner University (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia).

Based on the results of the development of the educational program and subject to the successful passage of the final tests by the students completing the development of the educational program, the Parties issue to the students a document on education and/or qualifications of the established sample and an appendix to it (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such an education document is issued):

• from Peoples' Friendship University of Russia: upon successful completion of the educational program, students will be awarded a degree and given a Master's Diploma in Economics and Diploma Supplement.

• from KARU: upon successful completion of the educational program, students will be awarded a Master's degree in the Agricultural Business educational program and given a diploma and transcript/

Teachers of the departments take part and conduct research on the following scientific projects:

1.3561/GF4 "Justification and forecasting of the needs of specialists with higher professional education in the agro-industrial complex of Akmola region."

2. "Sustainable agriculture and rural development." International Project No. 561969-YeRR-1-2015-1-DE-EPPK2-CBHE-JP. Funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + KA2 programme.

3.13005/314 of 10.04.2019. Economic assessment of the development of innovative processes in meat cattle breeding in Akmola region. State. Registration No. 0119RKI0120

4. Development of cost standards per unit of the main types of agricultural livestock products in the Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions "(using the example of ICE LLP, RZA JSC) 30. 06 - 30.07 2021, contract work and scientific research work.

5. Economic analysis of the cost of milk production, taking into account the market value of the costs of basic feed, wages and other cost items. (November 2020 - January 2021). Contract work and scientific research work.

6. Justification of direct production costs (on the example of LLP SP Pervomaisky), Atyrau, 2022. Contract work and scientific research work.

7. Study of the impact of state policy in the agricultural sector on the development of cooperation processes in the agro-industrial complex, sustainable development of rural areas and provision. PCF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021-2023).

8. Study of demographic and migration processes in the Northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: identification and analysis of fundamental factors and development of their regulation, 2022 -2024, State Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

9. IRN AP19680251 "Analysis of the problems of the development of the circular economy in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan with the development of a model for the use of its capabilities in modern conditions," State Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2023-2025.

In 2019, the Economics Department successfully passed specialized accreditation for educational programs of 3 levels of training at the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IKAQAE).

Graduates of the department are in demand in the system of science and education, in the public service, in the system of economics of the agricultural sector, large corporations, in domestic and foreign firms of various profiles. More than 80% of graduates are employed after graduation.

The staff contributes to the successful functioning of educational programs in the areas of training of students in accordance with the priorities of the University, faculty, and department. The staff of the faculty of the department is 25 people, including 11 candidates of sciences, 2 doctors of economic sciences and 2 doctors of PhD, as well as 5 external part-time employees from production.

The staff contributes to the successful functioning of educational programs in the areas of training of students in accordance with the priorities of the University, faculty, and department. The staff of the faculty of the department is 25 people, including 11 candidates of sciences, 2 doctors of economic sciences and 2 doctors of PhD, as well as 5 external part-time employees from production.

The Department of Economics has agreements with foreign universities on cooperation in the field of education and science: RUDN University, (Moscow) Agrarian University, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urumqi (China), Novosibirsk Agrarian University, Novosibirsk (Russia), Hoenheim University, Stuttgart (Germany), Czech University of Natural Sciences, Prague.

The Department cooperates with the Barayev Research and Production Center for Grain Farming, North Kazakhstan experimental station, JSC "Center for Trade Policy Qaztrade," LLP KazSRI "Economy of the agro-industrial complex and rural development" in the field of joint scientific research. In addition, the department interacts with AF Rodina LLP on the basis of agreements on cooperation and functioning of its branch on the basis of the named advanced agricultural enterprise.

The department is headed by a candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Temirova Akmaral Bolatovna.


Department history

On September 1, 1963, two departments were created at the faculty: economics of socialist agriculture and organization of socialist agricultural enterprises. The first was headed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. Vermeule D.F., who worked in this position until 1968.

In subsequent years, the department was headed by associate professors Paliy A.R. (1968-1972), Kuznetsov A.A. (1972-1973), Baltin B.B. (1974-1983), Turmambaev G.M. (1983-1988), professor, doctor of economic sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Sagadiev K.A. (1982-1990). Then the department was headed by Associate Professor M.I. Tsybenko. (1967-1976) and associate professor, candidate of economic sciences, who later became a professor, Sundetov Zh.S. (1976-1992).

The Department of Economics and Organization of Socialist Agricultural Enterprises has undergone several reorganizations over the years of development of the faculty. In 1994, as a result of consolidation, the department of “Economics and Organization of Agriculture” was organized, later it became known as “Agricultural Economics”, which was headed by Professor, Doctor of Economics. Sundetov Zh.S. (1994-1996), associate professor Khizhinsky A.K. (1996-1997), associate professor Kulakevich A.M. (1998-2000), associate professor Oraztaeva Z.B (2001-2002). From 2003 to 2019, the department was headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Meleshenko N.N.

