Main / Faculties and Departments / The Department of Food Technology and Processing Products
The Department of Food Technology and Processing Products

The Department of Food Technology and Processing Products


The department "Technology of food and processing industries" was formed in May 2015 by transferring to her the specialty "Technology of food products" the department "Technology of production and processing of livestock products"  and the specialty "Technology of processing industries" the department "Agricultural and grain processing machines". The purpose of creating this department is to train teachers staff for the State Program (ГПИИР-2) "Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019".

The main activities of the department are the preparation of competitive personnel in the field of processing of agricultural and food products.

As part of the training, the department prepares competitive graduates in the following educational program: Food Technology

Currently, the academic degree level of the Department "Technology of food and processing industries" is -70%, in: 4 - doctors of technical sciences; 3 - PhD; 14 - candidates of technical sciences; 14 - senior lecturers.

Department Staff:    

Associate Professor G.N. Zhakupova (2020) are holders of the state grant "The best lecturer of the university".

The staff is systematically upgrading their qualifications and internships. In 2015-2018, 18 professors were trained, foreign trainee ships - 10 teachers.

Teachers of the department: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kakimov M.М. (2012), candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer Bekbaev KS (2013), Ph.D., and Associate Professor S. Altayuly (2015) are holders of the state grant "The Best Teacher of the University".

The main priority areas of the department are improving the technology of processing products of animal and vegetable origin.

The department has auditoriums equipped with video projectors, computer classes and educational and scientific equipment, as well as modern laboratories.

In the framework of SPIID-2, the educational program for the Master's program was developed in collaboration with leading scientists from the University of California Davis (UCDavis, USA), professors Neal Van Alfen, Yubang Lee and Charles Field Shoemaker, which allows training in the priority area of ​​"Food Production". Also, based on the recommendations of the above-mentioned leading scientists, 4 laboratories were created similar to UC Davis:

  • "Experimental-production laboratory for processing meat products";
  • "Experimental and production laboratory for processing dairy products";
  • "Experimental and production laboratory for processing oilseeds";
  • "Experimental production laboratory of public catering (mini bakery)".

All experimental production halls are equipped with modern equipment, which allows the trainees to get practical skills in organizing and managing technological production processes. Also in these shops classes are held on the basic and profiling disciplines of the department, research work is carried out within the framework of theses and master's works.

Experimental-production laboratory for processing meat products

Experimental and production laboratory for processing dairy products

Experimental and production laboratory for processing oilseeds

Experimental production laboratory of public catering (mini bakery)

The department maintains international relations with foreign universities. The University has concluded more than 10 agreements on international cooperation for the preparation of undergraduates and PhD students on a program with the following universities in the near and far abroad under the ERASMUS MUNDUS program and the eASTANA (euroAsian Started for Technical Academic Network Application) project:

  • CaliforniaUniversity, Davis USA;
  • UniversityofBologna, Italy;
  • CracowAgriculturalUniversity, Poland;
  • PutraUniversity, Malaysia;
  • University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
  • Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences, Poland, and others.

Seminars conducted with the participation of foreign scientists

With the purpose of introducing, disseminating and applying advanced knowledge and improving the quality of teaching to specialists in agricultural specialties over the past three years, the teachers of the department passed foreign internships in the best universities in the world, and foreign scientists from leading universities were invited.

Theoretical knowledge of students is fixed practical work in production. To date, the department has concluded 32 contracts with scientific and research institutes, food enterprises of the Central, Northern and Southern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The bases of the production practice are: LLP "Астанаөнім", LLP "Апрель ", LLP " Целиннаяфабрикаделикатесов ", Kokshetau`s hormone plant, LLP "Нәтиже ", Merken cheese plant, Agroprodukt LLP, Rokos LLP, FoodmasterLLP , Kazakh Academy of Nutrition LLP, «АгрофирмаРОДИНА» LLP, Eurasia Invest Ltd LLP, Lider-2010 LLP, «Зайсансүт» LLP, «BAYAN Company» LLP and others.

On the basis of JSC "Концерн"Цеснаастық"a training center for dual training has been established, where practical and laboratory classes are held in the disciplines of specialty 5В072800" Technology of processing industries ".


Employment of graduates in educational programs of the Department:















6В07201 – «Technology of food products»












7М07201 – «Technology of food products»











Head of the Department is candidate of technical sciences, docent Kakimov M.M.

Department history

The department «Technology of food and processing industries» was founded on the basis of one of the oldest departments of the technical faculty of the department «Agricultural and grain processing machines».

It was founded in October 1959, as the Department of «Agricultural Machines».

The facilitator of the department and its first head from 1961 to 1975 was senior lecturer Nikolay Borisovich Bok, later became a doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, author of more than 140 scientific papers and 40 inventions. Under his supervision Ph.D. theses were defended: I.S. TAYRYAN, O.A. CHEREMISINOV, B.N. GURIN, D.Z. ESKHOZHIN, O.F.BEZLER, B.P. RAKOV, L.N. GONCHAROVA, A.I. NUZHDOV, V.A.PUTILIN, M.A. ADUOV, O.M. KOSHANOV, A.I. SHNAIDER and K.S. ZHUSUPOV. Many theoretical manuals by of Professor N.B. BOK. were included in textbooks, teaching aids and reference books.

In the period from 1985 to 1999 the department was called «Agricultural and grain processing machines» in the specialties «Technology of processing industries», «Agrarian technology and technology» and was a part of the engineering and pedagogical faculty. Since 1997 the department has became a graduate department.


At different times the head were:

1961-1975 -N. B. BOK a lecturer;

1975-1990 – O.A. CHEREMSINOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor;

1990-1996. -A.I. NUZHDOV - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor;

1996 - 2014 - M.A.ADUOV - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the RK Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Prior to the reorganization period, the acting heads of the department were: K.D. ESKHOZHIN. - Candidate of Technical Sciences and E.T. ABILMAZHINOV - Doctor of Technical Sciences

The department of  «Technology of food and processing industries» was formed in May 2015 by transferring its specialty «Technology of food products» of the department «Technology of production and processing of livestock products»  and the specialty «Technology of processing industries» of the department «Agricultural and grain processing machines». 

The purpose of creating this department is to train personnel for the State Program (SPIID-2) «Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019».

Currently, the department is headed by a scholarship holder of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists for 2011-2012, holder of the title «Best University Teacher of 2012», Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor  M.M.KAKIMOV.

In the framework of SPIID-2, the educational program for the Master's program was developed in collaboration with leading scientists from the University of California Davis (UCDavis, USA), professors Neal Van Alfen, Yubang Lee and Charles Field Shoemaker, which allows training in the priority area of ​​»Food Production». Also, based on the recommendations of the above-mentioned leading scientists, 4 laboratories were created similar to UC Davis:

  • «Experimental-production laboratory for processing meat products»;
  • «Experimental and production laboratory for processing dairy products»;
  • «Experimental and production laboratory for processing oilseeds»;
  • «Experimental production laboratory of public catering (mini bakery)».

All experimental production labs are equipped with modern equipment, which allows the trainees to get practical skills in organizing and managing technological production processes. Also in these labs classes are held on the basic and profiling disciplines of the department, research work is carried out within the framework of theses and master's works.

In order to improve the educational process, and intensify scientific work in the production sphere, training centers have been established. Also theoretical knowledge of students is set by practical work in production.

Currently, the department has made contracts with research institutes, food enterprises of the Central, Northern and Southern regions of Kazakhstan:

For now the department has concluded 32 contracts with scientific and research institutes, food enterprises LLP «Astana onim», LLP «April», LLP «Tsellin delicate plants», LLP «Kokshetau gormolzavod», LLP «Natizhe», Merken cheese plant, LLP «Аgroproduct», LLP «Rokos», LLP «Foodmaster» , LLP «Kazakh academy of nutrition», LLP «Agrofirma RODINA», LLP «Eurasia Invest», LLP «BAYAN Company» and others.

In 2017-2018y. 8 educational centers of the department were created in the next enterprises: JSC «Concern «Tsesna-Astyk», LLP «BAYAN Company», LLP «Аgroproduct», LLP «MV-4», LLP «Gormolzavod», LLP «Milk progect», JSC «Atameken-Agro», LLP «Khladocombinat».