In 2019, the Department of Economics successfully passed specialized accreditation for educational programs of 3 levels of training at the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA).

Graduates of the department are in demand in the system of science and education, in the public service, in the economic system of the agricultural sector, large corporations, in domestic and foreign companies of various profiles. More than 80% of graduates are employed after graduating from the University.

The personnel composition contributes to the successful functioning of educational programs in the areas of training students in accordance with the priorities of the University, faculty and department. The faculty of the department consists of 25 people, including 11 candidates of science, 2 doctors of economic sciences and 2 PhD doctors, and 5 external part-time workers from production are also involved in the educational process.

The teaching staff is being improved qualitatively and annually undergoes advanced training courses. The teaching staff, along with the educational process, participates in research and educational work.

The organization and activities of the department are carried out on the basis of qualification requirements established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main task of the department is to train highly qualified specialists in the agricultural industry.

The Department of Economics provides training for bachelors, masters and PhDs.

From the 2024-2025 academic year, a double-diploma master's program will be implemented, the educational program "Agricultural Business" together with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia within the framework of the Agreement on Cooperation and the Implementation of a Joint Educational Program.

In 2020, two departments: “Economic Theory” and “Economics” were reorganized into the department “Economics. The new department began its activities in the 2020-2021 academic year. Based on the results of the competition, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Temirova Akmaral was elected head of the department.

From September 2019 to the present, the department is headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor  Akmaral Temirova

Еducational programs of the department

NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: 6B04105 - “Economics of modern business”

Degree: Bachelor of Business and Management educational program

6В04105 - “Economics”

Duration of study: 4 years

Form of study: full-time

Core subjects: mathematics, geography

The purpose of the educational program. Training of specialists with in-depth knowledge of the economic behavior of an enterprise in market conditions: in matters of business organization and analysis of business processes, target functions of production activities, justification of the volume of the production program, financial conditions and sources, personnel and organizational support, business planning, increasing the efficiency of entrepreneurship and competitiveness taking into account the needs of the regional labor market.

Relevance. The training of specialists in accordance with the program is characterized by high relevance, due to the fact that the labor market requires specialists with deep economic knowledge, capable of analyzing the problems of enterprises, developing ways to solve them, as well as proposals for improving state economic policy.

Competitive advantages. The program is based on professorial scientific seminars, proprietary courses, guest lectures, and master classes by famous scientists and practitioners. The effective implementation of the educational program can be facilitated by the presence of a developed infrastructure, specialized laboratories and offices at the university.

Uniqueness is determined by the competencies that are achieved as a result of mastering this Bachelor's Educational Program (EP). The EP allows for a more in-depth study of agricultural economics, which is ensured by the presence of alternative disciplines in the structure of the curriculum.

Contacts of the responsible teacher, to whom you can contact with additional questions: Kunafina Gulzhan Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics 8-7172-395927 E

SARUD Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

NAME OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: 7М04102- "SARUD Sustainable agriculture and rural development"

Qualification: Master of Economic Sciences in educational program 7M04102- "SARUD Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development"

Duration of training: 2 years.

Form of study: full-time.

The goal of the educational program is to prepare masters who have the knowledge necessary for professional activities about the principles of sustainable agriculture, the features of the development of rural areas, who are able to analyze the factors and conditions of sustainable development, as well as apply various tools for making management decisions and developing strategies for the sustainable development of business entities and rural areas. communities.

The relevance of the educational program "SARUD Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" is due to the growing demand for economists - professionals in planning the activities of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership and management. No company can exist without economists - after all, as soon as a company appears, the need for planning immediately appears. Therefore, we can say that today an economist is one of the main and most in demand professions.

Competitive advantages. The educational program is based on scientific seminars, guest lectures, and master classes by famous scientists and practitioners. Scientific and economic research is carried out on the basis of the existing infrastructure of the university. The effective implementation of research activities is facilitated by the functioning of specialized teaching and research rooms and affiliated organizations of the university.

Uniqueness. The educational program "SARUD Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" is built on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities, which is focused on training scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies. The program is based on professorial scientific seminars, proprietary courses, guest lectures, and master classes by famous scientists and practitioners.

Contacts of the responsible teacher, to whom you can contact with additional questions: Tolysbayeva Marzhan Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics 8-7172-395927 E-mail:


Agricultural business

NAME OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: 7M04117 - “Agricultural Business”

Qualification: Master of Economic Sciences in educational program 7M04117 - “Agricultural Business”

Duration of training: 2 years.