A dual system of training for student is introduced, in which the theoretical part of the training is held at the department and practical is on the basis of the enterprise, which enhances and qualitatively changes the role of the employer:

In 2016-2017y. Conclusion of the agreement on dual training with LLP «КазНИИ ПСХП»;

2017-2018y. Conclusion of a contract on dual training with JSC «Концерн Цесна-Астық»

The department maintains international relations with foreign universities. The University has concluded more than 10 agreements on international cooperation for the preparation of undergraduates and PhD students on a program with the following universities in the near and far abroad under the ERASMUS MUNDUS program and the eASTANA (euroAsian Started for Technical Academic Network Application) project:

  • California University, Davis USA;
  • University of Bologna, Italy;
  • Cracow Agricultural University, Poland;
  • Putra University, Malaysia;
  • University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
  • Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences, Poland, and others.

To date, the faculty employs a teaching staff with extensive experience, which have a scientific degree such as S.B. YERMEKBAYEV, L.M. SOMOVA, B.K. TARABAEV, S. ALTAIYLY, H. SHKOL, G.N. ZHAKUPOVA and others. Along with this, teachers who passed training at the University of  California, Davis (USA), such as N.D. KUNDIZBAEVA, Zh.I. SATAEVA, B.T. BOLKENOV. On the basis of the department in the experimental production workshops are masters of industrial training - technologists K.M. KOZHAMSUGIROV, B. KALEMSHARYV and B.K. RAMAZANOVA having 25 years of experience in the food industry.

International cooperation

The international activity of the department is carried out in accordance with the work plan of the department and the work plan of the university.

The main areas of international cooperation are:

  • Invitation of foreign scientists to lecture on the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Attracting foreign scientists";
  • external academic mobility and scientific internship of undergraduates, including in the framework of programs funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Participation of the faculty staff in international conferences, exhibitions, etc .;
  • joint publications and scientific research of the department's faculty with foreign colleagues.

Academic mobility at the university is realized through the implementation of the following mechanisms:

  • departure of students for theoretical and practical training abroad for educational programs;
  • organization of the summer semester for individual educational programs with the invitation of teachers and students from other universities to ensure mobility;
  • organization of internships for teaching staff in other universities of Kazakhstan and abroad for the purpose of expanding academic exchange.

With the purpose of introducing, disseminating and applying advanced knowledge and improving the quality of teaching to specialists in agricultural specialties over the past three years, the teachers of the department passed foreign internships in the best universities in the world, and foreign scientists from leading universities were invited. 

Invited foreign scientists in 2015-2017

Name, surname

Academic degree and title

University, foreign organization


Barbara Kzhishtofik

Doctor of Science, Professor

Krakow Agricultural University, Poland


Alberto Barbaressi

Doctor of Science, Professor

University of Bologna, Italy


Charles F. Shoemaker

Doctor of Science, Professor

University of California, Davis, USA


Chin Nyuk Ling

Doctor of Science, Professor

University of Putra, Malaysia


Mohamad  Azemi  Mohamad Noor

Doctor of Science, Professor

University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Małgorzata Korzeniowska

Doctor of Science

Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences, Poland


Maciej Oziemblowski

Doctor of Science, Professor

Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences, Poland

As part of the implementation of external academic mobility on July 14, 2011, the university joined the consortium of two ERASMUS MUNDUS projects as decided by the European Commission. 

ERASMUS MUNDUS is an international program that is designed to give higher education a distinctly "European" focus. Thanks to this program, students and young researchers from different countries of the world have the opportunity to continue their studies in European universities through the following programs: bachelor's, master's, doctoral, post-doctoral. 

According to the eASTANA (euroAsian Starter for Technical Academic Network Application) project, students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of our university can receive training in engineering, technology, mathematics, informatics, science, in partner universities in Poland, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy , Hungary, the Czech Republic, England, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

The programs will allow students of the JSC «S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University»  to study at the above-listed universities for free. The Erasmus Mundus Scholarship covers travel and living expenses in Europe throughout the program. 

The subject of these agreements is cooperation between partner universities to ensure academic mobility of students, undergraduates and doctoral candidates in the field of science and education.

In the framework of academic mobility S.Seifullin KazATU them. S. Seifullin also accepts for training in the mutual exchange of students and teachers.