Form of study: full-time.

The purpose of the educational program is to prepare masters of economic sciences with a high level of competence, as well as to train personnel at the local and international level with professional skills in the development and adoption of economically sound management decisions for agricultural business organizations in the agro-industrial complex.

The relevance of the educational program “Agricultural Business” is due to the importance of agriculture and the agro-industrial complex in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development and food security. In conditions of instability in world energy markets, for countries exporting relevant raw materials that have the opportunity to develop agricultural production, the issues of training specialists in agricultural business become of particular importance. Currently, there is an expansion of Russian-Kazakh economic cooperation, and many agreements are in force between the countries. This educational program involves training competent specialists with specialized knowledge about agricultural business, who can in the future contribute to solving current problems in the agricultural sector and contribute to the realization of various opportunities in this sector.

Competitive advantages. The educational program is aimed primarily at training specialists for international agribusiness and is practice-oriented in nature. An approach that involves conducting classes with the participation of well-known scientists and specialists with significant practical experience, including experience in agribusiness, can provide competitive advantages to an educational program. Advantages for training and research activities can also be provided due to the presence of a developed infrastructure of universities, the functioning of specialized offices, and affiliated organizations.

Uniqueness. The joint educational program “Agricultural Business” was jointly developed and will be implemented by the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University to train highly qualified specialists in agricultural business based on the integration of efforts and accumulated knowledge


"Economics and organization of agro-industrial complex" - doctoral studies

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy PhD in educational program 8D04102 “Economics and organization of agro-industrial complex”

Duration of training: 3 years

Form of study: full-time

The goal of the educational program is to prepare international-level PhD doctors for scientific and pedagogical work in the field of developing theoretical and methodological provisions for the analysis of economic processes and systems, as well as professional activities related to the application and improvement of methods for modeling and forecasting economic and production processes in an innovative economy.

Relevance. Graduates of the doctoral program are the most sought-after specialists who have a systematic vision of economic problems, are able to identify commercial opportunities for the application and implementation of research results, conduct an examination of research problems, and effectively manage knowledge-intensive projects.

Competitive advantages. The basis of the EP consists of professorial scientific seminars, proprietary courses, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners. Scientific and applied research is carried out within the framework of scientific schools of leading scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The effective implementation of research activities of the EP is facilitated by the functioning of specialized teaching and research rooms.

Uniqueness. The PhD educational program is built on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities and is focused on training scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies in the field of economics. The basis of the fundamental educational doctoral program is the author's courses, professorial scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners.

Contacts of the responsible teacher, to whom you can contact with additional questions: Tolysbayeva Marzhan  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics 8-7172-395927

Research activities of the Department of Economics

The number of settled scientific personnel

The Department of Economics has the necessary human resources to train highly qualified specialists in the field of economics. Currently, the number of teaching staff of the department is 25 people, including 2 doctors of Sciences, 2 PhD, 11 candidates of sciences and 11 masters. The share of teachers with academic degrees and titles is 64%.

4 teachers of the department have completed their doctoral studies: specialty 6D050600 – "Economics" (Madenova G., Kurmanova D., specialty 6D050600 – "Economics" (Mursalova Kh..), 6D012000-Vocational training (Bermukhambetova B.).

4 teachers of the department are studying in graduate school in the Russian Federation Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, specialty 44.06.01- Education and pedagogical Sciences (Akhmetova K., Narbayeva G., Ovchinnikova T., Baidalina G.).

1 teacher is studying at the doctoral program of Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urumqi (China) (Moldakhmetov A.A.).

Areas of scientific activity

The teaching staff of the department pays great attention to the development of science and attracting students to carry out scientific research within the framework of budgetary, contractual and initiative scientific topics. All scientific research at the department is conducted within the framework of a research topic:

  1. "Analysis of the problems of the development of the circular economy in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan with the development of a model for using its capabilities in modern conditions."
  2. Study of demographic and migration processes in the northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: identification and analysis of fundamental factors, and development of methods for their regulation
  3. Food security system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a climate economy: assessment, model and forecast


Currently, scientific research is carried out within the framework of a funded project:

1. Analysis of the problems of the development of the circular economy in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan with the development of a model for using its capabilities in modern conditions" (head Nurmukhametov N., 2023-2026);

The Department of Economics has agreements with foreign universities on cooperation in the field of education and science: RUDN, Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, Agricultural University, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urumqi (China), Novosibirsk Agrarian University, Novosibirsk (Russia), Hohenheim University, Stuttgart (Germany), Czech University of Natural Sciences, Prague.

Scientific achievements, including the history of scientific activity: about previously conducted research and important results obtained, including the implementation of developments.