Information about Olympiads

PRIZE-WINNERS of the Republican subject Olympiad among students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(for 2021-2023)

Student's full name

Time of the event



name of the Olympiad

2021 жыл


Tolepbergen Asylzat Gazizkyzy

April 08-09, 2021

Almaty Technological University Joint Stock Company

Diploma of the III degree

XIII Republican Subject Olympiad among students of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2022 жыл


Akkonysova Ansagan Samgatkyzy

April 14-15, 2022

Almaty Technological University Joint Stock Company

Diploma of the II degree

XIV Republican Subject Olympiad among students of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan



the team of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin

April 13-14, 2023

Almaty Technological University Joint Stock Company

Diploma of the I degree

XV Republican Subject Olympiad among students of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan




010000, Республика Казахстан, г. Астана,

пр. Победы, 62, Главный кампус,

корпус №4

тел.: 8(7172) 39-73-27,


"Experimental and production laboratory for processing dairy products";

Head–Murathan Marat, doctoral student



The main directions of scientific activity:

  • Development of technology for utilization of whey;
  • Development of innovative products based on mare's milk. 

Purpose and objectives

The main goal is to improve the quality of educational services and to promote the commercialization and introduction of scientific research results into production made by university scientists.

Main goals:

  • Laboratory and practical classes for students, under graduates and doctoral students of JSC " S.Seifullin KazATU" in order to improve practical skills for applying modern technologies for processing milk;
  • Organizing and conducting all types of practice for bachelors and undergraduates to acquire professional skills, preparing graduate works, dissertation work in accordance with the modern world trends in industry;
  • Working on scientific projects and participation in competitions of priority of applied research in the development and improvement of techniques and technology, as well as in international projects;
  • Making creative teams of leading scientists from departments and related scientific organizations involving undergraduates and doctoral students for implementation of projects of national and international programs;
  • Application of new machines, devices, equipment, technological processes, technology, automated control systems for milk processing;
  • use of the results of scientific research in the educational process, attracting students, undergraduates and doctoral students for research, organizing of scientific schools;
  • development of promising forms of scientific and technical cooperation with milk processing enterprises in order to solve major scientific and technical problems in the technology of dairy products;
  • a sear for and attraction of prospective researchers from among graduates of a master and PhD degree in order to re-enhancing human resources;
  • ensuring integration with scientific institutions and universities of the republic, scientific centers of foreign countries;
  • expansion of cooperation with educational institutions and firms of foreign countries.
  • attraction of other investments for R & D in EPPPM, as well as conclusion of contracts with business entities;
  • introduction of completed research into production. 

Projects (extra budgetary):

There is a work upon initiative (search) topics in the framework of the prepared drafts for grant research competitions

  • Development of technology of juice containing phytodrinks using whey;
  • Production of ice cream based on mare's milk. 

Published works for 2014-2018. (Articles in top-rate edition included in the Webof Science Resources, Springer Link, Scopus, RSCI, as well as in other scientific journals with non-zero impact factors included in the list of publications recommended by CCES).

Utilization of Poultry Skin as One of the Components for Emulsion-Based Products. GaliaTumenova, GulmiraZhakupova. / Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Page 1370-1373.

Development of sour-milk products with components of plant origin. G.N. Zhakupova, A.T. Bukeev.International Scientific Journal "Internauka", http // issues / 2017/7/2564, pages 1-7.

Improving the technology of sour cream production by replacing milk fat with the addition of "Lael" prebiotigin. SA Kardanov, GB Abdilova, MM Kakimov, J. Do not bump. Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey, № 1 (77), 2017, vol 1, p. 23-26. 

Patents (documents of title)

  1. Efficiency of using the technology of combined grain products with the use of fermented milk additives. / Certificate of State Registration of Rights to the Object of Copyright No.2067, August 28, 2017, IS 009758. / Nurtaeva AB, SataevaZh.I., Mashanova NS, Nukeshev SO, ZhanabaevAA .
  2. Technology for producing a bakery product based on whey, flax seed, wheat bran, flower pollen. / Certificate of State Registration of Rights to the Object of Copyright No.2070, August 28, 2017, IS 009761./ SataevaZh.I., Nurtayev AB, AkhmetovaV.Sh., Mashanova NS, Nukeshev S.О ., Zhanabayev A.A. 