The research work of the department is carried out by a group of highly qualified scientists and specialists: Temirova A., Bauer M., Milishenko N., Nurmukhametov N., Kunafina G., Mukhambetova Zh.. and others.

Teaching staff of the department take part and conduct research on the following scientific projects:

1.3561/GF4 "Substantiation and forecasting of the needs of specialists with higher professional education in the agro-industrial complex of the Akmola region".

2. "Sustainable agriculture and rural development". International Project No. 561969–EPR-1-2015-1- DE-EPPK2-CBHE-JP. Funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + KA2.

3.13005/314 program dated 04/10/2019. Economic assessment of the development of innovative processes in beef cattle breeding in Akmola region. State Registration No. 0119RKI0120

4. Development of cost standards per unit of the main types of agricultural livestock products in the Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions" (using the example of ICE LLP, RZA JSC) 30. 06 – 30.07 2021, Contractual research.

5. Economic analysis of the cost of milk production, taking into account the market value of the cost of basic feed, wages and other cost items. (November 2020 – January 2021). Contractual research.

6. Justification of direct production costs (using the example of Pervomaisky Joint Venture LLP), Atyrau, 2022. Contractual research.

7. Research on the impact of state policy in the agricultural sector on the development of cooperative processes in the agro-industrial complex, sustainable rural development and provision. PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021-2023).

8. Research of demographic and migration processes in the Northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: identification and analysis of fundamental facts and development of their regulation,2022-2024, GF MES RK

9. IRN AP19680251 "Analysis of the problems of the development of the circular economy in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan with the development of a model for using its capabilities in modern conditions", GF MES RK, 2023-2025.

The department has implemented an international educational project – "Improving postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agro-systems of the future" (SAGRIS), project number 610383-EPP-1-2019-1- DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, (Coordinator - University of Applied Sciences Nürtingen-Geislingen, Germany), Coordinator at Seifullin KATRU – Associate Professor of Economics Meleshenko N. (Direction of cooperation: cooperation in the field of innovation and exchange of practices; deadlines: 15.01.2020 – 14.01.2023 The purpose of the SAGRIS project is to help strengthen the profile and internationalization of universities and increase the potential of young scientists to meet the demand for research in the field of sustainable agriculture and agro-systems of the future in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the scientific project No.AR08053217 "Development of a model for the effective functioning of personal subsidiary farms on the example of poultry meat production", a scientific study was conducted by undergraduate Zhumadildaeva A. under the guidance of Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor Temirova Akmaral on the topic "Assessment of household activities and development of recommendations to increase their profitability on the example of poultry meat production", the scientific result is substantiated and tested at the Republican competition ENASTUS KAZAKHSTAN, Work has been carried out on the cultivation of broilers and increasing the profitability of poultry meat production in private subsidiary farms of the Shortandinsky district of the Akmola region. This model partially solves the problem of increasing the well-being of the rural population and the consumption of products at affordable prices.

Based on the results of the research, implementation acts and recommendations have been developed:

1.Temirova A., Bekeshev B. The act of introducing scientific and technical developments/Implementation of a reference and information system for Baraev Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming LLP, Shortandinsky district, Akmola region, 2023

2.Mursalova Kh. The act of introducing the results into the educational process of research work: the textbook is intended for students and undergraduates of the educational program Economics, 2021.

3.Mursalova Kh. The act of implementing the results of the doctoral dissertation of the Department of Tax and Customs Policy of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2021.

4. Bauer M., Karabasov R. Recommendations on ensuring key conditions for attracting highly qualified specialists to agriculture. Publishing house of Profi Media LLP, Astana.- 2017.- 25 pages.

5. Bodaukhan K., Bauer M., Dzhusibalieva A., Bermukhambetova B., Kochyigitzh.K. The relationship of ethnic migration with the development of agriculture (based on the materials of the Akmola region) Recommendations. Publishing house of Profi Media LLP, Astana, 2017.- 22 pages

The results of the research work of the Faculty of the Department of Economics, including on OP 7M04102 "Sustainable agriculture and rural development", over the past five years are reflected in scientific papers: published in international scientific publications of Scopus databases, from web science, in journals recommended by the CQASE, RSCI in journals, journals of the Middle East and far abroad, as well as in the materials of international conferences (Bekeshev B.J. Scopus. The influence of inflorescences of sowing, fruiting of soils and systemic crop rotation on increasing the yield of various varieties of spring wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)./ Online Journal Biological Science 2024, 24 (1): 1.8 DOI: 0.3844/ojbsci.2024.1.8 ( )

In 2017-2023, 4 Certificates of state registration of copyright rights were received

1. Bermukhambetova B. computer program "Examination module on the discipline "Civil law" 12/20/2023

2. Mukhambetova Z. computer program for the electronic textbook "Business planning" 10/25/2021

3. Mukhambetova Z, Kuttybayeva N computer program for the electronic textbook "State regulation of the economy" 21.10. 2019

4. Mukhambetova Z computer program for a massive open online course (MOE) "Economics of production" 01.12.2017

Scientific and practical seminars were held with the efforts of the teachers of the department:

1. Together with representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, a seminar "Development and support of domestic entrepreneurship" was held (for our teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates), on February 24, 2020.

2. Teachers of the departments of Economics and Finance organized and conducted a scientific and methodological seminar "Methodology of modern scientific research" for undergraduates of the profile direction in the specialty "Economics", as well as students of Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, who came to us for a research internship, from February 19 to 21of 2020 of the year.

3. Scientific seminar "Necessary conditions for the formation of sustainable agricultural development" with the participation of representatives of government agencies and scientists of S. Seifullin KATU, December 11, 2019. During the seminar, scientists and practitioners discussed topical issues of state support for the agricultural sector.

4. Round table on the topic: "Integration of the efforts of educational and scientific organizations of the agroindustrial complex in order to enhance scientific research and training", organized by the Department of Economics. The round table was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics.

5. Seminar on the topic: "Some features of the development of the curriculum (syllabus) of the discipline at MSU (USA)". Narbaeva G. focused on the features of higher education in the USA and the requirements for the content of the curriculum (syllabus) of the discipline at Michigan State University. (Based on the results of the internship within the framework of the International “Bolashaq” Program) 03/24/2023

6. Meeting of the Department of Economic Investigations for the city of Astana under the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan with students of the Seifullin KATRU, December 13, 2023. The purpose of the meeting is to strengthen cooperation and improve financial literacy.

Number of monographs, recommendations, publications, patents

Over the past 5 years, according to the results of research, more than 100 articles have been published in scientific journals and collections, including 14 articles in publications included in the Scopus database; more than 30 articles in journals included in the RSCI database; more than 40 articles in journals recommended by the CQASE 6 monographs have been published, including 3 collective monographs. Published monographs for 2017-2022.:

• Bauer M., Karabasov R..Attracting highly qualified specialists to agriculture: problems and solutions (based on the materials of the Akmola region). Publishing house of Profi Media LLP, Monographs published in Astana.- 2017.- 131 pages.

• Bodaukhan K., Bauer M., Dzhusibalieva A., Bermukhambetova B., Kochyigitzh.K. A study of the relationship between ethnic migration and agricultural development (based on the materials of the Akmola region). Publishing house of Profi Media LLP, Astana, Monographs published in 2017.- 142 pages.

• Zhaltyrova O., Altaybayeva Zh., Bauer M. Improving the economic efficiency of flour milling based on cost control (based on materials from enterprises of the Pavlodar region). Innovative Eurasian University, Pavlodar, Monographs published in 2018. – 208 pages.

• Kunafina G.T. Economic assessment and forecasting of living standard the population.  Publishing house of Seifullin KATU, Nur - Sultan.   Published monographs for 2021 -144 pages.

  • Mukhambetova Z.S. Problems of socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. Publishing house of KATU named after S. Seifullin, Nur - Sultan. Published monographs for 2021 - 144 pages.

 Mukhambetova Z. Entrepreneurship. Publishing house of Seifullin KATRU, Nur - Sultan. Published monographs for 2022-152 pages .

The status of ongoing research at the expense of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds:

1. Development of recommendations on creating the conditions necessary to attract highly qualified specialists to the agriculture of Kazakhstan (based on the materials of the Akmola region) (head Bauer M, 2015-2017). Status: completed.

2. The study of the relationship of ethnic migration flow with the development of agriculture and the development of recommendations for attracting and retaining ethnic migrants in agriculture (based on the materials of the Akmola region) Status: completed.

3. Study of the program for the resettlement of labor resources from the southern to the northern regions of Kazakhstan and the development of recommendations for regulating resettlement from the southern regions to the north (using the example of Akmola and North Kazakhstan regions) (co-head Bauer M., 2018-2020). Status: completed.

4. Analysis of the problems of the development of the circular economy in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan with the development of a model for using its capabilities in modern conditions" (head Nurmukhametov N.). Status: work is underway on the project.

 By order of the Republican Chamber for Dairy and Mixed Breeds, cattle is the executor of three research projects funded by contracts with business entities:

- 2020, "Economic analysis of milk production taking into account the market value of the cost of basic feed, wages and other cost items" (using the example of Ice LLP, RZA JSC);

- 2021, "Development of cost standards per unit of the main types of agricultural livestock products for JSC "RZA" of the Kazalinsky district of Kyzylorda and LLP "Ice" of the Martuk district of Aktobe region";

-2022, "Justification of direct production costs in milk production under the Pervomaisky joint venture of the Atyrau region."