  1. Flask pump
  2. Milk fine filter, with a set of replaceable cartridges
  3. TMU-250, a long-lasting pasteurization bath with a "chess" counterflow jacket for heating / cooling, 250 liters, with lyres
  4. Milk pump 1500 l/h
  5. Separator 500 l / h, on a two-level platform
  6. TMU-50, a long pasteurization bath with a "chess" counterflow jacket for cooling, 50 liters, for sour cream and cream
  7. Screwpump
  8. Presstrolley, 100 l
  9. Cheeserack
  10. Boiler system baths TMU (for three baths)
  11. TMU TMFC baths control pillar with software for technological processes of up to 6 products with the possibility of switching to manual control.
  12. Semi-automatic packaging in Pur-Pak to 350 doses / hour
  13. Vacuum packing machine
  14. Startervat 3 * 10
  15. Ice water generator IWG -3000 for street execution
  16. Compressor
  17. Refrigerating unit
  18. Table 1200x600x800
  19. Hand washing sink
  20. Three-washer sink for the staff
  21. Water heater
  22. Shower cabinet
  23. Wardrobe with 2-door
  24. Split-conditioning system
  25. 80L butterfly
  26. Dispersant
  27. Freer up to 60 l / h
  28. Cheesemelter
  29. Press for cheese
  30. 100 liters pool for salting
  31. 1120 liters Cheese ripening room
  32. Table 1500х600х800 with scales up to 6 kg
  33. Laboratory kit (milk quality analyzer, pH meter, electronic thermometer, etc.)
  34. Cheese ripening room (shock)
  35. Freezing Casket
  36. Shelvingrack hacking bench
  37. Refrigerator for sour dough
  38. Table 900x600x800 with laboratory equipment
  39. Single-section washer
  40. Thermostatic chamber 

Premises of the factory

  1. Production area
  2. Cloak room
  3. Bath room
  4. Expedition
  5. Refrigeration chamber for dairy products
  6. Wind porch (disinfestations post) Compressor
  7. Salting chamber and cheese ripening
  8. Starter vat
  9. Laboratory
  10. Thermal unit
"Experimental-production laboratory for processing meat products";

Head is Mukhtarbek Mukanovich Kakimov, Cand.Tech.Sc., associate professor, head of the department "Technology of food and processing industries"


Phone: 8 (775) 512 69 57

The main areas of scientific activity:

  • Production of a new generation of environmentally friendly meat products of a functional purpose;
  • Development and introduction of new technologies for the production of sausages to ensure a balanced diet of the population of Kazakhstan;
  • Improving the technology of production of sausage and meat products using bioactive additives (BAA).

Aim and objectives

The main aim is organization and implementation on a qualitative level of educational and production work on the practical training of bachelors, masters and doctors PhD, who have theoretical and applied knowledge and competence in the educational program "Technology of food products", as well as conducting applied research on new scientific areas and requests enterprises, contributing to the strengthening of the interrelationship of science, education and production.

Main areas:

  • Laboratory and practical classes for students, undergraduates and doctoral students of JSC " S.Seifullin KazATU" in order to improve practical skills for applying modern technologies for processing meat;
  • attraction of other investments for R & D in EPPM, as well as conclusion of contracts with business entities;
  • publication of research results in top-rated Kazakh, Russian and foreign publications (included in the ratings of RSCI, Scopus and Thomson Reuters);
  • patents of the most promising developments on behalf of JSC "S.Seifullin KazATU";
  • Attraction of students 2, 3 and 4 courses, undergraduates and doctoral students to participate and perform research on meat processing, the formation of scientific schools;
  • organize and conduct of all types of practices for bachelors and undergraduates for the acquisition of professional skills and knowledge, preparation of theses, dissertations in accordance with modern world trends in the industry;
  • writing of scientific projects and participation in competitions in priority areas of applied research in the development and improvement of technology and technigues, as well as in international projects;
  • application of new machines, instruments, equipment, technological processes, technology, automated control systems for meat processing;
  • development of promising forms of scientific and technical cooperation with meat processing enterprises in order to solve major scientific and technical problems in the technology of production of meat products;
  • Ensuring integration with scientific institutions and universities of Kazakhstan, scientific centers of foreign countries;
  • Expansion of cooperation with educational institutions and firms of near and far abroad.
  • attraction of other investments for performing research in EPPM, as well as concluding agreements with business entities;
  • the introduction of completed research into the teaching process and production industry.