     In total, according to the results of scientific research at the department, 4 recommendations have been developed; 4 copyright certificates on state registration of rights to an object of copyright have been obtained.

International cooperation

The Department of Economics has agreements with foreign universities on cooperation in the field of education and science: RUDN, Agricultural University, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urumqi (China), Novosibirsk Agrarian University, Novosibirsk (Russia), Hohenheim University, Stuttgart (Germany), Czech University Natural Sciences, Prague.

Within the framework of these agreements, foreign scientists come to the university to conduct scientific seminars and round tables: R. Schlauder (Weinstephan, Germany), Professor R. Doluschitz (Hohenheim, Germany), Michal Loshtak (Prague, Czech Republic).

The faculty of the department actively participates in international scientific and practical conferences of the near and far abroad, including Internet conferences.

During the period from 2018 to 2023, the teachers of the department published more than 60 publications in collections of materials from international conferences and scientific papers. The conferences were held in Russia (Krasnodar, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Stavropol, Ufa), Poland (Przemysl), the Czech Republic (Prague), Bulgaria (Sofia).

Within the framework of the international scholarship program of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" under the project "500 scientists" in December 2023, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics Bermukhambetova Botagoz  was selected and will undergo an internship at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Shampoo (UIUC), located in Champaign, USA.

Within the framework of the international scholarship program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" under the project "500 scientists" in the period from May 16, 2022 to August 15, 2022, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics Gulmira Narbayeva completed an internship at Michigan State University (United States of America) under the Higher Education Teaching and Learning Leadership program.

In the period from October 24 to November 04, 2022, the Enactus KATRU team performed at the Enactus World Cup 2022 with the Bird: from Yard to Table project, aimed at increasing productive employment of rural residents and providing quality products to the urban population. According to the results of the special competition "Caring for the earth, caring for people" from the company "Olzha Agro", the team of Seifullin KATRU received (a grant of 1,000,000 tenge) in the Nomination "Successful project" from the company KMF KMF Demeu. According to the results of participation in the Enactus World Cup 2022, the team entered the TOP 16 among 32 teams.

Under the guidance of Ph.D. in Economics, Acting Professor of the Department of Economics Nurmukhametov N. N., a study is being conducted:

According to the budget program: 217 "Development of science" subprogram 102 "Grant financing of scientific research"

According to the project: IRN AP19680251 "Analysis of the problems of the development of the circular economy in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan with the development of a model for using its capabilities in modern conditions."By priority: "Research in the field of social sciences and humanities"

In a specialized scientific field: Current problems of research in the field of microeconomics, management, business entities and business environment development.

The research group was determined taking into account the goals and objectives set within the framework of the project and the available scientific groundwork on the research topic, which is confirmed by the results of scientific papers. The research group included Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Temirova A., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Mukhambetova Z.., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Kunafina G., Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer Yusupova S.

Within the framework of the IRN AP19680251 project "Analysis of the problems of the development of the circular economy in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan with the development of a model for using its capabilities in modern conditions" the period from 04.12 to 09.12.2023 under the leadership of the project manager, PhD, Acting Professor Nurmukhametov N.  and the project executors, Head of the Department of Economics, PhD, Associate Professor Temirova A. , Ph.D. in Economics, Acting Professor Mukhambetova Z.., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Kunafina G.T., Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer Yusupova S. . A visit was made to the Kazan State Agrarian University, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian University of Cooperation.

The main purpose of the visit was to maintain mutually beneficial cooperation, carry out joint work in the agro-industrial sector and jointly implement specific tasks in the field of circular economy.

During the visit, a number of working meetings and negotiations were held. Following the results of the visit to Kazan, an agreement was reached on further cooperation and interaction of universities with the Seifullin KATRU.

Since September 2024, the joint educational program "Agrarian Business" will be implemented jointly with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) to train highly qualified specialists in agricultural business based on the integration of efforts and accumulated knowledge in the field of educational, methodological and research activities.

Leading scientific and teaching staff of universities will be involved in the implementation of the joint educational program. The joint program is aimed at training specialists capable of solving a wide range of tasks, using advanced technologies and solutions to achieve the goals facing enterprises and organizations of the agricultural sector anywhere in the world today.

Advantages of the double degree program:

• International experience;

• employment prospects after graduation;

• mastering progressive knowledge from leading teachers of partner universities;

• obtaining 2 diplomas from the Seifullin KATRU + partner university (RUDN).

The department has implemented an international educational project – "Improving postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agro-systems of the future" (SAGRIS), project number 610383-EPP-1-2019-1- DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, (Coordinator - University of Applied Sciences Nürtingen-Geislingen, Germany), Coordinator at Seifullin KATRU  – Associate Professor of Economics Meleshenko N. (Direction of cooperation: cooperation in the field of innovation and exchange of practices; deadlines: 15.01.2020 – 14.01.2023

The purpose of the SAGRIS project is to help strengthen the profile and internationalization of universities and increase the potential of young scientists to meet the demand for research in the field of sustainable agriculture and agro-systems of the future in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the Consortium of Agricultural Universities for the Development of the Countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus (CASCADE), work has been strengthened in the following areas to increase the international rating of participating universities at Seifullin KATRU: academic reputation, citation index, the share of foreign students and foreign teachers, the development of the Extension system, etc.

Nurlan Kulbatyrov, Deputy General Director of the Center for Trade Policy JSC, a specialist practitioner, Master of Economics, and faculty of the Economics Department are involved in teaching at the International School of Economics and Management in the discipline "Economics of the Agricultural Sector".


Methodological seminar on the theme: «International experience of using teaching methods in the educational process»

Visit the Kazan State Agrarian University , Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian University of Cooperation

From November 1 to November 3, 2022, the Forum of Young Scientists of the CIS member states ‘Science without Borders’ was held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


Report on key vectors of EEC development

Sadvokasov Nursultan Nurzhanovich completed completed agricultural internship at the compan "LOGO e.V"

Seitova Yenilik went to the Summer School on the basis of an announced grant to Italy

Student life

Students specialty of  "Economics" with lecturers participate in all events which are had at the faculty and the university (public holidays, sporting events, month on crime prevention, drug addiction and religious extremism).

Department of  Economics for students organized a meeting with the heads and specialists of  enterprises with an invitation to give lectures and excursions. Students the department of economics consists in sports clubs, organized by the University.

Curator hours has had regularly with a view to socio - political, patriotic and legal education, which are devoted to the state holidays of Kazakhstan, discuses the Message of President, Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" every year.

Young people participate in conferences, "round tables", which conducts the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On May 17, 2024, a project competition “Agritech Startup ideas” was held.

On May 6, 2024, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Acting Professor of the Department of Economics Nurmukhametov N.N. held an open lesson in the discipline "Economics, Management and Communications in Technological Entrepreneurship."

Kozhakhmetova A.E. open lesson

Charity event “Karttarym - asyl kazynam” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics

Information on the work of the student business incubator for September 2023

Round table on the topic "Actual problems of family law" 

Open lesson "Legal education"

The Marathon of Good Deals continues its active work

Doing good things is our common deal

Round table "How to create your own business"

Information on subject Olympiads

Students of the specialty economics N. Askar, A. Omarova, E. Basan took part in the international competition of student scientific works in economic specialties on the topic: "Sustainable development of the national economy in a dynamically changing global geopolitical situation", held by the Department of "Economics" of the Faculty of Economics and law of Toraighyrov University. Students prepared a project on the topic: “Model for increasing the business activity of households” and won 3rd place.

3rd and 4th year students of the specialty "Economics" Sultanova A.B, Askar N.A, Omarova A.D. took part in the XIV Republican Student Olympiad in the subjects "Economic Theory", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "Enterprise Economics" and were awarded in the nomination "The most creative team".

The republican stage of RSSO consisted of two rounds and was held at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University: the first stage is selection for the olympiad based on the results of essay writing; the second stage (offline) is testing and solving applied problems in the specialty.

3rd year students of the group 07-506-18-02 Mukhamedkarimova Aidana, Bakhytkerey kyzy Ademi, Toralieva Gauhar took the honorable 2nd place in the International Student Olympiad "Modern Economy through the eyes of young researchers", organized by the Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages on 14.04.2021. Under the scientific supervision of the Candidate of Economic Sciences, assoc. prof. Agumbayeva A.Ye students prepared a research project under the name of "Educational model of the Regional Agricultural market: from enterprises to agribusiness clusters" based on participation in a business game used in the course of the discipline "Economics of the production sector "(topics - "Specialization and cooperation", "Combination", " Concentration of production»)in the 2nd trimester of 2021.


Economics students of Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University have participated in III International online tourism olympiad among college and university students of all disciplines. The olympiad was devoted to teacher-innovator, people's teacher of the USSR, participant of the Second World War – Nurgaliev Kumash Nurgalievich, and it was organized by the Department of Economics and Management of the NJSC “East Kazakhstan University named after Sarsen Amanzholov”.

The goal of the olympiad: increasing interest, developing competencies, and deepening the knowledge of students in the field of tourism, economics, management, and other non-economic disciplines in crisis conditions.