Articles in 2014-2018. (Articles in top-rated editions included in the Webof Science Resources, Springer Link, Scopus, RSCI, as well as in other scientific journals with non-zero impact factors included in the list of publications recommended by CCES).

Development of the technology of combined meat product using biomass from the spleen of horses. / Sh. Baytukenova, M. Kakimov, S. Baytukenova, K. Bekbayev, Zh. Tokhtarov, and A. Igenbayev. // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. ISSN: 0975-8585. January – February, 2017. RJPBCS 8(1) Page No. 272-276.

Comparison of the effect of new spice freon extracts towards ground spices and antioxidants for improving the quality of bulgarian-type dry-cured sausage. / S.B.Baytukenova, D.K. Balev, N.S. Nenov, S.G. Dragoev, K.P. Vassilev, D.B. Vlahova-Vangelova, F.H. Smolnikova. // Polish Journal Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2017, Vol. 67, No. 1, PP. 59-66. DOI: 10.1515/pjfns-2016-0021.

Chitosan as food additive. / Baitukenova Sh.B., Kundyzbayeva N.G., Aukenova A.O. // Инновационные подходы и технологии для повышения эффективности производств условиях глобальной конкуренции: материалы МНПК, посвященная памяти член-корр. КазАСХН, д.т.н., профессора Тулеуова Е.Т. – 01.03.2016 г. – Семей: Государственный университет имени Шакарима, Семей. С. 247-249.

Разработка технологии производства мясного продукта с использованием пищевого экстракта органоминерального комплекса (NOMC). / О.А.Аймаков, Ш.Б.Байтукенова, Б.Т.Болкенов. // Вестник Государственный университет имени Шакарима города Семей. №3(79), 2017. С. 35-37.

Разработка технологии рубленных полуфабрикатов повышенной пищевой и биологической ценности. / Байтукенова Ш.Б., Ақбай Ж.Е. // Сборник материалов научно-практической конференции «Инновационные решения проблем экономики знаний Беларуси и Казахстана»-2016, Минск. С.191-194.

Patents (documents of title)

Способ производства вареной колбасы. Байтукенова Ш.Б., Камажанова М.К. / Предварительный патент РК, № 2014/0919.1 от 08.07.2014.  


  1. Thermodymium universal chamber with two trolleys
  2. Meat mincer
  3. Windmill fan blade
  4. Cutter
  5. Syringe vacuum (dosing)
  6. Vacuum packer
  7. Ice Maker
  8. Hand Injector
  9. Refrigerating chamber
  10. Floor scales up to 150 kg
  11. Saw Anodized Band Saw
  12. Table for molding sausages and knitting loaves
  13. Working table (insular)
  14. Work table (collapsible)
  15. Technological trolley (serving tank)
  16. Washing with a sterilizer tool
  17. Two-section washing bath
  18. Massager vacuum
  19. Table scales
  20. Frying cupboard
  21. Drying cabinet
  22. Metallic shelving with key lock
  23. Water heater
  24. Monoblock mid-temperature refrigeration
  25. Split system for refrigerating and freezing chambers of large volumes 

Premises of the factory

  1. Acceptance of carcases and carcasses of cattle and poultry meat
  2. Freezer
  3. Production room
  4. Thermal chamber
  5. Refrigerated chamber for finished products
  6. Warehouse of spices and cereals
  7. Cloakroom
  8. Bathroom
"Experimental and production laboratory for processing oilseeds";

Head is  Sataeva Zhuldyz Isakovna, Ph.D. , lecturer of the department of «Food Technology and Processing  Products»

Telephone number:8(777) 3132050. 

The main areas of scientific activity:

  • processing of various types of oilseeds;
  • developmentof methods for cleaning vegetable oils: hydration, neutralization, bleaching;
  • production of biologically active substances based on vegetable oils;
  • physic-chemical study of the of vegetable oilsfatty acid composition;
  • use of vegetable oil processing waste for the production of products for various purposes. 

Purpose and objectives

The main aim is to improve the quality of educational services,  production of vegetable oils, to promote the commercialization and introduction of scientific research into the production of university scientists.

Main objectives:

  • establish vegetable oil production;
  • develop practical skills, professional competencies of students;
  • writing of scientific projects and participation in competitions and international projects in priority areas of applied research on the development and improvement of oilseed processing technology and the production of vegetable oils and fats;
  • formation of creative teams from among the leading scientists of the departments and related scientific organizations with the involvement of undergraduates and PhD students for the implementation of projects of national and international programs;
  • participation in the formation of programs and methods of scientific research and monitoring their implementation by responsible performers;
  • search and attraction of promising researchers from among the graduates of the master's and doctoral studies in order to strengthen the personnel potential of the "DB";
  • ensuring integration with scientific institutions and universities of the country, scientific centers of foreign countries;
  • assistance in the promotion of advanced scientific achievements and introduction of the results of scientific research into the educational process;
  • maximum application of the material and technical base of "DB"for the training of highly qualified specialists - design engineers, by attracting senior students to participate in the implementation of research projects;
  • attracting other investments to carry out research in the design bureaus, as well as contracting with business entities;
  • introduction of completed research into production. 


The executor of the international Tempus project "Development and implementation of master's programs in food safety, food production and marketing of traditional products in Russia and Kazakhstan" 2013-2017. 

Articles in 2014-2018. (Articles in top-rated edition included in the Webof Science Resources, Springer Link, Scopus, RSCI, as well as in other scientific journals with non-zero impact factors included in the list of publications recommended by CCES).

  1. Sataeva Zh.I., Sarmanov H.S. Safflower: a new competitive offer in the market of vegetable oils that meet the requirements of the science of nutrition. Materials of the International Technology Conference FASCINATING INDUSTRY-2004 "The Role of Science in the Fat-and-Oil Industry" - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  2. Sataeva Zh.I., Sarmanov H.S. Tendencies and prospects of safflower oil in the market of Kazakhstan. Materials of the 2 nd international conference "MARKET RESEARCH IN THE FROZEN INDUSTRY" - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  3. Sataeva Zh.I., Nauanova A. Influence of the fatty acid composition of safflower oil on the human body. Theses of the reports of the International scientific and practical conference "Auezov Readings -8: scientific achievements - the basis of cultural and economic development of civilization" - Shymkent, 2009, p. 323-331.
  4. Sataeva Zh.I., Nurtayev A.B. Muratkhan M. Complex processing of safflower and its rational non-waste use. 14th International Conference FASCINATING INDUSTRY-2014, October 29-30, St. Petersburg, Russia, p.139-143.
  5. Sataeva Zh.I., Nurtayev A.B. Improving the quality of bakery products based on whey and flax seeds. Journal of International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2016.-№3 (part 1) - p.152-153.
  6. Sataeva Zh.I., Kubasova AN, Manshesov VI, Sataeva Zh.I., Milkova A.A. Use oilcakes oilseeds to produce protein preparations. Journal of International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2016.-№3 (part 2) - p.187.
  7. Akhmetova V.Sh., Mashanova NS, Sataeva Zh.I., Baitukenova S.B. Perfection and technology of production of national product from horse meat. The journal "Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim of Semey", 2-2016.
  8. Sataeva Zh.I., Nurtayev A.B. , Akhmetova V.Sh. Complex use of secondary raw materials - whey and flax seeds in bakery. The journal "Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim of Semey", 2-2016.
  9. Satayeva Zh.I., Nurtayeva A.B. Integrated using whey, flax seed and flower pollen in breadmaking. Magazine «Bulletin of the Kazakh agrotechnical S.Seifullin University, No. 2, 2016. 


  1. Brazier
  2. Oilpress
  3. The vacuum filter
  4. Capacity for hydration
  5. Capacity for neutralization
  6. Capacityfor bleaching
  7. Capacity for deodorization
  8. Steam Generator
  9. Filling oil in bottles
  10. Capping
  11. Laboratory instruments for analyzing the quality of oilseeds and vegetable oil:
  12. Drying cabinet
  13. Muffle furnace
  14. Colorimeter
  15. Water bath
  16. pH meter
  17. chopper
  18. technical scales
  19. distiller
  20. magnetic stirrer
"Experimental production laboratory of public catering (mini bakery)".

Head - Bakhtiyar Rzayev, master of technical sciences, assistant of the Department of «Food Technology and processing products»


Telephone number: 8-702-487-56-21

The main areas of scientific activity:

  • development of new recipes for medical and dietetic bakery products;
  • development of innovative technologies for baursak.