The 4th year students Almakhanova Shakhizat Amirkhankyzy, Belek Orynbasar Nurlanuly, Zhakupova Aiganym Zhasulankyzy tool 1st place, having prepared a video and presentation on the topic: “The economic potential of agritourism in the conditions of a “green” economy”. Scientific advisers: Temirova Aқmaral Bolatovna, Narbaeva Gulmira Kuanyshevna.

The olympiad was also attended by 1st year students of the Economics major, Seitova Yelik Erbolkyzy, Minaymbek Zamanbek Zholdasbekuly, Nurmashova Diana Bilulkyzy, who presented a video and a project on the topic: “Entrepreneurial initiative – 2021” and took 2nd place. Scientific advisers: Narbaeva Gulmira Kuanyshevna, Madenova Kulshara Myrzabayevna.



On November 22, 2019, students of the Economics Department took an active part in the XVIII Republican Student Olympic Games on economic disciplines "Innovative Ideas and Technologies in Economy and Business", organized by Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov.

The goal of the Olympiad was to improve the quality of training of specialists in the field of economy and business; Stimulation of creative initiative and scientific activity of University students; Identification and promotion of gifted youth, formation of key creative competences; Use of interactive teaching methods in theoretical and practical tasks.

The Olympiad took place in three stages.

The first round is a preliminary absentee selection, which involved two tasks. Presentation of his team (in the format of a video) and presentation of the innovative project "Startup Project 2019."

The second round - face-to-face competition of teams included a blitz tournament (economic quiz).

The third round is the presentation of the innovative project "Startup Project 2019."

The proposed project for the construction of a plant for the production of dry milk on the theme "Production of sublimated baby dry milk" interested the commission, participants of the Olympiad, and was successfully presented. The essence of this project - sublimated dry milk powder is made by means of vacuum drying on a special plant, which will allow to completely preserve all useful qualities of freshly brewed milk for a long time.

Following the results of the holding the ECO team - 01, which included students of 3 and 4 courses Tleuova A., Turabay A., Yebergenova L., Kinash F., Saginbayeva A. took the first place. Scientific leaders: Head of the Department - Temirova A. B., Senior Lecturer Narbayeva G. K.

S. Seifullin Kazakh Agricultural University as the winner of the XVIII Republican Student Olympiad for the next year was honored to hold the next Olympiad. The winners of Cup will be in our university until the next Olympic Games.


Sulikova Aisara Manarbekovna - a student of the Faculty of Economics, in 2017,  participated in the Republican competition of scientific and research works, announced annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan annually held in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences and awarded with a diploma for the third place. Morever she participated was in the Republican competition of research works in "Fundamentals of Law and Economics" and was awarded with a diploma for the 2 nd place.

The research competition allows for stimulation of students' research, educational and cognitive activities, and promotes the selection and support of the most talented and gifted students. In the section “Natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences”, by the decision of the republican competition commission of scientific research work, the work of student Askar Nargiz on the topic “Model for increasing business activity of households” took 3rd place. Scientific supervisors: Temirova A. B., Narbaeva G. K.


International scientific and practical conference «Seifullin readings-19», dedicated to the 110th anniversary of M. A. Gendelman


010000, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Astana, Pobeda St. 62, Main Building №1

Phone: +7(7172)39- 59- 27

Topics of theses for students of the educational program B044 "Economics of modern busines"
Themes of master's theses
Educational program "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" - SARUD (2021)
Educational program "Economics and Organization of the AIC" (2021)
Educational program 7M04111 "Analytical economics"
Double Diploma Educational program ''7V04117 -Agricultural business''
Educational program "Agro-industrial complex Economics and Organizing"
Educational program 7M04102 ''SARUD Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development''
Educational program ''Economics of Modern Business''
Educational program "Economics and Organization of the AIC"
Plan development of the educational program "7M04102 Sustainable agriculture and rural development"-SARUD for 2024-2029
Catalog of elective disciplines 6B041 Business and administration (2023 y.)
Catalog of elective disciplines 7М04102 -"SARUD sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" (2023 y.)
Catalog of elective disciplines 7М041-Bisiness and administration (2024 y.)
Catalog of elective disciplines 8D04102 -"Agro-industrial complex Economics and organizing" (2023 y.)
Education Graduate Model 6V04105 - Economics of modern business
Model of a graduate of a master's educational program 7М041 “SARUD Sustainable agriculture and rural development”
Doctoral Education Program Graduate Model "8D04102 Economics and organization in the agro-industrial complex"
Plan development of the educational program 6B04105 "Economics of modern business"
Educational program 7M04117 "Agricultural business"