Purposes and objectives

The main aim of the educational bakery is to provide visibility of training and activation of education practice.

The main objectives:

  • conducting laboratory and practical classes for JSC «S.Seifullin KazATU» students, master and doctor degree students in order to improve the practical skills of applying modern technologies for baking production;
  • instruction of technology for the preparation and baking of bakery products from cereal mixtures, premium flour and rye flour;
  • organization and conducting of all types of practices for bachelors and master degree students for the acquisition of professional skills, the preparation of graduate works, dissertations in accordance with modern world trends in the development of the industry;
  • the opening of circles from among the leading academic departments and related scientific organizations with the involvement of masters and doctoral students for the realization of projects of national and international programs;
  • using of results of scientific research in the educational process; the attraction of students, master and doctor degree students to the performance of scientific research work;  the formation of scientific schools;
  • search and recruitment of promising researchers from among the master course students and doctoral studies in order to strengthen the staff potential;
  • ensuring integration with scientific institutions and higher educational institutions of the republic.
  • expansion of cooperation with educational institutions and firms of foreign countries;
  • attraction of other investments for the performance of research work in Experimental and industrial shop for public food and bakery; products as well as the conclusion of contracts with economic entities
  • introduction of completed scientific researching into production. 

Articles in 2014-2018. (Articles in top-rated edition included in the Webof Science Resources, Springer Link, Scopus, RSCI, as well as in other scientific journals with non-zero impact factors included in the list of publications recommended by CCES).

  1. Өндіру және қайта өңдеу кезінде бидайдың наубайханалық қасиеттеріне баға беруді дамыту. / S.B. Yermekbayev, M.M. Kakimov, G. B. Abdilova, Zh. Zhuldugulova / Ambassador of State University after Shakarim of the city Semey, №1 (77), 2017, tome 1, p. 23-26.
  2. Нан-тоқаш өнімнің жаңа түрі. / Ambassador of State University after Shakarim of the city Semey. / B. Baytukenova, A. Toleughazykyzy, G. N. Nurymkhan, N. Muratzhankyzy, A. O. Utegenova / №2(74), 2016, p. 8-11. 

Patents (security documents)

  1. Efficiency of using the technology of combined grain products with the use of sour-milk additives. / Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright №2067, the 28th of August , 2017, IS 009758. / Nurtayeva A.B., Satayeva Zh.I., Mashanova N.S., Nukeshev S.O., Zhanabayev A.A.
  2. Technology of obtaining a bakery product based on milk serum, flax seeds, wheat bran, flower pollen. / Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright №2070, the 28th of August , 2017, IS 009761. / Satayeva Zh.I., Nurtayeva A.B., Akhmetova B. Sh., Mashanova N.S., Nukeshev S.O., Zhanabayev A.A. 


  1. Cold store
  2. Freezer
  3. Production rack
  4. Commodity scales (floor)
  5. Washing bath
  6. Production table
  7. Kneader
  8. Dough rolling machine
  9. Baggetophore machine
  10. Electric stove (with glass doors)
  11. Bakery cabinet (with steam humidification)
  12. Electric stove
  13. Surface frying
  14. Electric frying pan
  15. Electric fryer
  16. Cupboards for personal using 

Factory premises

  1. Locker room
  2. Raw material warehouse
  3. Production area
  4. Warehouse for finished products
  5. Tasting room
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME double degree education
Catalog of university and elective disciplines for the direction of training 6B/7М/8D072 - Manufacturing and processing industries
Development plan of the educational program 8D07201 - "Food Technology" field of study - "Manufacturing and Processing Industries" for 2024-2029
Development plan of the educational program 7M07201 - "Food technology" Educational direction - "Production and Processing Industries" for 2024-2029
Development plan of educational program 6B07201 - "Food technology" under the group of educational programs B068 - "Food Production" for the years 2024-2029
Publications (monographs, recommendations, articles, patents) for 2021-2023
The development plan of EP 6В07201/7М07201/8D07201 – «Technology of food products»
Specificon specialty "Technology of processing productions "
Development plan of the educational program of specialty 5B072800 «Technology of processing productions»
Educational program – 8D07201 – «Food Technology»
Educational program – 7М07201 – «Food technology» – 2 year
Educational program – 6B07201 – «Food Technology»